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Unable to Upload..


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Hi! Well.. My MidiBox64 was running perfect some hours ago.. But i don't know why but it started to malfunctioning. It started to send a SysEx every 2 seconds.. So i uploaded Mios again and now I get this message :

F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

I think it's the aplication request.. but i can't upload Midibox64 anymore..

Plus, when i connect an LCD it reboot every 2 seconds..

What's wrong?

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Hi! Well.. My MidiBox64 was running perfect some hours ago.. But i don't know why but it started to malfunctioning. It started to send a SysEx every 2 seconds.. So i uploaded Mios again and now I get this message :

F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

I think it's the aplication request..

Yes, that's what it is.

but i can't upload Midibox64 anymore..

Why? Did someone steal your mouse? All your fingers were broken in a tragic blimp accident? There's a Mafia thug standing in front of your computer and he won't let you use it?

Saying "I can't upload Midibox64 anymore... what's wrong?" is the same as saying "My car won't start. Why?" to an auto mechanic. No-one here can read minds (well, maybe TK can, but he's not telling us if that's the case. :)). We need more information before that question can be answered. What are you doing? What software are you using to try to upload the Midibox64 application? Do you get any other messages from the core when you try to upload? Have you checked all your MIDI cables? Are your ports routed correctly so you can see MIDI Out messages from the core?

In the meantime, perhaps you should try reading a little - that might just help you solve the problem. Try these for starters: http://www.ucapps.de/mios_bootstrap_newbies.html and http://www.ucapps.de/howto_debug_midi.html.


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One thing to remember.  In MIOS, if the CORE is responding with "upload request" during the file transfer, then the program is NOT being sent (even though MIOS thinks things are going okay and continues to send the incremental chunks until it is done).  Only if you're seeing Checksum messages returned from the core is it actually receiving data from the computer.  Otherwise check your MIDI in on your CORE.

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Maybe your power supply is not strong enough, so that the PIC reboots once the voltage drops below 4.5V? Or one of your pots is not connected correctly, and causes a short circuit.

What happened exactly when you saw the "malfunctions"?

Which tool are you using to upload the application - hopefully MIOS Studio?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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One thing to remember.  In MIOS, if the CORE is responding with "upload request" during the file transfer, then the program is NOT being sent (even though MIOS thinks things are going okay and continues to send the incremental chunks until it is done).

this is an imperfection in MIOS Studio, which I just have fixed last weekend :) (Adam will release a new version soon)

The scenario can happen on a bad MIDI connection.

You are right, the checksum should be doublechecked.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Does it get feedback, when you are uploading the application with the 1st level bootloader (within 2 seconds after power-on)?

In this case, upload MIOS again, ensure that all checksums are displayed (no upload request during upload), and post the content of the log window here

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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P.S.: this won't fix the initial problem btw - you haven't mentioned what you mean with "malfunction" yet, but trying to upload MIOS again was propably not the right thing. If there is a problem with your MIDI interface, or the power supply, you should try solve this first

Please also answer the questions above, each detail is important, otherwise nobody can really help you, just only repeat what has been repeated several times in this troubleshooting section.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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You should really read the answers carefully, because there is an explicit hint to the MIDI troubleshooting guide - it has helped 100tes of people to debug the MIDI interface, and I'm sure that it will also help you!

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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When uploading MIOS again I don't get any feedback. In the in port monitor i can see only the upload request after the hex upload

If this is the case probably your MIDI Out to the core isn't working. The core isn't receiving any of your messages so it just sits there resending the upload request.

As Thorsten said, please answer the questions asked so people can offer more advice. Right now we're just shooting into the dark.


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Sorry for the lack of information. I uploaded Mios and MidiBox64 with success. I've got all checksums OK. After that the Lcd gone crazy displaying random messages, then i re-upload the aplication and now i have no lcd at all, just backlight.

Unfortunately, you're still doing it. Without more information we can't help you.


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Sorry for the lack of information. I uploaded Mios and MidiBox64 with success. I've got all checksums OK. After that the Lcd gone crazy displaying random messages, then i re-upload the aplication and now i have no lcd at all, just backlight.

Sounds like a bad connection to the LCD.    When you start up do you see the MIOS copyright?

by any chance did you also, say, close your case or move it around?  Maybe you're pinching a wire or something like that.  I know that my LCD is pretty messed up when I close my case atm ;).  Does the device *work* and just not the LCD?  Do you get a midi message when you turn on the module?

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Maybe your power supply is not strong enough, so that the PIC reboots once the voltage drops below 4.5V? Or one of your pots is not connected correctly, and causes a short circuit.

hey; i had some problems like this before, when i powered up with lcd connected it would reboot or hang on boot. My adapter was on 7,5 volts, which should be ok, but when i put it on 9V it worked without a problem.

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