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PIC question


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Hi all,

I had serious accident yesterday and I definately burned my PIC16F877-20.

Is it possible to buy new other PIC (18F) and crystal and use it with my current modules (DIN,AIN,LTC,DOUT,CORE) for midibox 64 application or this it totally different thing? (firmware, etc.).

I must admit I don't understand these threads about MIOS & stuff. Should I stick to the old good MBHP and PIC16F877-20?

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Hi Nenad,

yes, you can reuse all the modules, just only replace the chip and the crystal. The "AIN DIN DOUT" test already works fine as Reason controller :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

P.S.: you could order free samples (3 x PIC16F877, 3 x 24LC256, 3 x PIC18F452 ) at the Microchip site.

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Thanks for the reply,

I already know about 'free samples' but not sure if they are mailing to non-EEC countries.

Regarding samples: should MIDIbox NG work only on PIC18F452 or PIC18F458?  ??? I can see that their site listes models PIC18F452-I/P and PIC18F452-I/PT which can be obtained as samples. Are they the same as PIC18F452 ???

I just don't understand what firmware should I burn into PIC18F ? And I am afraid I cannot find instructions for MIOS... :(

Sorry, too much newbie questions... :-/

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Hi Nenad,

sorry, this was a typing error. Yes, PIC18F452 I/P or I/PT are working fine.

Some instructions can be found under Concepts->MIOS->Bootstrap loader.

The short form: use your JDM to burn the bootstrap loader into the PIC. Thereafter you don't need the JDM anymore!

Load MIOS via MIDI, thereafter load an application via MIDI.

The currently provided applications can be found under Concepts->MIOS->Download. And thats only the beginning ;-)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I sure did!

It's a good price for 3x16f877, 3x18f452 and 3 banksticks!!! I could wait about a month, since there is a lot more construction for me to do before starting programming pics!

But out of curiosity, why do they give away their pics, even free shipping by fedex??

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First of all I could be wrong!!

but as I read the datasheads there a difference between the PIC18F452 I/P  & PIC18F452 I/PT.

As I understand it the PIC18F452 I/PT has 44 pins and is shaped like a square (with 11 pins on each side).

Please correct me if im wrong, ´cause I don´t want to cause a fuzz. :-/


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Hi Folks,

I have ordered samples at Microchip.com, too. I chose 3x PIC18F452 I/P (which is the 40-PIN PDIP Version) and 2x 24LC256.

The PIC18F452 I/PT Version comes in the 44-PIN TQFP package, which is shown on page 4 of the PIC18Fxx2 datasheet. On page 331 there is an overview of the abbreviations concerning the type of PIC. The 'I' indicates a -40 to +85°C temperature range.

I'm a bit confused about the number of parts you all ordered from microchip. When I did, there was a maximum of 5 parts you could order within a 90 days' period. Did you make different experiences?

For this is my first entry in this forum I'd like to point out that this is the best electronics page by far that I know on the web (and I get about a lot!  ;) ). Congratulations, Thorsten, for your incredible work and thank you very much for sharing it!

regards, SB

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thanks SB :)

And thanks also for the warning - yes, I was wrong, the I/PT derivative has another package and is not compatible to the MBHP Core module!

Best Regards, Thorsten.

P.S.: I had no problems with ordering more than 5 parts, it wasn't clear if Microchip means "5 pieces" or "5 different chip types", so I just tried it ;-)

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