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The making of a Traktor 3 controller


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The only thing that pisses me of is that I can't make a testrun with this baby untill late tomorow or saturday

Calm down, drink a beer, smoke a j.... and relax  8)

I love this self-made Buttons, often seen on many boxes here, I think its time to make some myself. Is it very difficult to make them ?


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I love this self-made Buttons, often seen on many boxes here, I think its time to make some myself. Is it very difficult to make them ?

It`s not difficult but it`s boring as hell. If you do what you advised to Wise you could maybe find it fun after few of those.  :P ;D

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Totaly agree with Sasha, boooooring wrok on the buttons. And when you got cramp after ten of 100 buttons, it's not so funny.. but.. when it's done it's do home made DIY  ;D Great feeling, and look nice to.

Bye the way, I etched the other transport PCB tonight. Not a 100% result, but with the work of a scalpel it might be good enough to use it.

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Ok, got some work done today  :) Solderd the second transport PCB and tested borth together, first try success at once  ;D

Here is a picture how I solved the interconnection between the boards. It's regular headers where i have puched the pins to one end. Then flat cable and female headers between the cards:


And here are the two boards with every LED turne on. Itäs a bit of mess to the core, but anyway (acrylic caps missing in hte top PCB) 8) 8) 8)


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Sasha: Yes it's a ultrabright LED http://www.elfa.se/pdf/75/07506108.pdf, but i'm just driving it with 6mA. Enough to get your darkvision out of order  8)

jensah: Yes, the caps are illuminated well i think. I have diffused the top of the caps so the light spreads a little better than if it was all clear.

Nice to see other swedish midiboxers here, where do you live ? I'm from Hudiksvall.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, got some work done today. Made the two PCBs for the loop function. Some link-cables and a temporary powerblock thing. A total of nearly 400 holes and approx 500 solderpoints, phuee. The obligatory picture:


Can't wait to try those out tomorow  8)

So, 4 of 12 PCB's finished now.

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My only concern now is my crappy temporary psu. It's a 13.5V AC @ 1A -> DC = 19V -> 7809 -> 7805. It gets overheated after a short time when the led's are lighted.... Need to find a new transformer with lover voltage asap !  :P

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

You know, life is in the way again.... I was in a good workflow, single and spent my freetime as I want. And then.. BIIOPBIIP, sms, then I'm stuck again  :) Damn those girls  ;D

Actually, I have been done some work the last days. Pictures will come soon.

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Come on man, I forgot that this project was rolling at all. I expect it to be done really good.

As wise man say... girls mostly come and go, but midibox stays. :D

It is hard, but necessery to make a good balance between girls and gears. ;)

Awaiting for some pics... Thanks in advance

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LOL, yes, MB get the girls  ;D

Not much, but here are some pics:

First, the pcb for effects. will need three of those. Two for deck A,C and B,D and one for master effect

Second, navigation PCB, need two. One for each deck LCD

Third, 7 of total 12 pcb's made (one unsolderd).

Slooooowly slooowly...




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Hey Sasha. The headers is standard SIL 2.54mm goldplated headers. But i have pushed the pins through the plastic so they just poke out from one end of the plastic. You can see a closeup in some picture from the previous page. This is so i can solder and connect standard female headers on the pins from the solderside of the pcb. If i dont push the pins they will not be long enough. The cap is there to bulk the incoming 5V, then I have 0.1uF SM caps close to each shiftregister on the pcb.

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  • 2 weeks later...


One more FX pcb, the left mixer section and some cables have been built. Obligatory pictures:

8 of total 12 PCB's made now. 1,5 PCB to CAD left.


4 interconnection cables (drillbits, a really good investment over those HSS drills  :o )


Left mixer closeup


Left mixer botton close up:


And now some porno  8)



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Hey Wise, good job. I`m glad you chose midibox over the girls.

I see you have pretty much wire jumpers. Couldn`t you awoid it? It`s not it`s looks bad, they are pain in the ass to solder. I really like interconnection cables... very nice. I usually use hot melted glue for that which ig good but looks so unprofessional.Your are just great.

How things are going with the panel? any changes from the previous design? I usually change so many things if project took longer times. Maybe you could contact MTE (Traktorizer), and integrate some of his features. He is using some cool craphic displays, and I see you have a plenty of room for them.

Glad you`re back, mate. ;)

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He is using some cool craphic displays, and I see you have a plenty of room for them.

hehe, Ill say...inverted blinking messages  ;D  ;D animated things  ;D  ;D Im on it  :)

I love your wiring....its very very clean made.....cant await to see some updates of your baby

Best Regards

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