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i'm not sure i understood the MIOS...


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??? ???

OK, everyone is speaking about the MIOS and the new PIC series... but what are they, precisely???

in another topic replyed me that using the new PIC and mios with my new-build SID module i can add pots to control the synth in realtime with "hardware" knobs.

well... but everything i have to is change my brand new PIC 16F877-20 with the new PIC series???

no changes to the PCB and to the components???

i'm sorry if is a very dummy and stupiud question!! :-[

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Hi Matteo,

you should follow the other postings, because I don't want to repeat myself every time... ;-)

PIC16F: funny, but a lot of limitations. All of my PIC16F firmwares get the best out of this controller, but it is very hard to add even more features

PIC18F: more memory, faster CPU, less limitations, same price. Order some free PIC18F452-I/P at Microchip, exchange the 20 MHz crystal by a 10 MHz crystal and you are ready for the next generation! :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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you should follow the other postings, because I don't want to repeat myself every time... ;-)

you are absolutely right.. sorry...  :P

however, i don't think i will never take myself to upgrade my midbox 16 to a midibox 64 with faders and rotary econders and so on.. now i have just found a LCD on german ebay (i hope it will work when i will mount it) and all i want is to have access to the "snap mode" of my pots.

however, i think i have understood that for SID it should be much better... damn that from distrelec (where i ordered all the things for SID and CORE module) they had not the new generation PIC!! now i have to find it in another way!

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Hi Matteo,

now you will find some more informations about MIOS under Concepts->MIOS->Introduction which should explain the reasons, why the MIOS concept is more useful than the PIC16F solutions :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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