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Cloning vintage synths with MIDIBOX stuff: What ones done and what you want


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I'm impressed with the work over MIDIBOX, this "small" community (but big on ideas) has very interesting stuff and MIDIBOX is a very flexible platform.

I was see that many people used MIDIBOX as a base for cloning vingate synths. I would like to know what ones are cloned thanks to MIDIBOX stuff and some people using it as base of it, but I would like to this being as a "wish list" for saying what ones you want to being cloned and the techie ignorant guys like me knowing if it's possible to do or not.

Cloned vintage synths using MIDIBOX hardware (that I found):

-  Roland TR-909: Thanks to introspectiv.org's 9090

Vintage synths I want to seeing cloned using MIDIBOX hardware:

- Roland CM-64

- Roland MT-32

- Roland SC-55

- Yamaha SY22 + Yamaha TG33

- Some Moog ones.

Non-MIDIBOX stuff (but possible base for MIDIBOX powered ones?):

- Roland TB-303: Carlos Germany (LosDos) version (url not found) and Oakley's TB3030 and TB3031



PS: This kind of info can be a good candidate for wiki, I can help putting it if necessary...

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Hi tim'

Cloning digital synths isn't really worthwhile, if you're going to build a digital synth then you're better off just making something new and if you're going to do that you'd probably want to start a synth manufacturing company ;) It's not really a DIY thing, although there is some - like the work done with the Alesis dev boards... But they're not quite on the scale of any of the synths you mentioned. Not to mention the real thing would be a damn sight cheaper and easier! :)

The moogs might be possible, I'm pretty sure TK runs a moog ladder filter clone.

There's a fair bit of info about midifying analog synths/fx on the wiki and forums and a lot of it is quite recent and advanced, there's a lot to read :) In time, I plan to modify some of the publicly available DIY schematics for specific control by a MIDIBox - I originally started looking at making FX, and then realised that I was basically designing a modular synth. There's a thread on this board about some drum cloning that's going on too, that should be a good source of inspiration.


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Sometimes cloning some vintage synths is more because preservation than "because it's cheaper than buying them", but now some of them are getting more expensive because fscking collectors  >:(

I'm a retrocomputer that loves those 8/16bit oldies and some of them has very good music using vintage synths connected to them. I knowed things like MIDIBOX thanks to the 8bit world :)

You know: it's not a matter of having it, it's a matter of doing the hardware inmortal (like using FPGA for emulating old computers and consoles).

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The FPAAs look promising too.  Field Programmable Analog Arrays.  I think they are the ones on the Alesis development board, right stryd?

I don't think MIDIbox community is all about cloning, I think it is more about originality.  The SID and the FM are not clones, they have opened up enormous new possibilities for these old chips.  A MIDIbox FPAA module would hopefully be just as extended and weird over time :)

There is a lot of activity and websites around for cloning old analogs.  Take a good look around and when you find one you like, add a MIDIbox design to it for control.

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Nah the one on the development board is an AL3101 if memory serves, it's an alesis proprietry DSP, all digital. Not that that's a bad thing IMO, I honestly don't prefer analog over digital as most do.

Those FPAA's are all analog signal path, but the path is programmable so you can build synth circuits with them. Mental. I have absolutely no f*ing idea how they do that but I reckon it's clever as all get out.

But hey, just when I thought they were the best thing since sliced bread, I go visit the site, and stumble across the new product line. FPAA is old news. Check it:

FPAA’s (Field Programmable Analog Array’s) that shares the same input/output structure as the dpASP’s and require a reset before loading a new configuration bitstream.

Anadigm’s dpASPs (dynamically programmed Analog Signal Processors) provide real time dynamic re-configurability that allows the functionality of the dpASPs to be reconfigured in-system by the designer or on the fly by a microcontroller/processor

No more static programming, you can reconfigure the things on the fly from a micro. I waaaant one!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I for one like to have a clone of SCI Pro-One. I thought of building one myself already. The only drawback for me is the intel 8021 uC and its programming software for it. So far I have the schematics, but I'm still searching around for parts, specially the microcomputer.

Anybody heard/read about it? I know that there is a software version that runs on Creamware's DSP's, but I want a hardware version. Is there already such a thing?

thanks in advance..


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Eh.. That Pro-1 is going to be tough.  You will need both CEM3340's and CEM3310's.  The 3340's can still be had for 40-50$ each, but the 3310's are pretty much unobtanium.  Take a look over at emulatorarchive, he had originally planned on doing the Pro-1, but it seems he has come to the same conclusions as me, too many difficult parts.  The only good news there is that you don't need to worry about the uC and logic as MidiBox hardware will do all that nicely.  And if you do happen to find a stock of CEM3310's anywhere, let me know?  Please?

It is possible to just replace the ADSR's with some other discrete circuit, but, alot of the Pro-1's attractiveness came from it's envelopes.  I would gladly help with a project to reverse the 3310's, there should be a patent somewhere (Smith?  Rossum?) detailing how it works.

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Eh.. That Pro-1 is going to be tough.  You will need both CEM3340's and CEM3310's.

After posting that questions, I did end up hitting a wall, when finding those components in the web. I did noticed that the CEM3340's and CEM3310's are very rare now a days.

I will keep looking for those chips..


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  • 8 months later...

Hmm.. perhaps I need to retract my statement about digital envelopes, that little design looks pretty cool!  And it uses non linear curves, which means it might actually sound decent!  I'll have to build one up and see if it passes the ears test  8) 8) Very cool

That VC-LFO looks even better tho!

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You are thinking very much like me now :)

I'm too busy until this summer to seriously consider it, but as my modular gets built I want to add a MBSEQ+CV to it along with a customized MBCV for the creating of midisynched LFO's and complex modulation sources.  Hence.. I'm rather excited about that LFO!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have you considered the x0xb0x for your TB303 needs/urges?  See http://www.ladyada.net/make/x0xb0x/.  The Oakley offering is certainly attractive.  Pity it doesn't seem available anymore.

Oakley have a new 303 style sound module design just released: the TM3030.


I've ordered one - it cost 42UKP, for the board, pot bracket, pre programmed processor and a tempco resistor, (which I always find hard to get).

The Ladyada design looks great, but it's above my price limit at the moment, though considering all the tracing of obsolete parts that went in to it, I guess about £200 delivered to the UK is pretty good.

One of my friends is pushing me to clone him a Synergy. At first it was a flat 'No!', but then I got thinking about their digital oscillator and FPGA, and we're at 'Just maybe'. It would be a hell of a lot of work, but I can remember when the Bell labs GDS was in the literature originally, and lusted after one terribly. The docs say the last version of the Synergy was an improved GDS. The original Synergy  'core' ran on a Z80 with 16K RAM and 32K EPROM..... It's probably almost as powerful as a MIDIbox SID.....

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