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MIDIbox SID control surface, A step


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FYI: MBHP Projects -> MIDIbox SID -> Control Unit

Btw.: the menu navigation has been implemented on a way which allows to reuse the code for other synthesizers. Maybe I should release a "MIDIbox TC V2" with a prepared menu structure for some favourite VST instruments. :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thorsten, do you ever think that with a full complete control surface, that a sequencer could also be implemented off the same 18F main core?

If not, and there was more than one Core available, do you think those functions could be offloaded to another core, which could have sequencer functions to send to the main controller core to trigger the time stepped notes etc.?

best regards,


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Hi Kieran,

well, a simple 1-track/32-step sequencer has already been integrated (the Wavetable sequencer). However, a more complex sequencer should be possible, but it depends on the requirements. A 4-track TB303 style sequencer is very simple and could be added w/o problems. However, there is no place to store more than one pattern, so it would only be usefull for live sessions.

A more complex analog style sequencer like MB64seq requires an additional core.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Bingo! No I forgot to integrate the top-level menu which only shows the bank name, patch number, MIDI channel and which allows to select the patch via encoder. I also forgot the save function --- will be added soon

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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... a more complex sequencer should be possible ... However, there is no place to store more than one pattern, so it would only be useful for live sessions.

Bankstick(s)?  Could the core read more than one at a time (patches/patterns) or switch quickly from one to the other?

Floppy drive ? ;D  Joking now ...

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Mickey: maybe something for Step Z ;-)

I just have updated the MBSID firmware for PIC18F: in the new main page the sound patch can be selected via rotary encoder or inc/dec buttons. The menu is called by pressing any select button. The menu has a new item "SAV" to save (or copy) the patch to the current/a new patch number.

Note also that there is a new bootstrap loader especially for MIDIbox SID (and others) which doesn't stall anymore if note events are received during the startup phase.

see Concept->MIOS->Download

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi Christoffer,

random bugs are the worst case...

However, I finally found it: the software synthesizer part overwrote the multiplication result registers, this crashed the control surface with a probability of 1:500000000 ;-)

Step A3 can now be found under Concepts->MIOS->Download

There is still another issue: when you upload a patch to a BankStick via JSynth, there is a (low) risk of dataloss, caused by the MIOS_BANKSTICK_Write routine which takes longer than on the PIC16F. Reason for this is, that the MIOS version also verifies (read-back & compare) the content. Since this routine has never reported a failure yet, I will add a MIOS_BANKSTICK_WriteFast function to the next MIOS version which runs with the same delay like the PIC16F version and therefore solves the upload problem.

Temporary workaround: upload the patch twice. MIOS surpresses writes to an EEPROM if the data is equal, this gives the application enough time to correct the missing data which have been lost during the first attempt.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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