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Help me resuscitate this old CORE for use with SID


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I have received a CORE and a SID module from another MIDIboxer who decided not to complete the project.  I don't know whether it is tested or not.

The CORE appears to be a CORE R2 from SmashTV.  From everything I can gather, there is a mod required to make this work with MIOS 1.7 and above - or are there two mods required?

The first is a jumper from J4 which presently goes to pin 21 of the PIC, it appears that I will need to connect that to pin 28?  From looking at the module, I see pin 28 is already connected to a pin on J10 and J15.  It looks like I can connect my jumper to one of those points rather easily, otherwise I'd have to desolder the IC socket.  Am I on the right track, or is there an easier way for me to do this?

Also, is there another jumper I'm supposed to relocate for connection to the SID module?  TK mentions it in the MIOS changelog for V1.7, but it doesn't appear to be addressed on Smash's site.

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Hi Thorsten,

Thanks, but the boards are already assembled, with the wire jumper going to pin 22.  I'll change that to pin 28.  Is that the only revision to the CORE I need to worry about?  ... and I assume the only SID revisions are layout-related?

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I must say that I don't have a clear oversight over all the different versions and revisions. You could compare the layout with the schematic in order to find this out. You can also run the interconnection test to check the pinning if you are unsure.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I guess I'm just making sure that the one jumper (moved from pin 22 to 28) is the only hardware rev required for MIOS 1.7 and beyond.

You see, this page on ucapps.de sort of implies that there are two mods (bankstick connection and SID connection) - do I accomplish both of those by moving the one jumper?

(BTW it's a brown board, so it must be V2.  And it has a 10 MHz crystal).

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I guess I'm just making sure that the one jumper (moved from pin 22 to 28) is the only hardware rev required for MIOS 1.7 and beyond.

Yes....Let me add to a the quote from TK in the changelog: "Desolder the cable from junction CORE:J10:SC:PICpin22 and solder it to CORE:J10:MD:PICpin28."

You see, this page on ucapps.de sort of implies that there are two mods (bankstick connection and SID connection) - do I accomplish both of those by moving the one jumper?
It does kind of throw you when you first read it.  ;)

(BTW it's a brown board, so it must be V2.  And it has a 10 MHz crystal).
Cool no heart transplant required.  ;D 



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