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Core not getting AIN data

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Hi All,

I've got a problem with my core - it's not getting any ain data.

I've loaded various apps, currently playing with the ain64_din128_v1_3 app.

I've tried using an AINX4 I've built - no joy, I've checked all the connections ten times over, buzzed all the cables out.

So I've now connected a pot directly to the core.

J5A on the core - VS and VS to the outermost legs on the pot and the center leg going to A0

In both cases, using the AINx4 and directly to the core I'm getting voltage on the pot and it's sweeping up and down like it should.

and I'm still getting nothing, I was expecting lots of random midi stuff at least, as the other pins aren't grounded.....

any suggestions as to what I need to do next in the troubleshooting process??



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What happens, when you remove the 4051 and connect a pot input (e.g. AIN::J1:A0) directly with a Mux output (AIN::J5:A0) - if this doesn't behave like if you connect the pot directly to CORE::J5:A0, you know, that there is a problem with your PCB

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi TK,

Thanks for the reply.

Even with a pot connected directly to the core on J5:A0 I'm still getting no midi data / or any indication on the LCD of AIN activity. The DINX4 I've built works like a dream as does the LCD.

Should I be getting random midi stuff because the A1-3 are unused and ungrounded?

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Yes, you should at least get random MIDI events when you touch your finger on these ungrounded pins.

This is a very basic function, there is no reason why the analog pins shouldn't work (assumed that you haven't changed the firmware). Could it be, that you've destroyed the analog stages inside the PIC during some experiments?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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mmmmmm, It does seem like the whole analogue side of things isn't working...

I put another PIC in there and the same thing -  I guess I might have blown both of them, it would be strange as I've been very careful...

I buzzed all of the pins on J5 to the PIC socket and they are all cool, so I guess the only thing it can be is fried PICs  - doh!

now I need to figure out why the PICs are dying on me....

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