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Midibox Sid Like a Lego Kit!


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2) i've a Pocket Dial with rotary endless encoders. if the cut off, in ex., is at 88 value, first time i turn the pot, it go to 0 first, than starts change values.. there is a way to program MIOS so this not happned, or changeing the type of send data, IncDec or something similar, so it start from the SID value that is?

yes, there is a way to provide Inc/Dec MIDI Events instead of absolute MIDI events, only a small number of changes have to be made in the CC handler of sid_midi.inc - but it would only be a "poor" solution, and would work completely with already available stuff. E.g., the VST plugIn wouldn't work anymore, the master/slave system (if SID slaves are connected to the master), etc...

But does this really make sense to use Inc/Dec events, when you don't know, which value the CC has reached? I would propose to build a complete Control Surface instead searching for a tinkering solution to get the Doepfer controller properly running. The CS is cheaper, but much more powerful anyhow.

And remember, that the CS provides a controller function as well, so that you could sell your Doepfer controller thereafter ;-)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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i've blamed 10 Fuse 200mA, don't know why.

i haven't touch nothing on sid circuit. possible there is a little short around?

now when i powe up sid, there is no start sound and if i play some notes i hear a very few prprprprr.

tomorrow test.

500mA are too much for c64 PSU? 160mA was originals.



tested all cable and circuit, no shorts around.. now all work fine..  ;)

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