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ganchan last won the day on January 8 2015

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About ganchan

  • Birthday 05/18/1978

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    giovanni bastianelli

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MIDIbox Tweaker

MIDIbox Tweaker (3/4)



  1. Which port have the SEQ?
  2. @Smithyi’ve PM you. G
  3. Hello everyone after years of absence (fk Covid). Many years ago, when the 808 batch from "that guy" went ghost, I've worked on a revisited MB808 schematics starting for "that" project that never saw the life. I've spent endless hours over it in 2015-2016 and it is quite finished, just need some professional check since I'm not a professional. My old Eagle license is expired in 2016 and I don't want to renew it since I don't have plans to do schematics in the future. So I am searching for someone that has interest in take over the project, print some board, do debugging with me and complete the project. Yea it's late, many clones have been produced since than but for me it worth a try. I'm attaching the final version, it comes with two different options for the Pots to have more options. As you can see everything is perfectly alined and nicely places. That's all :) Regards G.
  4. maybe i have a spare, let me check!
  5. There is a function for this, you should assign every part of the song to a song position, pushing the 16 buttons and play will start the song from that position, like A1 intro, B1 phrase, C1 phrase2, D4 bridge ecc.
  6. Thank you very much i'll look into that straight way! G.
  7. Hello, i'm switching to OLED on my SammichSID and SammichFM but i can't find anything like the pin header that went with the kits, maybe the base was pushed up to make the base pin longer, my local store doesn't have anything like that and on mouser or digikey i really can't find it, i'm asking for suggestion so. I've attached a photo. Cheers. G.
  8. Hi what program do you use as cad?
  9. I've tried this one but as the manual says the option restart the track when a key/note is played :) I am trying some different sync configurations. G.
  10. Thankyou very much i'll look into that. G.
  11. Hello everybody! Long time no see. How are you all? Here is an hard fight.. So i am recording into the SEQ v4 every pattern i have on other sequencers or synths and rearranging them into songs, very cool , but i have some questions. First thing, while i am recording, in Record Page, Live mode + Autostart on, i'd really like to have an option to stop the the track at the end point (length) so it doesn't loop the pattern. Fast stopping the external sequencer at the end of the pattern it's difficult, some time overwrite the first one or two notes of the loop, if this note happen to be long, the long gate (glide) become short and stops where i've stopped the external sequencer. This should be something like one shot pattern recording. On a Drum track instead i can't figure out the FAST button that activate itself when i switch on this kind of tracks, can't find reference of that, where the ALL button in EDIT mode change values in a Ramp like form if i turn the 1st encoder where the 16th change the values all together. I can understand the use of this option for crescendo but i don't find reference on the guide. Last but not least in the Song mode, the function i use most, should be possible to have an Action where i can choose witch pattern track restart and witch not? More or less like the Mutes Action. Maybe this a global function that can't be triggered per track, so i'm guessing. This will help a lot in the song composition. As i understand the workaround is to write patterns of the same length across the same track, so they switch in time, but what happen if i swich song where a track has a different pattern length? Thansk! G.
  12. I'm searching for a spare 40x2 Green-on-Black Optrex Display, mine got busted on the backlight and changing the smd leds it's quite impossible :) Or two spare of another color same size. Regards. G.
  13. I'm an interested in the seq, i'll PM you :)
  14. interestend in enclosure + panel, can i have some detailed photos of the panels? Regards, G.
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