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Hello All,

Today I'm testing out a board I made for my traktor controller (MB64E) .

As you can see when i plug my board into one of the SR's of the DOUT  Module the lights are lit up.

I only want them to light up when i press them and go out when i press them again.

I searched through the main.asm file and a few other files in the MB64E application but I cant find where to set these prefrences.

say I have a button connected to SR2 Pin 0  on the DIN Module what corresponding pin must I have the LED connected to on the DOUT Module? 

Thanks Alot,






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I've been playing with the MB64.ini lately using the mk_syx to make dump files (see the post right under yours).

I just sent mine a syx to check, but it looks like changing any of the items in the [bUTTONS] section of the ini to "@Toggle", will do what you want. I set my LED_SR to link to the corresponding button shift register, and put them on toggle mode. They now come on when you hit them and stay on until you hit them again.

Hope that helps.

Still wondering about the LED map in that other question if anyone knows, but it looks like Steinberg may have a glitch in the generic remote implementation which is going to screw me up worse than any map could. :-[


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Hey again,

Yeah, they're not actually part of the app zip. They're in that zip bundle on the mk_syx page here:


I think there's one in there for most of the main apps, but I was just using the regular MB64 ini. There's a bunch of good settings in that file, and it builds and dumps to the box really quick.

Take Care

PS- That Perl install was a bit on the heavy side here. I'll look into it later, but I'm guessing the part that we actually must have to build the syx files, may not require everything that was put on there by the install (? ? ?). Sort of like the way MPASM was. I can actually run that from a folder with little more than the exe file.

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Hello again,

Hey Thanks for the info on that mksyx and the ini file,  I played around with that file and was able to make quick changes which i thought was

pretty cool.  But I still cant figure out how to turn off the leds when i hit a button. I tried what you mentioned above but no go.  I have already set traktor to

toggle mode on those buttons so setting toggle in the ini file makes me have to press the button one more time to actually make traktor respond to the button


If you have any more ideas let me know.

Thanks again.


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It won't work if toggle is handled at both sides. Either MB64, or Traktor should toggle the button. Traktor should be prefered, so that the LED is always in-sync with the host setup - if the LED is not set correctly, then this is propably a bug in Traktor.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Yeah, it sounds like you're trying to do what I wanted to do.

As Thorsten says, the host app will turn the light off and on, but for that arrangement, I guess you wouldn't want them tied to the button registers, just to the corresponding MIDI events.

The important part is in getting the right prefs set in the DAW app. Nuendo and Cubase have got a whole assortment of flags you can set, and they default to only "receiving" the MIDI signals from the controller. If you set the transmit flag, they'll spit the same message out whenever the item's status changes. Well, they would in a perfect world, but evidently they don't in this one. Turns out they only put one out when the change is made from the computer (with the mouse or keys). If you toggle an item from your remote, the status changes in the program, but nothing goes out, and your lights are then out of sync. I've been meaning to get in here and see if anyone could come up with anything good on the MIDIBox side of it, to make the setup work right, but I'm afraid it's on the developer. I'm thinking, in my case, maybe using an emulation mode would work, but I wish I could stay in generic.

Sorry for the subject changing sob story, but it's all related I guess. I hope your program is better about it than mine. ;)


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Traktor should be prefered, so that the LED is always in-sync with the host setup

Hello TK,

Yes I have Traktor set to toggle. But I'm now trying to get the code that toggles my leds on/off when i press a button on my box.

I was taking a look at the ain64_din128_dout128_v1_3 app, and was wondering if i could insert the whole

USER_DIN_NotifyToggle section of that app into the MB64E app and would that solve my issue.

This is why i thought maybe it can work.



;; now toggle the appr. DOUT LED

movf TMP3, W ; button number has been saved in TMP3. This is also the LED number

IFCLR TMP4, 0, call MIOS_DOUT_PinSet1 ; if button has been pressed (value = 0V = CLR): LED on

IFSET TMP4, 0, call MIOS_DOUT_PinSet0 ; if button has been depressed (value = 5V = SET): LED off

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There is an even easier solution: just configure the right LED mode in MB64E (I assumed in my posting that you are already aware of this possibility)

See also http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=4981.0

See also http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=6039.0

So, you want to display the MIDI status, and not the button status with the LEDs, which means, that the LED modes should be set to 16..23

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Dear Thorsten,

I tried those settings in the MB64e ini file and i still can't get the lights to go out  :-\

I was playing around all night long trying different settings in that file and still no go.

Here is what I did.

1) Downloaded MB64e application and sent to my box.

2) Downloaded Mksyx and sent the MB64e ini file to my box with the settings you suggested.

Since Traktor dosent send out midi msg I didn't think using the midi status received would do what I want, but I tried anyways. (But maybe I don't understand fully)

I did however download the midio128 Application and i was able to push a button on my box and the light went on but then went out when i released the button. Unfortunately I don't want to use that application. I need the MB64e Application.

If you can find a little extra time in your schedule to help me make some changes to the MB64e app.

I would very much appreciate it. I'm getting frustrated because I don't want to continue finishing my box (Designing the rest of my boards) until I understand fully what I'm doing with the led situation.  :)

One mistake i know i did and have to correct, is connecting the buttons on the din with the with the

same pinning on the dout. because when i used the midio128 application, I would press a button and a light from a different button lit up.

Thanks again,


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Short question: are you using the buttons in OnOff, OnOnly or Toggle mode?

Because in OnOff they should behave very similar to MIDIO128 (the same routines are used) - the only difference is, that MIDIO128 uses a mixed form of the LED modes - LEDs are turned on/off with the buttons AND via external MIDI events (if enabled)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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to which DOUT Shift Registers are your LEDs connected, and what are your modifications in the .asm file?

So far I remember, adaptions have to be made in following lines:

; --> define the DOUT registers which are connected to the LED rings here:
; --> the shift registers are counted from one here - means: 1 for the first, 2 for the second, etc...
; --> please mark unused ledrings with 0
#define LEDRINGS_SR_ENC1_16_CATHODES_1  1      ; first shift register with cathodes of the first 16 LED rings
#define LEDRINGS_SR_ENC1_16_CATHODES_2  2      ; second shift register with cathodes of the first 16 LED rings
#define LEDRINGS_SR_ENC1_16_ANODES_1    3      ; first shift register with anodes of the first 16 LED rings
#define LEDRINGS_SR_ENC1_16_ANODES_2    4      ; second shift register with anodes of the first 16 LED rings
#define LEDRINGS_SR_ENC17_32_CATHODES_1 0      ; first shift register with cathodes of the first 16 LED rings
#define LEDRINGS_SR_ENC17_32_CATHODES_2 0      ; second shift register with cathodes of the first 16 LED rings
#define LEDRINGS_SR_ENC17_32_ANODES_1  0      ; first shift register with anodes of the first 16 LED rings
#define LEDRINGS_SR_ENC17_32_ANODES_2  0      ; second shift register with anodes of the first 16 LED rings

#define LEDRINGS_SR_ENC33_48_CATHODES_1 0      ; first shift register with cathodes of the first 16 LED rings
#define LEDRINGS_SR_ENC33_48_CATHODES_2 0      ; second shift register with cathodes of the first 16 LED rings
#define LEDRINGS_SR_ENC33_48_ANODES_1  0      ; first shift register with anodes of the first 16 LED rings
#define LEDRINGS_SR_ENC33_48_ANODES_2  0      ; second shift register with anodes of the first 16 LED rings
#define LEDRINGS_SR_ENC49_64_CATHODES_1 0      ; first shift register with cathodes of the first 16 LED rings
#define LEDRINGS_SR_ENC49_64_CATHODES_2 0      ; second register with cathodes of the first 16 LED rings
#define LEDRINGS_SR_ENC49_64_ANODES_1  0      ; first shift register with anodes of the first 16 LED rings
#define LEDRINGS_SR_ENC49_64_ANODES_2  0      ; second shift register with anodes of the first 16 LED rings

; This DOUT map allows you to customize the MB64E application to different hardwares
; The MB64E dump structure allows the use of up to 64 LEDs, they are grouped to 8 LEDs per shift register
; Define the used shift registers for the LEDs here
; the shift registers are counted from one - means: 1 for the first, 2 for the second, etc...
; mark unused LED groups with 0
        ;; NOTE: by default, the first four DOUT shift registers are used for the encoders
#define DEFAULT_DOUT_SR_PIN_01_08      5
#define DEFAULT_DOUT_SR_PIN_09_16      6
#define DEFAULT_DOUT_SR_PIN_17_24      7
#define DEFAULT_DOUT_SR_PIN_25_32      8
#define DEFAULT_DOUT_SR_PIN_33_40      9
#define DEFAULT_DOUT_SR_PIN_41_48      10
#define DEFAULT_DOUT_SR_PIN_49_56      11
#define DEFAULT_DOUT_SR_PIN_57_64      12

So, which values did you specify in your .asm file?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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If you set the transmit flag, they'll spit the same message out whenever the item's status changes. Well, they would in a perfect world, but evidently they don't in this one. Turns out they only put one out when the change is made from the computer (with the mouse or keys). If you toggle an item from your remote, the status changes in the program, but nothing goes out, and your lights are then out of sync. I've been meaning to get in here and see if anyone could come up with anything good on the MIDIBox side of it, to make the setup work right, but I'm afraid it's on the developer.

Nah that's on the end user (that'd be you hehe)

Route the midi which is output from your controller into your PC, back out of your PC and into the controller. Fixed :)

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Yeah, someone in the Nuendo forum already suggested setting up a "thru" arrangement, but it was messy. I didn't mess with it long, but to begin with, I found out you had to set up a dummy track and put it in record mode just to get started. It seemed mainly set up for recording MIDI tracks (not really controller stuff). I'll look into it again later, it just struck me as weird that it would totally ignore the same changes when they were made from an outboard control. I'm not sure it's worth it for them to get into adding anything to it though. They've got guys in there with WK Audio ID controllers and what not. >:( >:(

On the plus side, it's supposed to be sharing a bunch of code with Cubase these days, so perhaps it would be helpful to a few of them. I'd guess all the controllers with dedicated drivers (or emulated ones) have nice, solid two-way updates happening from the DAW. Most generic users probably aren't dealing with a bunch of outboard LED's on the receiving end either.

Admittedly, I still don't know much about the MIDIBox's emu apps. Maybe one of them would do the trick. Damn shame for this EQ thing I made (three friggin' lights total).

Take Care,

George  ---- apologies again for the off-topic, Villadon ;) 

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Nah man you do the routing in your midi interface - it should never even reach windows, let alone your application. I don't know if the lower end interfaces allow for that kind of thing though, maybe that's why you tried to do it in software...

The current versions of cubase are drawn from nuendo (pre-nuendo cubase was a port of the mac version, only post-nuendo cubase versions are windows-native) so they do share a lot of code.

Anyway you're right, this is OT.... Sorry Villa'

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Ok just to make sure I'm correct here,  this is what I got:

4 Buttons, 2 Encs on SR2 of DIN

8 Buttons on SR3 of DIN

The built in LEDs on the 4 buttons are connected to SR1 DOUT

and the 8 buttons are connected to SR2 of DOUT

I made these changes with no success.

#define DEFAULT_DOUT_SR_PIN_01_08      1

#define DEFAULT_DOUT_SR_PIN_09_16      2

#define DEFAULT_DOUT_SR_PIN_17_24      0

The rest are set to '0' also

Any Ideas?


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Works perfectly  ;D

Thanks so much

One more question if you don't mind,

I'm using R3 DIN and DOUT boards from smash and the pins don't seem to match up 1:1

Example: When I have a button connected to D0 on the DIN, and the LED to D0 On the DOUT, the LED connected to D4 of the DOUT Lights up

Here is how they map out for me.



D0 >>> D4

D1 >>> D5

D2 >>> D6

D3 >>> D7

D4 >>> D3

D5 >>> D2

D6 >>> D1

D7 >>> D0

Is this an issue with my settings or is that the way to pinning is supposed to be.

Thanks a bunch,


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