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Single SID w/ Step A Control Unit: Select 5 Button Behavior *FIXED*


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The #5 Select button is behaving peculiarly. If I am in a submenu (i.e. the OSC sub-menu), then it operates as it should. However, if I am in the main menu, then it does nothing. Currently I scroll over to the right one so that I can access what I was attempting to access (i.e. the MOD menu) with the Select 4 button.

I have observed, through all of this, that if the left arrow icon is showing (indicating that there are more options to scroll to towards the left), then the Select 5 button will do what it is supposed to do. If, however, the arrow icon is not present, then the select 5 button does nothing. I've double checked the wiring and the soldering of the appropriate resistor netork and IC.

Currently, I cannot access the Save submenu because it is all the way over to the right, and the select 5 button doesn't want to work in this scenario. Also, FWIW, I do not currently have any Banksticks (3 on the way)...if it matters.

Any ideas?



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TK, I'm using the latest MIOS and Sid releases. I'm using the '6851' .hex file. I'm using a 4x20 LCD.

Rio, as far as the button values, I'll have to wait until probably tomorrow before I can get that. But, FWIW, I'm using one of the pre-compiled setups that came with the latest MB_Sid release. I have made *no* modifications. All of my modules are SmashTV modules. I currently have the 6 buttons and 1 rotary encoder all wired up to J3.

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This is really strange.

Could you please post detailed step-by-step instructions how to reproduce this behaviour?

1) power-on MIDIbox

2) press select button 1

3) scroll with the encoder completely to the end of the main menu page

4) press 5th select button

Is this how you are trying it, or is there something between step 1) or 2) (or between the other steps?)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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This is really strange.

Could you please post detailed step-by-step instructions how to reproduce this behaviour?

1) power-on MIDIbox

2) press select button 1

3) scroll with the encoder completely to the end of the main menu page

4) press 5th select button

Is this how you are trying it, or is there something between step 1) or 2) (or between the other steps?)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

Sure will. I'm going to say, off the cuff, that this is the correct sequence, but I will double-check later tonight or, at the latest, tomorrow.



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Okay. Here the sequence...

1. apply power

2. press 1st select button (although pressing any the 5 select buttons accomplishes the same thing)

3. scroll w/ encoder to end of main page

5. press 5th select button

6. this sends me back to the main menu page, w/ 'OSC FIL LFO ENV MOD ->' visible

7. if I select 'OSC' w/ select 1, then I'm taken to the OSC submenu, it is as it should be, complete with '->' at the far right.

8. if I press the 5th select button, then I'm taken back again to the main page

HOWEVER, the '->' is no longer visible at the far right. Furthermore, I cannot scroll.

9. now, with no arrow visible, if I press the 5th select button to select MOD, then it works. At this same point (i.e. after step '8'), if I choose one of the other four select buttons, then the arrow returns and I can scroll again. However, pressing the 5th select button does nothing.



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Could you please post detailed step-by-step instructions how to reproduce this behaviour?

1) power-on MIDIbox

2) press select button 1

3) scroll with the encoder completely to the end of the main menu page

4) press 5th select button

Just FYI, I tried this with v1.7303 and it behaved as I would have expected, taking me to a display which reads:

[tt]B#  P#  do!

A120 Stacco4[/tt]

As far as additional info goes, it's MIOS v1.9 on a PIC18F4620 recompiled to use IIC_MIDI for output. MB_SID has also been recompiled to match my button layout. That is, nothing special at all.


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Okay. Put in my first bankstick--the formatting process executed perfectly. While I was soldering the connection for the bankstick, I double checked my soldering between the DIN and the CORE module, and I can't see any errors. I could be missing something, but by now I've quadruple or quintuple-checked them. I switched out the shift register as well to see if that could be it, but it is still behaving in the same strange manner.

As I've said previosly, I'm using the most recent SmashTV boards. Can someone verify something for me? I have the J9 of the CORE soldered to J1 of the DIN. On Smash's Core module, the 5 connections are in the right column, but on his DIN module, the SI connection is on the left column of J1, while the other four connections are on the right column...right?

I'm going to try and reload the SID .hex file and see what happens.



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I don't know SmashTV's variant so good, therefore I cannot help here so much.

But you could just compare your wiring with the original schematic. You can follow the tracks from the 74HC165 to the terminals of your board in order to find out the right pinning

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Okay. Put in my first bankstick--the formatting process executed perfectly. While I was soldering the connection for the bankstick, I double checked my soldering between the DIN and the CORE module, and I can't see any errors. I could be missing something, but by now I've quadruple or quintuple-checked them. I switched out the shift register as well to see if that could be it, but it is still behaving in the same strange manner.

As I've said previosly, I'm using the most recent SmashTV boards. Can someone verify something for me? I have the J9 of the CORE soldered to J1 of the DIN. On Smash's Core module, the 5 connections are in the right column, but on his DIN module, the SI connection is on the left column of J1, while the other four connections are on the right column...right?

I'm going to try and reload the SID .hex file and see what happens.

Just as a suggestion, connect just the Core and SID modules, and hook the core to something which will allow you to listen to the audio output. If you have a BankStick, Core, and SID connected, the SID will play a short set of tones upon power on. Similar tones will be played when the BankStick is unplugged. These tones are generated by the SID and, in my opinion, a very simple way to test to see if the SID is 'listening' to the Core.

Also, try the mbsid_interconnection_test_b.zip. This will let you know if your Core is properly communicating with the SID. (Instructions are included in the file's source -- main.asm I believe.)

If it is, then look at the DIN module. Just break the problem down so you can validate everything one part at a time, then you'll eventually come across one which isn't right.


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The strange thing is that, aside from the Select 5 button's behavior, my synth is working just fine. I get the tone from the SID when it detects the bankstick, I did the interconnection test earlier on--troubleshooting a different problem. I'm pretty convinced that the error is located in the path between the core and the din module, I just can't seem to locate it.

I'll keep looking,

Thanks Steve and TK for your feedback,


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The strange thing is that, aside from the Select 5 button's behavior, my synth is working just fine. I get the tone from the SID when it detects the bankstick, I did the interconnection test earlier on--troubleshooting a different problem. I'm pretty convinced that the error is located in the path between the core and the din module, I just can't seem to locate it.

I apologize, sorry. I was pretty tired when I wrote that... Can you post your mios_tables.inc and cs_menu_io_tables.inc?

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You have a step-A control surface, right? Only a single rotary encoder and six buttons? (I'm confirming this.)

Do you have a DINX1 and the six buttons / rotary encoder connected to it?

To which input are each button and the rotary encoder connected?

The next thing I would try is 0-ing out all the inputs which you aren't using in those two files and recompiling.

I can do this for you if you'd like, but I need to know the exact hardware setup you have.

If you want to see what modifications were made for my Step A MIDIbox SID (what I believe to be a very similar setup), look here: http://www.nuxx.net/wiki/MIDIbox_SID-NUXX_-_MIOS_Changes


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I don't think that it is required to build a new .hex file

My thoughts were just that maybe somehow his config was causing something odd to happen, and using a .hex file which can be proven to work on mine on his would definitively say that it is hardware or not?

I know it's a bit redundant, but I was trying to troubleshoot all paths, even those which should be okay.


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The prebuilt .hex files are used by most people, and not at least by myself. Therefore the propability is very low, that we are hunting for a software issue. Charles is using the default hardware setup...

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I'm using Smash's Core_R4 and Smash's Din_R3. I'm using Control Surface A w/ rotary encoder. The 6 buttons and 1 rotary encoder are all hooked up to J3.

Encoder is on D0 and D1; Menu is on D2; Select 5 through 1 are on D3 through D7, respectively. They are all connected to J3, Vs.

TK, I'll try to use the MIDIO128 app to make sure that everything is square.

Thanks all,


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The prebuilt .hex files are used by most people, and not at least by myself. Therefore the propability is very low, that we are hunting for a software issue. Charles is using the default hardware setup...

Hmm, yeah... I guess I am probably overthinking it a bit.


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I don't think that it is required to build a new .hex file

If there is an hardware issue, it's easier to debug this with the MIDIO128 application - all buttons should trigger a single MIDI event, see also http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=din_module

Best Regards, Thorsten.

Okay. The 'Select #5' and 'Menu' button DIN connections are at ~3.3V when not pressed, and they go down to ~ 0V when pressed. Hmmmm.


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