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Motorfader connection


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I just wonder about the connection from the motorfader driver board to the fader. ???

Is output M11 positive and M12 ground to move the fader towards max level.

M11 ground and M12 positive to move the fader towards min level.

or is it the other way around.

As I am making a PCB board to mount my fader on, so I need to know it.


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Hey Thorsten

I don't fully agre about the type of fader.

I know how my fader works, but how does the PIC work.

The fader has VCC in one end, the max. end and GND in the other, min., so the voltage out will get higher if the fade move toward the max end.

What I need to know is, If the PIC need to move the fader towards the max end will the VCC come out of M11 or M12.

By knowing that and testing the motor polarity I can find out how the make the connection on the PCB.



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Ok, I will open the case of my MIDIbox LC in order to find out which polarity I used (documentation will be published in the next days). But it doesn't really matter. As I wrote: you just only have to exchange the two cables to the motors if you choose the wrong polarity. In worst case - if you finished your PCB and didn't use flexible cables - I could build an option into MIOS which allows to invert the polarity via software. ;-)

Faders: Vdd should be on the upper end, so that the analog pin receives +5V when the fader is at max position.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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