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Toneburst MIOS Upload Issues Thread 1


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Ok. I can see that that midi connection diagram couldnt do much good to you. I hope you dont feel i was talking down to you. After all, it was a problem i had myself.

Anyway. About the midi loop test. Its really easy.

TEST PC2: ensure that the MIDI interface of your computer is working: loopback the MIDI Out of your PC to the MIDI In of your PC and send any SysEx dump by using the "Send/Receive SysEx" function of MIDI-Ox. The number of sent bytes must match with the number of received bytes. If it doesn't match, search for a new driver for your MIDI interface/sound card. If not available, you can possibly fix this problem by lowering the Low Level Output Buffer size (normaly set to 2048) and by increasing the output delay (normaly set to 0 ms) in the MIDI-Ox SysEx configuration menu

You just have to take a midi cable and plug it in between your input and output on the usb device... Or is it something else that is causing you problems here?


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Hi Carsten,

Ok. I can see that that midi connection diagram couldnt do much good to you. I hope you dont feel i was talking down to you. After all, it was a problem i had myself.

I think connecting a panel-mount MIDI socket is worth a try actually, since it connects to different traces on the PCB. So it was a good suggestion, and don't worry about 'talking down' to me. I didn't think your message came across as patronising at all. I'm really glad you took the time to prepare the diagram for me, and I'm sorry that in my reply I didn't acknowledge this. I'm afraid to say that I'm not the most patient person when it comes to tracking down errors. I do bits and pieces of (very basic) coding in PHP, JavaScript and Flash Actionscript, and always end up getting really annoyed with it- until either suddenly something clicks and I realise where the problem is, or some kind soul puts me out of my misery.

I will try the loopback test again when I get home. It was more the entering the sysex info and comparing the output and input that I couldn't get the hang of. Also, I seem to be getting a lot of crashes in MIDI-Ox. Did you try sending a whole sysex file and comparing input and output, or just sent a single line of sysex code? I'll RTFM and see if it becomes clearer ;-)

Thanks again Carsten,



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Panel mounting everything used to be a favorite of mine, but the wiring is that kills you.

Also, panel mounted pots + switches turn if they are roughed with... Meh and meh. Always go with ease over convienience... I get my panel tonight hopefully! Also, good luck with upload

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Hi Toneburst

I recently resolved a problem which seems very similar to what you are describing

my core was being powered by a 9volt battery, which was going flat.  as the core was rebooting due to low voltage, it was sending partial signals which mios studio was interpreting as single byte signals

try checking the voltage at core:j2.  i found that the reboot is programmed to occur if the voltage drops to about 4.5 volts.  btw the battery was supplying 7.5 volts before the bridge rectifier and voltage regulator.

my solution was to connect the core to a transformer wall adaptor and it now works without any problems (other than a hot voltage regulator, but thats a different story)

alternatively you could try a fresh battery

just so that you know, i originally thought i was somehow uploading corrupted programs to the core and went through a serious process of redownloading and reinstalling mios studio, and the mios programs i was using to test my cores.  at one point i was afraid that i somehow damaged the pics by some unknown means.


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Hi OrganGrinder,

thanks for your suggestions. A couple of people have suggested possible PSU issues, actually. I'm not going to discount the idea, as I did build my own 'Optimised PSU' using the circuit diagram at http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_4xsid_c64_psu_optimized.pdf

I'm a newbie, so it's quite possible I wired something up incorrectly, or used some of the wrong components. On the other hand, two things make me think it's not a power-supply issue:

1. My voltmeter measures a steady 5.17V at the output of the PSU, and I tested the voltage across the pins of the PIC socket before I inserted the chip.

2. The Core is sending out upload reqests every 2 seconds, whatever I send to it. This is consistent with it not receiving anything from the computer. I'd expect it to send out upload requests at more irregular intervals if it was crashing and rebooting.

My logic may be faulty here though...

I have a suspicion that something is wrong with my computer/MIDI interface.

I've nearly finished putting together one of Mike's MIDIShop's Core kits, so as soon as that's ready, I'll swap the PIC over and see if I can get it to work in the new board. If it doesn't I guess that narrows the problem down to being related to the PSU, the PIC, or something at the computer end.

Or a combination of all three...



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I know answering my own post seems a bit like talking to myself, but here goes anyway...

I'm really running out of things to try here. Last night, I completed my second Core module, this time I bought the PCB from Mike's MIDIShop (excellent speedy delivery, incidentally). I forgot to add a PIC to my order, so I reused the one from my first SmashTV Core module. Otherwise, everything is new. I also managed to find a 5V wallwart I didn't even know I had so I could eliminate PSU issues from my enquiries.

STILL... DOESN'T... WORK...............

Tried 2 different USB MIDI interfaces on my MacBook Pro (NI Kore, Midimac MIDISport 2x2).

Tried booting into MacOS X (10.4.8 if it makes and difference) and uploading via MIOS Studio.

Tried booting into Windows XP SP2 and uploading via MIOS Studio.

Tried the send/receive SYSEX loopback test in MIDI-OX. Fails with both interfaces (I get an error message saying something like 'the port is trying to send something, please wait until it has finished and try again'). A couple of times I have been able to send and receive a SYSEX file, but not all the bytes sent have made it back to the MIDI input. I've tried adjusting buffer settings as suggested in the MIDI Interface Troubleshooting guide


Incidentally, the SYSEX file I'm using is a random file I found on the WWW- think it contains some patch data for a Korg synth. In terms of the loopback test, I don't think it matters what it is, does it?

So... I tried the same two interfaces on another computer. Upload fails in MIOS Studio, with the usual error message. This Mac won't boot into Windows, so I can't run MIDI-OX.

I have a third Mac, a PowerMac G5, but MIOS Studio doesn't work on this machine (the GUI is broken, and you can't connect MIDI interfaces to the MIOS Studio In and Out ports). This machine has a PCI-based MIDI interface (part of the M-Audio Delta 1010 I have connected to it), so if I could get hold of a sysex version of MIOS, I could try uploading it with a SYSEX tool like Sysex Librarian from there.

I've tried different MIDI cables, so I don't think this is the problem.

I've checked the polarity of the diode and the value of the resistors.

Soldering looks OK.

Voltages are correct.

Optocoupler is correct way round. I'm assuming the small dot indicates pin 1....

It seems likely that it IS a problem with MIDI on my computers. The only other common factor is the PIC. I'm getting another one from Mike (though I think he's awaiting delivery of a new batch himself at the moment), so I'll soon be able to eliminate the posibility of a bad chip. If I can't upload MIOS via SYSEX transfer using another application on the G5, I think I'm screwed.... :(

Anyone any ideas?

Anything at all I could try?

Thanks for all your help guys. I desperately hoping I've missed something obvious here...




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I've tried my one remaining untried MIDI interface now.

My Emagic AMT-8 doesn't work either. Now I'm really screwed- I have nothing else to try......

What do you think guys: should I just give up entirely and take up gardening or something?

Just to recap-

I've replaced the entire Core PCB and all components except the PIC with a new one

I've run all the debug tests

I've tried 3 different MIDI interaces, by 3 different manufacturers, in 2 different OSes and on 2 different computers

I've tried changing MIDI cables

I've tried 2 different PSUs

Nothing I have done makes any difference- I still get exactly the same error messages in MIOS studio- 'unexpected upload request'...

I'd be really really really grateful if someone out there could think of anything at all I could try. It's been nearly 2 weeks since I hit this brick wall....

Maybe someone can upload MIOS and the SID application for me.....

It looks increasingly as though I'm never going to get it to work here...




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I've been lurking a while... might as well add my 2 cents (and a fresh pair of eyes)


I know answering my own post seems a bit like talking to myself, but here goes anyway...

Explaining something makes you fully understand it. And it's cathartic.

Tried the send/receive SYSEX loopback test in MIDI-OX. Fails with both interfaces (I get an error message saying something like 'the port is trying to send something, please wait until it has finished and try again'). A couple of times I have been able to send and receive a SYSEX file, but not all the bytes sent have made it back to the MIDI input.

Just to clarify, exactly what "loopback" test was this?

Did you plug a MIDI cable directly between MIDI In and MIDI Out on your computer's MIDI adapter?? If you've done this, confirm you get "local echo" (play some notes on the keyboard, or send SysEx or parameter changes or whatever, and confirm the MIDI In and Midi Out monitors show the same stuff).

MIOS Studio is written in Java and some people have trouble with the MIDI drivers in Java, and suggest using MIDI Yoke to solve the problem... creating a routing between the "virtual" MIDI Yoke ports and the real MIDI ports.

Did you confirm the ID programmed in the PIC is the same as the ID you are using to upload? (You've probably checked this, the PIC's ID is sent in the upload request).

I feel sorry for you and know how frustrating it can be to debug something like this. You can always post the Core to me and I'll confirm it's a PIC or PCB issue and not your MIDI interfaces!

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I had a closer look at your last posted upload message log...

Starting upload of mios_v1_9c_pic18f452.hex

Hex file contains code in MIOS range, forcing reboot!

Received Upload Request

Received SysEx message of less than 8 bytes

Sending block 00000400-000004FF

Received error code 0C: MIDI IN Frame Error

This was an expected error - please ignore!

Received error code 0C: MIDI IN Frame Error

Received SysEx message of less than 8 bytes

Sending block 00000500-000005FF

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Sending block 00000500-000005FF

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Sending block 00000500-000005FF

Received SysEx message of less than 8 bytes

Received unexpected MIOS SysEx message = 40000140000E0C01F7  expected = 00007E4000

Received unexpected MIOS SysEx message = 40000140000E0C01F7  expected = 00007E4000

Received SysEx message of less than 8 bytes


Aborting after 16 errors

This was strange to me:

Received unexpected MIOS SysEx message = 40000140000E0C01F7  expected = 00007E4000

MIOS Studio reports receiving a "MIOS SysEx Message" so the complete message would have been something like:

"F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 40 00 0E 0C 01 F7"

which looks suspiciously like two messages merged, the upload request:

"F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 " (missing "F7" at end)

and a frame error:

"40 00 0E 0C 01 F7" (missing "F0 00 00 7E" at start)

Now this could just be a dodgy "merging" of SysEx messages in the Java MIDI drivers... or maybe something wierd on the PIC... I don't really know... but you should at least try using MIDI Yoke routing tricks to see if this at least gets rid of the "unexpected MIOS SysEx messages" so all you get are just framing errors. Similarly, these "Received SysEx message of less than 8 bytes" suggests there's something wierd going on in the SysEx receive buffers... that some kind of merging is occurring... hmm...

Can you try using MIOS Studio and also post a dump of the MIDI In monitor as well as the upload log?

So let's for a moment assume the framing errors are valid. The framing errors might be happening in two directions - bytes might be dropped from PIC to computer... perhaps a cause of this merging

Framing errors might be happening if the baud rate is not the same between the PIC's UART and the computer's UART. Since the baud rate is relative to the PIC's clock, and thus it's crystal and oscillator configuration, if the crystal is dodgy then that might be the cause... or even if the PIC's configuration bits weren't correct... the computer's UART might be tolerant of the PIC sending data slighly out of sync...

The other possibility is that the PIC is receiving data but due to a faulty optocoupler, wiring, soldering or PCB fault, the bits it's receiving aren't right... the start/stop/parity bits of the serial data are wrong, the UART can't make sense of a random bitstream and throws up framing errors.

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Hi Wilba,

thanks very much for your detailed reply.

Unfortunately, I'm at work at the moment, so I can't do any more tests right now.

I do know that recently, I haven't been getting Framing errors though, I now just get unexpected upload request errors, as if the PIC wasn't receiving anything. The upload request seems to be send every 2 seconds, whatever I try to send to the Core board.

I'm pretty sure it's not a problem with the optocoupler, as I've tried 3 different ones now. Unless I have it in the wrong way round, of course. As I said in a previous post, I've assumed the mark in one corner of the chip indicates PIN 1

If I could find the hex2syx perl script I could try uploading MIOS using Sysex Librarian from one of the Macs. Maybe you or someone else could send me MIOS as a syx file so I could give that a go?

As for soldering/construction errors; it's definitely a possibility, as I'm not the World's greatest solderer, and will admit to not really knowing the first thing about micro electronics. However, I've made up 2 of the Core PCBs now (one SmashTV v.4 board and one v.3 board from Mike's MIDIShop), and get the unexpected upload request error in both cases. I only actually got the framing errors on a couple of occasions, with the 1st, SmashTV board.

I have the boards here at work with me now (I popped home and got them- don't tell my boss), so I'll try some more tests here, and get back to you.

Thanks again,



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OK, here's the output of the MIDI Out and Upload windows.

My Setup this time is:

PowerMac G5 Dual 2.3GHz / MacOS 10.4.8

MIOS Studio latest Beta

Steinberg USB2MIDI interface (not tried this one before)

Plumstone Java MIDI extension

This is the 2nd, Mike's MIDIShop board

Incidentally, I don't know if this is a seperate issue, but the LCD keeps screwing up. Sometimes it displays the row of bars, as it should, but sometimes it displays other stuff, sometimes just a single line of pixels, other times more blocks, with lines through them and randomised-looking portions. I did plug in the LCD cable the wrong way round when I first connected it. It got quite hot so I unplugged it as quickly as I could. It was subsequently fine, when replugged the right way round, but a couple of days later it started to screw up. Could this indicate a problem with the PIC, maybe?

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Upload Window:

Starting upload of mios_v1_9c_pic18f452.hex

Hex file contains code in MIOS range, forcing reboot!

Received Upload Request

Sending block 00000400-000004FF

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Sending block 00000500-000005FF

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Sending block 00000500-000005FF

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Sending block 00000500-000005FF

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Sending block 00000500-000005FF

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Sending block 00000500-000005FF

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Sending block 00000500-000005FF

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Sending block 00000500-000005FF

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Sending block 00000500-000005FF

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Sending block 00000500-000005FF

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Sending block 00000500-000005FF

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Sending block 00000500-000005FF

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Sending block 00000500-000005FF

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Sending block 00000500-000005FF

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Sending block 00000500-000005FF

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Sending block 00000500-000005FF

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Aborting after 16 errors

MIDI Output Window:

timestamp [unknown] | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 F7

timestamp [unknown] | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 02 01 00 00 20 0D 7B 62 5F 00 45 0F 7F 7F 76 39 7C 0F 57 35 4F 61 3D 33 6B 01 73 21 1E 5D 26 1A 0A 0D 49 71 50 4E 6A 00 2D 04 7A 71 07 68 3C 56 42 3E 43 03 45 6C 7F 78 2C 2E 6B 7E 11 00 38 39 7B 4F 57 45 4F 5D 3D 3E 6C 7D 6F 6B 77 67 6F 1E 5F 2E 3E 7B 75 01 70 17 6F 28 13 01 3F 7A 41 38 0C 07 54 24 00 5C 71 3C 1F 7D 6B 0B 62 7F 6E 78 5F 37 7E 79 45 7B 7F 77 5C 2F 57 7F 3E 62 40 7E 0B 7E 14 09 70 60 31 20 5F 00 48 00 08 07 35 4D 6F 14 50 05 34 02 74 07 3E 60 2F 61 32 5E 52 1D 40 67 43 05 57 4F 24 19 59 06 60 1D 4F 13 3B 61 6C 71 1B 1B 00 02 40 36 75 0E 62 49 37 03 6D 45 30 15 50 63 50 5B 14 20 70 58 17 43 38 02 40 7C 0B 42 47 31 24 5C 01 60 50 0D 24 0E 22 70 6A 4A 1D 45 52 54 29 54 5B 75 05 08 73 41 2D 28 76 14 4A 68 1E 61 5F 01 29 41 4E 60 63 61 0C 76 02 1E 0E 67 30 1B 70 01 29 41 6E 60 63 61 2D 28 42 7C 02 2F 3B 61 70 0A 7B 5C 0F 00 40 1C 0B 37 37 6A 0E 30 6B 3C 6A 05 4B 5F 3D 38 1D F7

timestamp [unknown] | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 02 01 20 00 20 54 77 75 55 0E 62 69 3B 76 02 3E 08 16 5E 43 12 02 40 36 19 06 19 23 33 13 31 2A 1B 11 1A 63 00 58 68 01 0D 00 0A 68 06 68 00 56 60 26 42 09 5F 02 3B 03 0F 04 4B 3E 6F 6B 41 20 19 3A 46 30 19 01 38 33 59 43 27 2E 79 6F 76 1B 1A 6B 3A 0F 5F 32 35 75 3B 20 0A 19 2E 67 64 5E 57 06 7C 0A 01 49 2F 61 6D 04 69 23 70 05 02 1C 09 5A 44 0B 61 4D 14 30 0D 4C 69 22 15 6C 26 6D 79 58 1E 24 51 3D 36 21 5D 07 5C 1D 12 32 40 7A 09 12 45 69 59 03 74 12 25 0C 69 5F 1A 28 41 5B 09 5B 3E 34 51 36 36 33 69 53 07 3E 3E 6B 43 0D 60 61 60 0E 0B 03 7B 00 3F 00 08 18 02 06 00 41 40 10 30 02 0C 00 43 00 20 60 31 21 7E 05 7C 01 2D 45 50 02 0C 06 14 1E 20 56 62 68 02 06 00 01 4E 41 60 60 0B 58 5B 40 50 08 10 39 46 37 6C 6D 60 18 73 0A 6F 59 1B 56 18 00 48 01 68 1C 0C 01 3B 0B 38 0A 01 02 07 18 66 78 0C 39 45 37 6C 30 01 10 02 63 00 09 00 16 19 00 48 00 05 00 6D 6D 7F 78 2F 31 34 09 00 00 40 00 4D F7

timestamp [unknown] | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 02 01 20 00 20 54 77 75 55 0E 62 69 3B 76 02 3E 08 16 5E 43 12 02 40 36 19 06 19 23 33 13 31 2A 1B 11 1A 63 00 58 68 01 0D 00 0A 68 06 68 00 56 60 26 42 09 5F 02 3B 03 0F 04 4B 3E 6F 6B 41 20 19 3A 46 30 19 01 38 33 59 43 27 2E 79 6F 76 1B 1A 6B 3A 0F 5F 32 35 75 3B 20 0A 19 2E 67 64 5E 57 06 7C 0A 01 49 2F 61 6D 04 69 23 70 05 02 1C 09 5A 44 0B 61 4D 14 30 0D 4C 69 22 15 6C 26 6D 79 58 1E 24 51 3D 36 21 5D 07 5C 1D 12 32 40 7A 09 12 45 69 59 03 74 12 25 0C 69 5F 1A 28 41 5B 09 5B 3E 34 51 36 36 33 69 53 07 3E 3E 6B 43 0D 60 61 60 0E 0B 03 7B 00 3F 00 08 18 02 06 00 41 40 10 30 02 0C 00 43 00 20 60 31 21 7E 05 7C 01 2D 45 50 02 0C 06 14 1E 20 56 62 68 02 06 00 01 4E 41 60 60 0B 58 5B 40 50 08 10 39 46 37 6C 6D 60 18 73 0A 6F 59 1B 56 18 00 48 01 68 1C 0C 01 3B 0B 38 0A 01 02 07 18 66 78 0C 39 45 37 6C 30 01 10 02 63 00 09 00 16 19 00 48 00 05 00 6D 6D 7F 78 2F 31 34 09 00 00 40 00 4D F7

timestamp [unknown] | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 02 01 20 00 20 54 77 75 55 0E 62 69 3B 76 02 3E 08 16 5E 43 12 02 40 36 19 06 19 23 33 13 31 2A 1B 11 1A 63 00 58 68 01 0D 00 0A 68 06 68 00 56 60 26 42 09 5F 02 3B 03 0F 04 4B 3E 6F 6B 41 20 19 3A 46 30 19 01 38 33 59 43 27 2E 79 6F 76 1B 1A 6B 3A 0F 5F 32 35 75 3B 20 0A 19 2E 67 64 5E 57 06 7C 0A 01 49 2F 61 6D 04 69 23 70 05 02 1C 09 5A 44 0B 61 4D 14 30 0D 4C 69 22 15 6C 26 6D 79 58 1E 24 51 3D 36 21 5D 07 5C 1D 12 32 40 7A 09 12 45 69 59 03 74 12 25 0C 69 5F 1A 28 41 5B 09 5B 3E 34 51 36 36 33 69 53 07 3E 3E 6B 43 0D 60 61 60 0E 0B 03 7B 00 3F 00 08 18 02 06 00 41 40 10 30 02 0C 00 43 00 20 60 31 21 7E 05 7C 01 2D 45 50 02 0C 06 14 1E 20 56 62 68 02 06 00 01 4E 41 60 60 0B 58 5B 40 50 08 10 39 46 37 6C 6D 60 18 73 0A 6F 59 1B 56 18 00 48 01 68 1C 0C 01 3B 0B 38 0A 01 02 07 18 66 78 0C 39 45 37 6C 30 01 10 02 63 00 09 00 16 19 00 48 00 05 00 6D 6D 7F 78 2F 31 34 09 00 00 40 00 4D F7

timestamp [unknown] | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 02 01 20 00 20 54 77 75 55 0E 62 69 3B 76 02 3E 08 16 5E 43 12 02 40 36 19 06 19 23 33 13 31 2A 1B 11 1A 63 00 58 68 01 0D 00 0A 68 06 68 00 56 60 26 42 09 5F 02 3B 03 0F 04 4B 3E 6F 6B 41 20 19 3A 46 30 19 01 38 33 59 43 27 2E 79 6F 76 1B 1A 6B 3A 0F 5F 32 35 75 3B 20 0A 19 2E 67 64 5E 57 06 7C 0A 01 49 2F 61 6D 04 69 23 70 05 02 1C 09 5A 44 0B 61 4D 14 30 0D 4C 69 22 15 6C 26 6D 79 58 1E 24 51 3D 36 21 5D 07 5C 1D 12 32 40 7A 09 12 45 69 59 03 74 12 25 0C 69 5F 1A 28 41 5B 09 5B 3E 34 51 36 36 33 69 53 07 3E 3E 6B 43 0D 60 61 60 0E 0B 03 7B 00 3F 00 08 18 02 06 00 41 40 10 30 02 0C 00 43 00 20 60 31 21 7E 05 7C 01 2D 45 50 02 0C 06 14 1E 20 56 62 68 02 06 00 01 4E 41 60 60 0B 58 5B 40 50 08 10 39 46 37 6C 6D 60 18 73 0A 6F 59 1B 56 18 00 48 01 68 1C 0C 01 3B 0B 38 0A 01 02 07 18 66 78 0C 39 45 37 6C 30 01 10 02 63 00 09 00 16 19 00 48 00 05 00 6D 6D 7F 78 2F 31 34 09 00 00 40 00 4D F7

timestamp [unknown] | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 02 01 20 00 20 54 77 75 55 0E 62 69 3B 76 02 3E 08 16 5E 43 12 02 40 36 19 06 19 23 33 13 31 2A 1B 11 1A 63 00 58 68 01 0D 00 0A 68 06 68 00 56 60 26 42 09 5F 02 3B 03 0F 04 4B 3E 6F 6B 41 20 19 3A 46 30 19 01 38 33 59 43 27 2E 79 6F 76 1B 1A 6B 3A 0F 5F 32 35 75 3B 20 0A 19 2E 67 64 5E 57 06 7C 0A 01 49 2F 61 6D 04 69 23 70 05 02 1C 09 5A 44 0B 61 4D 14 30 0D 4C 69 22 15 6C 26 6D 79 58 1E 24 51 3D 36 21 5D 07 5C 1D 12 32 40 7A 09 12 45 69 59 03 74 12 25 0C 69 5F 1A 28 41 5B 09 5B 3E 34 51 36 36 33 69 53 07 3E 3E 6B 43 0D 60 61 60 0E 0B 03 7B 00 3F 00 08 18 02 06 00 41 40 10 30 02 0C 00 43 00 20 60 31 21 7E 05 7C 01 2D 45 50 02 0C 06 14 1E 20 56 62 68 02 06 00 01 4E 41 60 60 0B 58 5B 40 50 08 10 39 46 37 6C 6D 60 18 73 0A 6F 59 1B 56 18 00 48 01 68 1C 0C 01 3B 0B 38 0A 01 02 07 18 66 78 0C 39 45 37 6C 30 01 10 02 63 00 09 00 16 19 00 48 00 05 00 6D 6D 7F 78 2F 31 34 09 00 00 40 00 4D F7

timestamp [unknown] | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 02 01 20 00 20 54 77 75 55 0E 62 69 3B 76 02 3E 08 16 5E 43 12 02 40 36 19 06 19 23 33 13 31 2A 1B 11 1A 63 00 58 68 01 0D 00 0A 68 06 68 00 56 60 26 42 09 5F 02 3B 03 0F 04 4B 3E 6F 6B 41 20 19 3A 46 30 19 01 38 33 59 43 27 2E 79 6F 76 1B 1A 6B 3A 0F 5F 32 35 75 3B 20 0A 19 2E 67 64 5E 57 06 7C 0A 01 49 2F 61 6D 04 69 23 70 05 02 1C 09 5A 44 0B 61 4D 14 30 0D 4C 69 22 15 6C 26 6D 79 58 1E 24 51 3D 36 21 5D 07 5C 1D 12 32 40 7A 09 12 45 69 59 03 74 12 25 0C 69 5F 1A 28 41 5B 09 5B 3E 34 51 36 36 33 69 53 07 3E 3E 6B 43 0D 60 61 60 0E 0B 03 7B 00 3F 00 08 18 02 06 00 41 40 10 30 02 0C 00 43 00 20 60 31 21 7E 05 7C 01 2D 45 50 02 0C 06 14 1E 20 56 62 68 02 06 00 01 4E 41 60 60 0B 58 5B 40 50 08 10 39 46 37 6C 6D 60 18 73 0A 6F 59 1B 56 18 00 48 01 68 1C 0C 01 3B 0B 38 0A 01 02 07 18 66 78 0C 39 45 37 6C 30 01 10 02 63 00 09 00 16 19 00 48 00 05 00 6D 6D 7F 78 2F 31 34 09 00 00 40 00 4D F7

timestamp [unknown] | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 02 01 20 00 20 54 77 75 55 0E 62 69 3B 76 02 3E 08 16 5E 43 12 02 40 36 19 06 19 23 33 13 31 2A 1B 11 1A 63 00 58 68 01 0D 00 0A 68 06 68 00 56 60 26 42 09 5F 02 3B 03 0F 04 4B 3E 6F 6B 41 20 19 3A 46 30 19 01 38 33 59 43 27 2E 79 6F 76 1B 1A 6B 3A 0F 5F 32 35 75 3B 20 0A 19 2E 67 64 5E 57 06 7C 0A 01 49 2F 61 6D 04 69 23 70 05 02 1C 09 5A 44 0B 61 4D 14 30 0D 4C 69 22 15 6C 26 6D 79 58 1E 24 51 3D 36 21 5D 07 5C 1D 12 32 40 7A 09 12 45 69 59 03 74 12 25 0C 69 5F 1A 28 41 5B 09 5B 3E 34 51 36 36 33 69 53 07 3E 3E 6B 43 0D 60 61 60 0E 0B 03 7B 00 3F 00 08 18 02 06 00 41 40 10 30 02 0C 00 43 00 20 60 31 21 7E 05 7C 01 2D 45 50 02 0C 06 14 1E 20 56 62 68 02 06 00 01 4E 41 60 60 0B 58 5B 40 50 08 10 39 46 37 6C 6D 60 18 73 0A 6F 59 1B 56 18 00 48 01 68 1C 0C 01 3B 0B 38 0A 01 02 07 18 66 78 0C 39 45 37 6C 30 01 10 02 63 00 09 00 16 19 00 48 00 05 00 6D 6D 7F 78 2F 31 34 09 00 00 40 00 4D F7

timestamp [unknown] | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 02 01 20 00 20 54 77 75 55 0E 62 69 3B 76 02 3E 08 16 5E 43 12 02 40 36 19 06 19 23 33 13 31 2A 1B 11 1A 63 00 58 68 01 0D 00 0A 68 06 68 00 56 60 26 42 09 5F 02 3B 03 0F 04 4B 3E 6F 6B 41 20 19 3A 46 30 19 01 38 33 59 43 27 2E 79 6F 76 1B 1A 6B 3A 0F 5F 32 35 75 3B 20 0A 19 2E 67 64 5E 57 06 7C 0A 01 49 2F 61 6D 04 69 23 70 05 02 1C 09 5A 44 0B 61 4D 14 30 0D 4C 69 22 15 6C 26 6D 79 58 1E 24 51 3D 36 21 5D 07 5C 1D 12 32 40 7A 09 12 45 69 59 03 74 12 25 0C 69 5F 1A 28 41 5B 09 5B 3E 34 51 36 36 33 69 53 07 3E 3E 6B 43 0D 60 61 60 0E 0B 03 7B 00 3F 00 08 18 02 06 00 41 40 10 30 02 0C 00 43 00 20 60 31 21 7E 05 7C 01 2D 45 50 02 0C 06 14 1E 20 56 62 68 02 06 00 01 4E 41 60 60 0B 58 5B 40 50 08 10 39 46 37 6C 6D 60 18 73 0A 6F 59 1B 56 18 00 48 01 68 1C 0C 01 3B 0B 38 0A 01 02 07 18 66 78 0C 39 45 37 6C 30 01 10 02 63 00 09 00 16 19 00 48 00 05 00 6D 6D 7F 78 2F 31 34 09 00 00 40 00 4D F7

timestamp [unknown] | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 02 01 20 00 20 54 77 75 55 0E 62 69 3B 76 02 3E 08 16 5E 43 12 02 40 36 19 06 19 23 33 13 31 2A 1B 11 1A 63 00 58 68 01 0D 00 0A 68 06 68 00 56 60 26 42 09 5F 02 3B 03 0F 04 4B 3E 6F 6B 41 20 19 3A 46 30 19 01 38 33 59 43 27 2E 79 6F 76 1B 1A 6B 3A 0F 5F 32 35 75 3B 20 0A 19 2E 67 64 5E 57 06 7C 0A 01 49 2F 61 6D 04 69 23 70 05 02 1C 09 5A 44 0B 61 4D 14 30 0D 4C 69 22 15 6C 26 6D 79 58 1E 24 51 3D 36 21 5D 07 5C 1D 12 32 40 7A 09 12 45 69 59 03 74 12 25 0C 69 5F 1A 28 41 5B 09 5B 3E 34 51 36 36 33 69 53 07 3E 3E 6B 43 0D 60 61 60 0E 0B 03 7B 00 3F 00 08 18 02 06 00 41 40 10 30 02 0C 00 43 00 20 60 31 21 7E 05 7C 01 2D 45 50 02 0C 06 14 1E 20 56 62 68 02 06 00 01 4E 41 60 60 0B 58 5B 40 50 08 10 39 46 37 6C 6D 60 18 73 0A 6F 59 1B 56 18 00 48 01 68 1C 0C 01 3B 0B 38 0A 01 02 07 18 66 78 0C 39 45 37 6C 30 01 10 02 63 00 09 00 16 19 00 48 00 05 00 6D 6D 7F 78 2F 31 34 09 00 00 40 00 4D F7

timestamp [unknown] | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 02 01 20 00 20 54 77 75 55 0E 62 69 3B 76 02 3E 08 16 5E 43 12 02 40 36 19 06 19 23 33 13 31 2A 1B 11 1A 63 00 58 68 01 0D 00 0A 68 06 68 00 56 60 26 42 09 5F 02 3B 03 0F 04 4B 3E 6F 6B 41 20 19 3A 46 30 19 01 38 33 59 43 27 2E 79 6F 76 1B 1A 6B 3A 0F 5F 32 35 75 3B 20 0A 19 2E 67 64 5E 57 06 7C 0A 01 49 2F 61 6D 04 69 23 70 05 02 1C 09 5A 44 0B 61 4D 14 30 0D 4C 69 22 15 6C 26 6D 79 58 1E 24 51 3D 36 21 5D 07 5C 1D 12 32 40 7A 09 12 45 69 59 03 74 12 25 0C 69 5F 1A 28 41 5B 09 5B 3E 34 51 36 36 33 69 53 07 3E 3E 6B 43 0D 60 61 60 0E 0B 03 7B 00 3F 00 08 18 02 06 00 41 40 10 30 02 0C 00 43 00 20 60 31 21 7E 05 7C 01 2D 45 50 02 0C 06 14 1E 20 56 62 68 02 06 00 01 4E 41 60 60 0B 58 5B 40 50 08 10 39 46 37 6C 6D 60 18 73 0A 6F 59 1B 56 18 00 48 01 68 1C 0C 01 3B 0B 38 0A 01 02 07 18 66 78 0C 39 45 37 6C 30 01 10 02 63 00 09 00 16 19 00 48 00 05 00 6D 6D 7F 78 2F 31 34 09 00 00 40 00 4D F7

timestamp [unknown] | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 02 01 20 00 20 54 77 75 55 0E 62 69 3B 76 02 3E 08 16 5E 43 12 02 40 36 19 06 19 23 33 13 31 2A 1B 11 1A 63 00 58 68 01 0D 00 0A 68 06 68 00 56 60 26 42 09 5F 02 3B 03 0F 04 4B 3E 6F 6B 41 20 19 3A 46 30 19 01 38 33 59 43 27 2E 79 6F 76 1B 1A 6B 3A 0F 5F 32 35 75 3B 20 0A 19 2E 67 64 5E 57 06 7C 0A 01 49 2F 61 6D 04 69 23 70 05 02 1C 09 5A 44 0B 61 4D 14 30 0D 4C 69 22 15 6C 26 6D 79 58 1E 24 51 3D 36 21 5D 07 5C 1D 12 32 40 7A 09 12 45 69 59 03 74 12 25 0C 69 5F 1A 28 41 5B 09 5B 3E 34 51 36 36 33 69 53 07 3E 3E 6B 43 0D 60 61 60 0E 0B 03 7B 00 3F 00 08 18 02 06 00 41 40 10 30 02 0C 00 43 00 20 60 31 21 7E 05 7C 01 2D 45 50 02 0C 06 14 1E 20 56 62 68 02 06 00 01 4E 41 60 60 0B 58 5B 40 50 08 10 39 46 37 6C 6D 60 18 73 0A 6F 59 1B 56 18 00 48 01 68 1C 0C 01 3B 0B 38 0A 01 02 07 18 66 78 0C 39 45 37 6C 30 01 10 02 63 00 09 00 16 19 00 48 00 05 00 6D 6D 7F 78 2F 31 34 09 00 00 40 00 4D F7

timestamp [unknown] | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 02 01 20 00 20 54 77 75 55 0E 62 69 3B 76 02 3E 08 16 5E 43 12 02 40 36 19 06 19 23 33 13 31 2A 1B 11 1A 63 00 58 68 01 0D 00 0A 68 06 68 00 56 60 26 42 09 5F 02 3B 03 0F 04 4B 3E 6F 6B 41 20 19 3A 46 30 19 01 38 33 59 43 27 2E 79 6F 76 1B 1A 6B 3A 0F 5F 32 35 75 3B 20 0A 19 2E 67 64 5E 57 06 7C 0A 01 49 2F 61 6D 04 69 23 70 05 02 1C 09 5A 44 0B 61 4D 14 30 0D 4C 69 22 15 6C 26 6D 79 58 1E 24 51 3D 36 21 5D 07 5C 1D 12 32 40 7A 09 12 45 69 59 03 74 12 25 0C 69 5F 1A 28 41 5B 09 5B 3E 34 51 36 36 33 69 53 07 3E 3E 6B 43 0D 60 61 60 0E 0B 03 7B 00 3F 00 08 18 02 06 00 41 40 10 30 02 0C 00 43 00 20 60 31 21 7E 05 7C 01 2D 45 50 02 0C 06 14 1E 20 56 62 68 02 06 00 01 4E 41 60 60 0B 58 5B 40 50 08 10 39 46 37 6C 6D 60 18 73 0A 6F 59 1B 56 18 00 48 01 68 1C 0C 01 3B 0B 38 0A 01 02 07 18 66 78 0C 39 45 37 6C 30 01 10 02 63 00 09 00 16 19 00 48 00 05 00 6D 6D 7F 78 2F 31 34 09 00 00 40 00 4D F7

timestamp [unknown] | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 02 01 20 00 20 54 77 75 55 0E 62 69 3B 76 02 3E 08 16 5E 43 12 02 40 36 19 06 19 23 33 13 31 2A 1B 11 1A 63 00 58 68 01 0D 00 0A 68 06 68 00 56 60 26 42 09 5F 02 3B 03 0F 04 4B 3E 6F 6B 41 20 19 3A 46 30 19 01 38 33 59 43 27 2E 79 6F 76 1B 1A 6B 3A 0F 5F 32 35 75 3B 20 0A 19 2E 67 64 5E 57 06 7C 0A 01 49 2F 61 6D 04 69 23 70 05 02 1C 09 5A 44 0B 61 4D 14 30 0D 4C 69 22 15 6C 26 6D 79 58 1E 24 51 3D 36 21 5D 07 5C 1D 12 32 40 7A 09 12 45 69 59 03 74 12 25 0C 69 5F 1A 28 41 5B 09 5B 3E 34 51 36 36 33 69 53 07 3E 3E 6B 43 0D 60 61 60 0E 0B 03 7B 00 3F 00 08 18 02 06 00 41 40 10 30 02 0C 00 43 00 20 60 31 21 7E 05 7C 01 2D 45 50 02 0C 06 14 1E 20 56 62 68 02 06 00 01 4E 41 60 60 0B 58 5B 40 50 08 10 39 46 37 6C 6D 60 18 73 0A 6F 59 1B 56 18 00 48 01 68 1C 0C 01 3B 0B 38 0A 01 02 07 18 66 78 0C 39 45 37 6C 30 01 10 02 63 00 09 00 16 19 00 48 00 05 00 6D 6D 7F 78 2F 31 34 09 00 00 40 00 4D F7

timestamp [unknown] | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 02 01 20 00 20 54 77 75 55 0E 62 69 3B 76 02 3E 08 16 5E 43 12 02 40 36 19 06 19 23 33 13 31 2A 1B 11 1A 63 00 58 68 01 0D 00 0A 68 06 68 00 56 60 26 42 09 5F 02 3B 03 0F 04 4B 3E 6F 6B 41 20 19 3A 46 30 19 01 38 33 59 43 27 2E 79 6F 76 1B 1A 6B 3A 0F 5F 32 35 75 3B 20 0A 19 2E 67 64 5E 57 06 7C 0A 01 49 2F 61 6D 04 69 23 70 05 02 1C 09 5A 44 0B 61 4D 14 30 0D 4C 69 22 15 6C 26 6D 79 58 1E 24 51 3D 36 21 5D 07 5C 1D 12 32 40 7A 09 12 45 69 59 03 74 12 25 0C 69 5F 1A 28 41 5B 09 5B 3E 34 51 36 36 33 69 53 07 3E 3E 6B 43 0D 60 61 60 0E 0B 03 7B 00 3F 00 08 18 02 06 00 41 40 10 30 02 0C 00 43 00 20 60 31 21 7E 05 7C 01 2D 45 50 02 0C 06 14 1E 20 56 62 68 02 06 00 01 4E 41 60 60 0B 58 5B 40 50 08 10 39 46 37 6C 6D 60 18 73 0A 6F 59 1B 56 18 00 48 01 68 1C 0C 01 3B 0B 38 0A 01 02 07 18 66 78 0C 39 45 37 6C 30 01 10 02 63 00 09 00 16 19 00 48 00 05 00 6D 6D 7F 78 2F 31 34 09 00 00 40 00 4D F7

timestamp [unknown] | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 02 01 20 00 20 54 77 75 55 0E 62 69 3B 76 02 3E 08 16 5E 43 12 02 40 36 19 06 19 23 33 13 31 2A 1B 11 1A 63 00 58 68 01 0D 00 0A 68 06 68 00 56 60 26 42 09 5F 02 3B 03 0F 04 4B 3E 6F 6B 41 20 19 3A 46 30 19 01 38 33 59 43 27 2E 79 6F 76 1B 1A 6B 3A 0F 5F 32 35 75 3B 20 0A 19 2E 67 64 5E 57 06 7C 0A 01 49 2F 61 6D 04 69 23 70 05 02 1C 09 5A 44 0B 61 4D 14 30 0D 4C 69 22 15 6C 26 6D 79 58 1E 24 51 3D 36 21 5D 07 5C 1D 12 32 40 7A 09 12 45 69 59 03 74 12 25 0C 69 5F 1A 28 41 5B 09 5B 3E 34 51 36 36 33 69 53 07 3E 3E 6B 43 0D 60 61 60 0E 0B 03 7B 00 3F 00 08 18 02 06 00 41 40 10 30 02 0C 00 43 00 20 60 31 21 7E 05 7C 01 2D 45 50 02 0C 06 14 1E 20 56 62 68 02 06 00 01 4E 41 60 60 0B 58 5B 40 50 08 10 39 46 37 6C 6D 60 18 73 0A 6F 59 1B 56 18 00 48 01 68 1C 0C 01 3B 0B 38 0A 01 02 07 18 66 78 0C 39 45 37 6C 30 01 10 02 63 00 09 00 16 19 00 48 00 05 00 6D 6D 7F 78 2F 31 34 09 00 00 40 00 4D F7

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That was from my Mike's MIDIShop PCB.

I transferred the PIC to my first board, the SmashTV one. This time it's still not working, but I'm getting slightly different errors messages. Still getting the Unexpected Upload Request ones, but also getting another error. I guess there must be some major soldering/component issue with the other board so the MIDI in to the PIC isn't working at all...

Anyway, from MIOS upload window:

Starting upload of mios_v1_9c_pic18f452.hex

Hex file contains code in MIOS range, forcing reboot!

Received error code 0C: MIDI IN Frame Error

This was an expected error - please ignore!

Received Upload Request

Sending block 00000400-000004FF

Received error code 0C: MIDI IN Frame Error

Sending block 00000500-000005FF

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Sending block 00000500-000005FF

Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error

Sending block 00000500-000005FF

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Sending block 00000500-000005FF

Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error

Sending block 00000500-000005FF

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Sending block 00000500-000005FF

Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error

Sending block 00000500-000005FF

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Sending block 00000500-000005FF

Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error

Sending block 00000500-000005FF

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Sending block 00000500-000005FF

Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error

Sending block 00000500-000005FF

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Sending block 00000500-000005FF

Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error

Sending block 00000500-000005FF

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Sending block 00000500-000005FF

Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Sending block 00000500-000005FF

Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error

Aborting after 16 errors

And from the MIDI In Window:

00000000059215 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000061107 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000062999 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000064891 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000066783 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000068677 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000069197 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0C 01 F7

00000000069201 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000070713 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0C 01 F7

00000000070716 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000070719 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

00000000070723 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000070724 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

00000000070726 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000070730 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

00000000070732 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000070736 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

00000000070738 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000070742 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

00000000070745 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000070747 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

00000000070751 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000070754 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

00000000070758 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000070761 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

00000000070763 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000070766 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

00000000070767 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000070771 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

00000000070774 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000070777 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

00000000070780 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000070782 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

00000000070787 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000070788 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

00000000070793 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000070795 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

00000000070798 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000070801 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

00000000070803 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000070806 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

00000000070808 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000070812 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

00000000070905 ms | Continued Sysex message: F7 0B 01 F7

00000000071008 ms | Continued Sysex message: F7 40 00 01 F7

00000000071099 ms | Continued Sysex message: F7 00 0E 0B 01 F7

00000000071102 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000071210 ms | Continued Sysex message: F7 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

00000000071213 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000071215 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

00000000071219 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000071222 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

00000000071224 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000071228 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

00000000071230 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000071231 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

00000000071237 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000071238 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

00000000071241 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000071244 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

00000000071246 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000071251 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

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00000000071256 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

00000000071259 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000071263 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

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00000000071266 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

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00000000071273 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

00000000071278 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000071279 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

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00000000071305 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

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00000000071307 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

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00000000071314 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

00000000071317 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000071319 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

00000000071323 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

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00000000071360 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

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00000000071374 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

00000000071376 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

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00000000071384 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

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00000000071398 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000071402 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

00000000071405 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000071407 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

00000000071411 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000071414 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

00000000071418 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000071421 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

00000000071425 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000071426 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

00000000071430 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000071431 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

00000000071435 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

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00000000071440 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000071443 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

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00000000071449 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

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00000000071455 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7

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00000000089310 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7


Hope this helps with diagnosis.

Thanks again,



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You've copied the MIDI output log in the first post, not the MIDI input log...

OK so the last log from SmashTV's PCB... I assume you're using MIDI sockets soldered directly to the PCB? That would eliminate any MIDI socket wiring mistake perhaps, leaving just the issue of soldering joints, optocoupler or PIC... the fact that you're getting frame errors and overrun errors indicates that the PIC is receiving something, otherwise you would ONLY receive upload requests.

NOTE ALSO that the bootloader will reset after each frame error or overrun error, and so you will receive another upload request after each error.

Try this test again: http://www.ucapps.de/howtodebug/mbhp_core_extract_io_loopback.gif

What you're looking for here is an echo back of what you send... TAKE THE PIC OUT OF THE SOCKET and short the TX and RX pins (just shove a bit of wire into the IC socket!)

In MIOS Studio, if you compare the MIDI In and MIDI Out windows while trying to do an upload (you will have to start the upload manually!) then they should be the same. This will validate the optocoupler, the MIDI In and MIDI Out wiring, and hopefully your MIDI interface.

You should try this with both PCBs and see if you get the same results.

Don't assume that since you've done this before that you don't need to do it again! GET NEW RESULTS! Oh, and unplug that LCD and everything else, just power the Core PCB...

OK so assuming you get good loopback, then you can basically assume that the PCBs, optocoupler and MIDI wires, cables, etc. are all good, and move on to debugging if it is the PIC itself that is the problem or the UARTs on either end not talking nicely (i.e. the PIC's oscillator is not right, it's UART not set up correctly somehow, bad configuration bits burned on the PIC)...

Did you burn the PIC yourself? It's definately a PIC18F452? Is the SmashTV PCB built completely from a SmashTV kit? Just checking ;-)

ANYWAY from what you've just posted, the fact that the two PCBs do different things implies that there's more than one error... i.e. each PCB might have a different soldering fault, or one has a soldering fault and the PIC is also faulty, etc. Do tests on both to see what is different... as this can highlight specific issues with the PCBs perhaps...

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Less CORE PCB's, more PICs.

It's too bad you have had such a hard time uploading, I'd recommend just getting a new pic, and checking your boards... Smash's are pretty straightforward, I even swapped some caps around on the SID and it's like I have "ghetto bass" as they call it.

If you are getting the upload request sysex string once, that is good, if it is repeating, that isn't bad. If you can use MIOSstudio, that makes everything a lot easier... When you upload code, the core is supposed to respond with a checksum, MIOSstudio will verify that checksum and continue.

I dont think it'd be a computer or interface problem (by the way @ up, I uploaded code with an old m-audio device)

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it's good to know you've manage to upload MIOS using an M-Audio interface. I've tried several different ones now, so I'd be really surprised if ALL of them don't work- must be a PCB/PIC-related issue I think.

I've been using MIOS Studio (though for some unknown reason, it won't work on one of my computers).

It does make things nice and simple, though MIDI-OX gives you more options in terms of setting buffers etc.

I'll give the little test Wilba recommended another go and see what happens.

I guess the reason I've been concentrating on trying dofferent MIDI interfaces and setups at the computer end is that I know more about computers than about electronics! To my untrained eye, the soldering on both PCBs looks fine, but it does look as if there are major problems with at least one of the boards and possibly with the PIC as well. The loopback test will help a lot, I hope.

I suspect the fact that I've soldered a few MIDI-related boards in the past that have worked fine 1st time (including some quite cool ones from http://www.highlyliquid.com) has given me a false confidence in my soldering abilities :(

Maybe it's the jumpers on the bottom of the v.3 board... was never completely happy with those...

Right, time to break out the soldering-iron again.

Cheers guys,



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OK, I've done the loopback test again, as you suggested Wilba.

Both boards 'pass' ie if I send MIOS to the out port, I get exactly the same back at the in port, byte-for-byte. Works in MIOS Studio running under Windows and MacOS, incidentally. I haven't tested all my MIDI interfaces, but it's probably not worth doing that now.

So, this means that the the PIC should be able to send and receive MIDI on both boards. Something must be different on the 2 boards though, as I get different error messages. I'm using the same PIC on both boards (forgot to order the PIC from Mike when I put in my order for the v.3 boards, though I have one on the way now). The PIC I have currently is the one that came with the SmashTV kit, and is indeed a PIC18F452, with the bootstrap loader already burnt (I don't have my own PIC burner).

I built the SmashTV kit entirely from the parts provided, though the other board has a replacement optocoupler which I swapped-out on the off-chance that this might help.

Should I wait for my new PIC to arrive, or are there any other tests I could run? I know the PIC is getting power on both boards. I also get a MIDI output from both boards, and when connected, the LCD works on both, though unreliably, as mentioned in previous posts. I ran the loopback test without the LCD or SID modules connected, by the way, as you suggested.

Thanks again,



Incidentally, HL-SDK, I like the sound of Ghetto Bass' ;)

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well if the loopback works, then I guess it has to be the PIC not working properly... either  its oscillator/clock is bad somehow or there's still the chance that the MIDI interface is at fault.

You've basically validated the electronics and wiring between PC and PIC... so now it's just a matter of either end being the fault (although there's still the change the PCB is at fault)... At this point, (if it was me) I would be trying that PIC in another known-working Core, and trying a known-working PIC in the non-working PCB... this would identify if it was the PIC or the PCB.

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Hi Wilba,

thanks for getting back to me again.

I have another PIC on the way from Germany (should hopefully be delivered in the next few days), so I can test that when it arrives. Unfortunately, what I don't have is a known-working core PCB. Is there anything I can do to test the oscillator/clock on both boards while I wait for the new PIC to arrive? I only have a basic multimeter, being a relative newbie, though I may be able to get access to an oscilloscope at work.

Re. the MIDI interface, I've tried several different MIDI interfaces, on several different computers, and I've used MIOS studio, MIDI-OX and Sysex Librarian under MacOS X and Windows, so I'm reluctant to believe that none of my interfaces work....

Thanks again,



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well in theory, if you receive the upload request, this sort of proves that the PIC is running and its UART is set up with the right baud rate, etc. since your computer is receiving it fine. There are configuration bits burned into the PIC so the bootloader and MIOS know whether to use standard MIDI baud rate or the alternative serial port baud rate (and more recently, whether to use IIC_MIDI instead).

What I'm confused about is the frame errors and overrun errors... because I think they imply the PIC is receiving at a different baud rate, or with serious bit errors... but your loopback test proves that at least your MIDI interface sends and receives at the same baud rate without errors... hmmm...

I was theorizing about the oscillator... it's definiately working or you would not receive upload requests at all.

If I were in your shoes with what you have at hand, I would get one of those experimenter boards, in Australia they're called "Wish boards" (brand name), I guess they're also called breadboards... they're white or cream coloured plastic boards with lots of holes in them that you can insert components into without soldering... then I'd make up a Core board with that... I guess this assumes you have enough spare bits lying around...

What you'd end up creating is the bare minimum to get the Core sending and receiving MIDI, which is basically the 5v supply (7805+caps), the crystal and its two caps, the optocoupler bit and the MIDI sockets... and also 100 ohm resistor tying the reset pin to 5v.

OK, it's a big ask I guess, if you're not really into electronics or have the extra bits lying around... but if you're keen to keep up the hobby and make more things, one of these experimenter boards are very cool to have around, you can easily whip something up to test circuit ideas etc. or even just test LEDs or chips...

Back to the issue of the two boards giving different error messages...

Can you swap the optocouplers and see if the error messages stay the same? i.e. if they swap their error messages also...

I know both PCBs passed the loopback test but it might be useful to know if one optocoupler produces errors the other doesn't.

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Hi Wilba,

I picked up a book on beginner electronics a while back, which I keep meaning to make a start on. One of the reasons I haven't got round to it yet is that all the exercises require a breadboard! Looks like I'll have to pick one up. They're not too expensive, I don't think, and as you say, they'll come in handy for all sorts of things.

I don't currently have duplicates of most of the Core board parts (except for the replacement optocoupler I bought), and some of the resistors, maybe. I do have a 5V 'wallwart' PSU though, so maybe I don't need the 7805 (I removed it from both boards because I was initially using the Optimised PSU and original C64). I'd just need to pick up the caps, oscillator + another PIC w/ bootloader. I have another PIC on the way anyway, so if that doesn't work in either of my current boards, then I may do the breadboard thing. It would be useful to me as a exercise in translating circuit-diagrams into working physical circuits, anyway (you wouldn't believe how long it took me to put together a working Optimised PSU based on the diagram).

So, am I right in thinking that if the crystal oscillator wasn't working correctly, the PIC wouldn't work at all? It's definitely sending out the upload request string on both boards. It won't do much else, but it seems to do that fine.... :(

I'll swap the optocouplers around when I get home and see what I can find out from that and get back to you.

Incidentally, could the issue with my LCD module be related somehow? I know I did connect the LCD incorrectly the 1st time, so I wouldn't be surprised if I had damaged it, but it may be related to my MIOS upload issues.




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One little word has made me a very happy man!

That little word is glowing on the screen of my pink LCD screen right now..

That little word is:


Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)

I swapped over the optocouplers from the two boards. Board #2 still doesn't work, so it's either a soldering/component error (not unlikely), or the optocoupler that came with the SmashTV kit is dodgy.

I must admit I found Mike's kit a little more challenging to construct than the SmashTV one, which is nicely labelled with all components. I'll recheck all the component values and solder joints again. It could well be I used the wrong resistor or capacitor somewhere in there....

As for the SmashTV kit, after I'd swapped the optocoupler, and put my one PIC back in the socket, the MIOS upload worked the first time I tried it! I guess it must have been a dodgy optocoupler, or maybe just something that removing and reseating both chips fixed. I still can't understand why the loopback test worked perfectly, but the main thing is I've finally managed to get MIOS on that bloody chip! I'm a little scared to try uploading the SID application now though, just in case it's stopped working again.....

Fingers crossed.

Thanks again for all your help Wilba (and everyone else who responded to my plea for help). I'm so happy to be able to move on to the next stage, at least with one of my two boards!

Lets see if I can get SID on there now, wish me luck, guys!

Thanks again!



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