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18F motor fader control


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OK so I got me SID & the 18F talking real nice together.

Thanks very much Thorsten!

Now I want to get the motorfaders running on the 18F.

I have tried using the calibration Program & also the 8_MF example but no joy!

Has any one run their motorfaders under MIOS yet?

The application installs and I plug every thing in but when I move a fader I cant see any data being transmitted! it worked fine under the old 16F setup so im a little confused.

Any help appreciated



I just tried installing the Houston EMU App when this is installed I can at least get midi data from the faders (although they are in mixed up order ie 7,6,5,4,3,2,1,8?) but I only have a 2x16 and no encoders so its a bit pointless!

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OK so I got me SID & the 18F talking real nice together.

Thanks very much Thorsten!

Now I want to get the motorfaders running on the 18F.

I have tried using the calibration Program & also the 8_MF example but no joy!

Has any one run their motorfaders under MIOS yet?

The application installs and I plug every thing in but when I move a fader I cant see any data being transmitted! it worked fine under the old 16F setup so im a little confused.

Any help appreciated



I just tried installing the Houston EMU App when this is installed I can at least get midi data from the faders (although they are in mixed up order ie 7,6,5,4,3,2,1,8?) but I only have a 2x16 and no encoders so its a bit pointless!

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Hi Lo,

thats interesting, the order is not correct? Very strange - in this case the motordriver will not work, as it requires clear fader->motor assignments.

Could you please check the order (also of the cables...) again with the AIN DIN DOUT test application? Just change following lines:

        ;; use 64 pots
        movlw   64
        call    MIOS_AIN_NumberSet

        ;; use the AIN 4051 multiplexers
        call    MIOS_AIN_Muxed
must be exchanged by:
        ;; use 8 faders
        movlw   8
        call    MIOS_AIN_NumberSet

        ;; don't use the AIN 4051 multiplexers
        call    MIOS_AIN_UnMuxed

Another important hint: the MF module voltage must be lower than on the PIC16F implementation (ca. 8V) and the AIN deadband value should be <= the MF deadband value.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi Lo,

thats interesting, the order is not correct? Very strange - in this case the motordriver will not work, as it requires clear fader->motor assignments.

Could you please check the order (also of the cables...) again with the AIN DIN DOUT test application? Just change following lines:

        ;; use 64 pots
        movlw   64
        call    MIOS_AIN_NumberSet

        ;; use the AIN 4051 multiplexers
        call    MIOS_AIN_Muxed
must be exchanged by:
        ;; use 8 faders
        movlw   8
        call    MIOS_AIN_NumberSet

        ;; don't use the AIN 4051 multiplexers
        call    MIOS_AIN_UnMuxed

Another important hint: the MF module voltage must be lower than on the PIC16F implementation (ca. 8V) and the AIN deadband value should be <= the MF deadband value.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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OK I'll have to D/L the MPLAB Software (I'm already scared of playing with that!)

might take a while too 56K modem! but ill try.

Are you planning on releasing a MIOS app for the motorfaders with a menu the same as the old 16F but with the calibration option?

quoting "Another important hint: the MF module voltage must be lower than on the PIC16F implementation (ca. 8V) and the AIN deadband value should be <= the MF deadband value. "

Confusion ;)

Module voltage must be lower; does this mean: Adjusting the POT on the MF board?

what does AIN deadband and MF deadband mean?

Sorry for all the questions



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OK I'll have to D/L the MPLAB Software (I'm already scared of playing with that!)

might take a while too 56K modem! but ill try.

Are you planning on releasing a MIOS app for the motorfaders with a menu the same as the old 16F but with the calibration option?

quoting "Another important hint: the MF module voltage must be lower than on the PIC16F implementation (ca. 8V) and the AIN deadband value should be <= the MF deadband value. "

Confusion ;)

Module voltage must be lower; does this mean: Adjusting the POT on the MF board?

what does AIN deadband and MF deadband mean?

Sorry for all the questions



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Hi Lo,

unfortunately there is currently no way to configure the applications w/o the assembler. Creating a GUI is a lot of effort and should not be started before the features are frozen... for myself it would be a "creativity blocker" if I would have to adapt a GUI to new features with every new release.

yes, a MBMF port is planned, it will be compatible with the PIC16F solution so that Serge's Editor can be reused.

The pot on the MF board has to be adjusted, yes. The MF calibration app allows you to find the perfect settings for: MF board voltage, motor speed for up/down movements, MF deadband, AIN deadband.

The deadband itself is just the value range in which changes are ignored. For example, if the analog input has some noise which causes jitter, you can increase the deadband in order to filter the unwanted changes. With an increased deadband value you also decrease the resolution. For a 10-bit value a deadband of "0" is recommented. For a 7-bit MIDI value, a deadband of "7" is perfect (just try it to find out the difference).

The PIC16F firmwares are working with a deadband of 7 by default.

MF deadband is nearly the same - it means that the fader will only be moved if the new position is above or below the current position +/- deadband value

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi Lo,

unfortunately there is currently no way to configure the applications w/o the assembler. Creating a GUI is a lot of effort and should not be started before the features are frozen... for myself it would be a "creativity blocker" if I would have to adapt a GUI to new features with every new release.

yes, a MBMF port is planned, it will be compatible with the PIC16F solution so that Serge's Editor can be reused.

The pot on the MF board has to be adjusted, yes. The MF calibration app allows you to find the perfect settings for: MF board voltage, motor speed for up/down movements, MF deadband, AIN deadband.

The deadband itself is just the value range in which changes are ignored. For example, if the analog input has some noise which causes jitter, you can increase the deadband in order to filter the unwanted changes. With an increased deadband value you also decrease the resolution. For a 10-bit value a deadband of "0" is recommented. For a 7-bit MIDI value, a deadband of "7" is perfect (just try it to find out the difference).

The PIC16F firmwares are working with a deadband of 7 by default.

MF deadband is nearly the same - it means that the fader will only be moved if the new position is above or below the current position +/- deadband value

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey TK, (or anyone who knows)

  I haven't used the MF calibration yet, but the standard settings on the LC seem satisfactory to me... is it ok if I leave it the way it is? I won't damage anything? (is it normal for the faders to hit the bottom of the slot when they return to -infinitydB?)

 BTW, a tip for logic users... another way to overcome the lack of touch sensitivity, you can click the fader you are writing data from with the mouse, before moving it with the panasonic fader... not the nicest solution, but okay till you get round to fixing it properly! (maybe a small tactile type switch under each fader mechanism, which could be soft mounted with small rubber washers under mounting screw heads??)

 have fun, from Steve C

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Hey TK, (or anyone who knows)

  I haven't used the MF calibration yet, but the standard settings on the LC seem satisfactory to me... is it ok if I leave it the way it is? I won't damage anything? (is it normal for the faders to hit the bottom of the slot when they return to -infinitydB?)

 BTW, a tip for logic users... another way to overcome the lack of touch sensitivity, you can click the fader you are writing data from with the mouse, before moving it with the panasonic fader... not the nicest solution, but okay till you get round to fixing it properly! (maybe a small tactile type switch under each fader mechanism, which could be soft mounted with small rubber washers under mounting screw heads??)

 have fun, from Steve C

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Hi Steven,

it's difficult to qualify the behaviour of your motorfaders from this distance, but if they don't stutter and when they are moved smoothly, the settings are ok. In fact these are the values for my own faders :)

is it normal for the faders to hit the bottom of the slot when they return to -infinitydB?)

the driver doesn't prevent this. But if the hit is too intensive, it's maybe better to lower the motorfader voltage (it should be around 7.5V and 8.5V)

another way to overcome the lack of touch sensitivity, you can click the fader you are writing data from with the mouse, before moving it with the panasonic fader... not the nicest solution, but okay till you get round to fixing it properly!

before using the mouse it's maybe better to assign the ID_FADER_TOUCH_CHNx functions to 8 different buttons. Another trick: you could assign them to the alternative layer in order to re-use 8 existing buttons. Workflow: select the alternative layer, press the button above the motorfader you want to move, move the fader, release the button.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi Steven,

it's difficult to qualify the behaviour of your motorfaders from this distance, but if they don't stutter and when they are moved smoothly, the settings are ok. In fact these are the values for my own faders :)

is it normal for the faders to hit the bottom of the slot when they return to -infinitydB?)

the driver doesn't prevent this. But if the hit is too intensive, it's maybe better to lower the motorfader voltage (it should be around 7.5V and 8.5V)

another way to overcome the lack of touch sensitivity, you can click the fader you are writing data from with the mouse, before moving it with the panasonic fader... not the nicest solution, but okay till you get round to fixing it properly!

before using the mouse it's maybe better to assign the ID_FADER_TOUCH_CHNx functions to 8 different buttons. Another trick: you could assign them to the alternative layer in order to re-use 8 existing buttons. Workflow: select the alternative layer, press the button above the motorfader you want to move, move the fader, release the button.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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