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Yes, in electronics, a %10 difference rarely makes a difference (I know there are special occasions!!!!!)

100uF to 22000uF are good for PSU.. 100uF is cutting it close... Try to go in the thousands


are you sure you are not referring to the 330nF (nanofarad not microfarad) cap?

The one connected just before the 7809?

I didnt have one of these either but i did have a 220nf and a 100nf handy so just connected them

together in parallel :)


Yes! that's what I'm referring to. So I can just use different caps that add up to that value?

What about the bridge rectifier? I don't have one of those but the "shack" down the street has a bunch. But they are value marked and not part number marked. Is there a different one I can use, or do I HAVE to use that particular one? What values am i looking for?



It doesn't need to be exactly the same as long as it can take the voltage and current levels you're giving it. Shouldn't be a problem as they're normally rated for mains levels (230VAC) rather than the 9VAC we're giving them.


The bridge rectifier can be discreet diodes, but for simplicity, you can get a rshack rectifier (I have to go there and get one or 2.

Even the cheapest ones will be good enough. Look for a current rating of 1 amp or more. The voltage rating shouldn't be an issue. 50 is bare minumum.

The smaller caps on PSU's aren't too hyper-extremely importaint. Don't worry ;-D

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