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[S] Formant Pro alias MSS 2000 lower cabinet


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Hi to all,

a little commercial here to one of my sells in Germany:


I´m actually selling a COMPLETE lower cabinet of the modular, analoge synthi MSS 2000 (Formant Pro). Most will know it, it´s a DIY modular synthi pretty the same as Doepfer sells (for XXX the price of DIYing). If somebody is interested, just let me know.

Unfortunately the thread is in german and I´m also only selling this monster in Germany as I have NO FRIGGIN CLUE how to send that HUGE 19 kg (110 cm x 50 cm x 30 cm) synth somewhere outside Germany, sorry for that.

New price of this thing (ONLY the parts - NOT any work included) is about 900.- Euros (if you count in the price of the frontplates) and I´m selling it for about 600.- Euros.

Anyhow, have fun and greets! :)

PS: DO NOT ask why I´m selling it, to tell the truth I need the friggin money right now. :P

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Hi Pay_c,

sorry... but I HAVE to ask.

you're going to sell the MSS2000? What happened?  :o :o

I already build about three of them and they are still the best analog Synthies you can get (... sorry...build).

Means: I don't need another one. But for all readers: Take this part. For that price you won't get anything better (... you will have to steel one to get it cheaper...)  8)



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More stuff happened. First I´m (AGAIN) moving into a smaller flat and I nearly have no space for that huge baby. Second I reeeaaaally need the money (that also explains the low price) - there are coming up some payments in january. Third right at the moment I nearly have no time for playing it and I rather like to know it in some good (means knob-turning) hands than standing lonely in the corner catching dust.

Hope you understand that, indeed it was some hard decision, but I really think it´s better like that (for the synth and for me).

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