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hi all

i'm new to this forum.

i'd like to design a simple (or so do i think) display device. the aim is to have an array of LEDs (i think 8x8 is a max), that would react to midi note on messages. ie C3 would light up LED1, D3 LED2 and so on.

i don't want buttons or knobs or anthing, it's just a display thing.

it would be even better if the LEDs were multicolored and would have a different colour depending on note velocity.

is midibox the proper tool to achieve that, and could you please direct me to some threads/sites where i could get the basics (or even better, get me started)?

thanks all!


This is theoretically possible.

If you know how to program you could accomplish this with the midibox or maybe the midiprocessor.

What i don't understand is the function of your device?


thanx for your answer

the idea is to design a LED matrix with each LED being independant. i would put them on a board that would be attached to the lid of my laptop and that would display stuff while i am playing gigs (drawings, random stuff, synched flashes...).

that's mostly a "lappy pimp" thing  :)

i feel like it shouldn't be too difficult to do.

you can see it as a 8x8 (actually 7x7 might be better) controller with buttons that light up, but without the buttons, just the lights. and without midi out.


just an add-on to what Twin-X said:

go and download the C-Skeleton, open "main.c" and take a look at it.

Then you could download some C-Examples and see what others programmed. It's really easy, if you know the C-Syntax. As MIOS is just supporting the functions listed in the MIOS-Function-List, it's a manageable set of options :)

To bring your DOUT-Module to react to something, you will have to set some SRIO-(ShiftRegisterI/O)-Settings in the Init() Function... Just look through the function list with special interest for MIOS_SRIO_ and MIOS_DOUT_; maybe also MIOS_MIDI_ if you want to send MIDI-Messages!

Best regards,


ps: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=application_development is also a useful resource...


I'm assuming you want an actual LED matrix using two DOUT chips?

I've done some code for another guy on the forum who wanted the exact same thing... the code appears to work, I can email it to you if you like.


thanks again for your answers.

being a total noob, i still got to figure out what components i need. so i think the code will come even later. but anyway, i won't forget you when time will come!

do you guys have a rough idea of the budget for such a thing?

am i right assuming it will be <50$?


thanks again for your answers.

being a total noob, i still got to figure out what components i need. so i think the code will come even later. but anyway, i won't forget you when time will come!

do you guys have a rough idea of the budget for such a thing?

am i right assuming it will be <50$?

You can build a unit in 1 hour if you are a bit handy.

1x http://futurlec.com/LED_Matrix_88.shtml

1x dout board

1x core

Check mike's site (europe) or Smashtv (usa) for pricing

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