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Re: MIDIbox64E Configuration (was: MIDIbox TC)

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Hi TK,

In regard to your last post on this topic I did just what you said and built a box with 8 buttons, one encoder and a 2x16 LCD and uploaded the midibox 64e application to it. I am having a lot of trouble getting it to do anything for two reasons:

1) I havent used the application before so Im not sure what to assign to the buttons for best usage

2) I have not been able to customise the asm code as the layout is not familiar to me. I have used the applications for the sequencer and sid to customise, but for this application I dont understand how to define the pin as in other applications it is SR, pin and in this one it mostly talks about just the pin?

Would it be possible for you or anybody else to help by suggesting the best layout of the minimal surface (photo and fpd files attached) and to suggest how to modify the asm to suit that layout?

Here is the SR/pin info for the design if it helps:

First 4 buttons l->r (under screen starting with the red one)

SR0, D2

SR0, D3

SR0, D4

SR0, D5

Rotary encoder SR0 D0/D1

Bottom row of buttons L->R

SR0, D6

SR0, D7

SR1, D0

SR1, D1

Im happy to write the modification myself if someone can explain where I need to make the changes, and why as I would like to make a bigger one in the future.

I had posted this info some time ago in another post, but no reply came from anyone.

Thanks in advance!



Midibox TC.zip



Sorry you're not getting much action on this. I'd gladly help if I could, but I typically avoid encoder posts as I haven't been lucky enough to use any yet (I'm strictly "regular" MB64 so far).

Hopefully, this thread is just waiting for the right person to read it.

Good Luck,


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