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Java Runtime + MIOS Studio


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To run MIOS Studio you will need the Java Runtime, at least version 1.5 installed. If you do not have it, you will need to go to the Sun site http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/download.jsp first, download the JRE 5.0 setup file and install it according to your platform's instructions.

I have tried and tried

searched and searched

read and read

the Sun site is very hard to navigate and the background colour verses font colour is almost impossible read.

I've been going in circles and used up my net time for twos days running.

where is this binary file to download ?

the closest thing I can find is


Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0 Update 9

The J2SE Runtime Environment (JRE) allows end-users to run Java applications.

and I've read the associated txt files

installation notes, readme, release notes and licences

but the DOWNLOAD button produces a typical " The page cannot be displayed "

I'm obviously having trouble

help   ???

[EDIT - reason]

edited the title and added  " + MIOS Studio "

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on the page you named you need to click on the Download button next to the

[tt]Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0 Update 9

The J2SE Runtime Environment (JRE) allows end-users to run Java applications.

Installation Instructions | ReadMe  | ReleaseNotes | Sun License | Third Party Licenses


section, then a new window pops open which asks you to agree to the license agreement. Tick the box and you can now download the file that you need - e.g. the offline installation file for Windows, 15.74 MB in size.

Best regards, ilmenator

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as I said above

the DOWNLOAD button gives me nothing

The page cannot be displayed  "

is it possible to just get an http//.... location so I can right click and download


cut and paste the location into a downloads manager ?


the above link just FAILS for me

is there any chance of a mirror  ??

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Yeh it's down here too if I have java/javascript and cookies disabled, but I enabled them, and instead of going to sdlc3 it goes to 6, and the page loads.

Strangely, I disable them again, and it sends me to 9....

Try it again, maybe the cluster was misbehaving and the load balance was sending us to a failed node...Seems fixed now.

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big thanks for the reply and the info

I'm still a NO GO but at least I know there is an underlying reason.

Is there any chance of a single file download from an alternate site ?

... A link I can cut paste into GetRight and just let go. ...  ::)

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You are allowed to redistribute the runtime with programs written in Java.  The licence says:

B. License to Distribute Software. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and restrictions and exceptions set forth in the Software README file, including, but not limited to the Java Technology Restrictions of these Supplemental Terms, Sun grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license without fees to reproduce and distribute the Software, provided that (i) you distribute the Software complete and unmodified and only bundled as part of, and for the sole purpose of running, your Programs, (ii) the Programs add significant and primary functionality to the Software, (iii) you do not distribute additional software intended to replace any component(s) of the Software, (iv) you do not remove or alter any proprietary legends or notices contained in the Software, (v) you only distribute the Software subject to a license agreement that protects Sun's interests consistent with the terms contained in this Agreement, and (vi) you agree to defend and indemnify Sun and its licensors from and against any damages, costs, liabilities, settlement amounts and/or expenses (including attorneys' fees) incurred in connection with any claim, lawsuit or action by any third party that arises or results from the use or distribution of any and all Programs and/or Software.

So if you agree not to sue Sun or me, i can email you a bundle of MIOS Studio and the JRE.  PM me with your email address and OS/Processor.

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thanks ... I may hold you to that offer

in the mean time,

I changed venue and OS and net access.

... in other words I tried a download from work on a office network machine with different OS to mine and with near lightspeed.  No way could I have got 15meg+ at home.

Click Download and it all went instantly passed the trouble page and found the OffLine installer.  I have that on a MemStick and will try it all out this week end on one of my test computers.

I'll let you know how it turns out.

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please also refer to

MIOS Studio beta7_4


currently it is a Sticky and rather than clog it up with my newbie problem I think it is better to bring it here

Just to ReCap

I think I have successfully

downloaded the JRE runtine offline setup file

downloaded the MIOS 7_4 beta.jar  (.zip)

run the set file JRE

changed the  MIOS 7_4 beta.jar.zip to MIOS 7_4 beta.jar

double click MIOS 7_4 beta.jar


nothing but the windows bump sound

I have searched and read ... and read and searched

I am stuck

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If you're really stuck, you can always try to run it from the command line.  Open up a command prompt window, change to the directory of the jar file and run

java -jar "MIOS 7_4 beta.jar"

That should at least give you an error message if there is something wrong with the jar file.

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You have any luck with this yet?

It sounds like typical file association junk. I think I've had jar files fail to associate properly on something here as well.

If it helps, I just opened my MSbeta7.4 with wordpad. The beginning starts with PK and five "unprintable" block characters. In the seventh line, there's a bunch of blocks,etc. and you'll see "org/midibox/apps/miosstudio/MIOSStudio.class". Getting "properties" for the file under WindowsXP on a fat32 disk shows the size of the file as 1.53 MB (1,613,526 bytes) and size on disk as 1.53 MB (1,613,824 bytes). Just to make sure you're running the same file and the download didn't mess it up.

It's type should be listed as an "Executable Jar File" in the properties box, and if you go into the Tools menu and do folder options/file types in one of your folders, there should be a "JAR" listing in there. In mine, if I select the JAR type, in the "details" section at the bottom, it says "Opens with: Java 2 Platform Standard Edition binary". I'm guessing that's one of the exe's in the Java folders in Program Files.

Let me know if any of that doesn't match up with what you're seeing on your machine. Assuming JRE got installed correctly, maybe you'll need to go into the file types dialog and point it directly to the right exe (or do a right click "open with" on the file and change it).

Hope that helps,


<EDIT> Just checked the stuff in the file types dialog, and tracked the exe. The application used to perform the "Open" action for mine is "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_07\bin\javaw.exe" -jar "%1" %*

Should see something similar on yours, and if not, try right clicking and "Open With", then check "Always use the selected program" and point it to the "javaw.exe" file in the "bin" folder of whatever Java you installed.

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no luck yet

opening MIOS 7_4 beta.jar  in wordpad is just a jumble

there is a structure but I can't read it

the files size might be the key

I only have 221KB and 224KB

I do have Java 2 Platform s


Executable Jar File

for me in programs

I have

C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_09\bin\javaw.exe

check the 1.5.0_9

... that could just mean I downloaded it more recently.

I'm thinking my JAR file is not right or got changed on the way in.

I'll try again tomorrow from my work place with a better OS and net access.

I'll be back



I have just downloaded a replacement for MIOS 7_4 beta.jar  using a different download method

and now I have

MIOSStudio_beta7_4.jar    @  1576KB in size

I feel more confident this time

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didn't need to

... once I got complete and valid files, it all just worked as it should.

seems I have trouble with both the SUN site and the midibox.org for some reason.

I have now worked out a way that I can get the midibox.org stuff ... MIOS and PDFs etc

even the PDFs for LCD wiring were incomplete and corrupt.

Using the download manager has solved the resuming issues that were the problem.

I can't get the SUN stuff at home and in the future I will have to use the work system.


all is good with the MIOS Studio and I spent some time last night routing and checking the operations on most of the windows have confirmed comunications through my MT4 midi port.

... and spent some time with the help.

I know nothing about programming but the application looks and feels fine.

In fact it great and I'm impressed.

Years ago, I said that you guys were doing a great job.

When I set up Group DIY I had hoped I could get things heading in this direction.

  ... but it didn't happen that way.

I have not yet checked out Serge's Sysex stuff but now that I have my downloads worked out I'm sure it will work.

All I have to do now is wait for my Core Card Kits to arrive from SmashTV.

When they do arrive successfully I'll order an LCD kit and a DIN kit and a DOUT kit.

My needs are very simple compared to some of your massive projects


I'm sure I'll be back for some more advice.


;D ;D ;D

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Man, and I thought I had compatibility problems cause I insisted on using Opera. ;D

Glad you got that working Kev. :)


PS- MIOSStudio is cool as s**t! Make sure you check out the "debug" section. It can send LCD messages to help setting up layouts and stuff, as well as triggering various MIOS calls (like resets). Remember it won't currently remember your MIDI port connections when you exit, so if you've just opened it, you'll need to connect to your ports or it won't actually be communicating with anything. 

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It can send LCD messages to help ...

... it won't currently remember your MIDI port connections when you exit, ...


I noticed that and

that's why I'll order the LCD kit as soon as the Core Kits arrive safely

and yep

I've sus'd the port connections.

I launch it a couple of times as I was checking the compatability of my USB midi port.

I also need the USB Midi connected before launching MIOS Studio.


if the USB disconnects I have to re-launch MIOS Studio.

even so

It is all so very, very COOL ... who wrote it ? ... job well done.

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I also need the USB Midi connected before launching MIOS Studio.


if the USB disconnects I have to re-launch MIOS Studio.

Does pressing the Rescan Devices button pick it up again?

It is all so very, very COOL ... who wrote it ? ... job well done.

That'd be me, I took over the project after Wilba got the ball rolling with his neat little Java application that uploaded Hex files  ;)


- Adam

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Does pressing the Rescan Devices button pick it up again?

my beta is a little different to what I see in the Help File

... with the rescan on a second page.

I haven't got it in front of me right now so this is from memory.

The Midi Device Routing Page has something else in the bottom left hand corner.

I don't remember how (right click perhaps)

but there is a second page.

The rescan does nothing ... no change ... zip


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