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Using Core to control mechanical stuff


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well, look first at what you can get out of and put into the core: analog and digital signals.

now try to think of a way to make a robot respond to those signals. (hint: pots could be used as joint position sensors, digital outs could be used to control relays, which in turn control motors/rotors/chainsaws/whatever)

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dout controlling a relay that controls a linear actuator that pulls a gun trigger

analog out that controls motor drivers that change pitch and yaw of gun

Midi controlled guns.



You could use it to shoot out monitor signals, control house lighting... planty of stuffs

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Can i use the core module to control mechanical objects. Like trigger a robot.

In fact you could realize very advanced robotic projects with MIOS.

Every robot consists of inputs (buttons / sensors; see wiki -> sensors) and some outputs (relays, motors, flexinol nitinol actuators (=> electronic muscles), lights, sound) via DOUT-modules, AOUT-modules or PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) Generation.

You just have to take care that you never draw too much current directly out of the outputs. Just google around a bit and you'll find plenty of circuits and sources :)

Or tell Santa Claus, you want a LEGO Mindstorms Robotic Set (I have an "old" RCX 2.0, there's also a brand new model available called NXT based on a 32bit ARM controller featuring FLASH memory, USB 2.0 and Bluetooth for ~150 EUR); you can experiment very well with it; there's also plenty of open source software, eg. NQC (Not Quite C) for Win, Linux and Mac (don't know though if it already works with the NXT!) and it's great for quick  experimenting! http://shop.lego.com/Product/?p=9841

(in fact a very reduced version of my planned MIOS harmonizer is already running on my RCX ;D )

...and lots of adults have chosen LEGO as their preferred way of working in the field of robotics, 'cause it's strictly modular, easy to build, very robust and easy to reuse. Indeed, there are some highly advanced thick technical books available...



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I had idea of making MIDI robot from the moment i read I can drive relays over DOUT. I wanted to to put PC with WiFi, webcam and MIDIBox driving relays for motors in the one box (ROV) and connect everything over LAN (MIDIoverLAN) with other PC on wich I can see the webcam image and I can have status leds and triggers.

Is seamed to me as a pretty simple idea for making my own ROV since I don`t have anny programming skills.  What is the way for using AOUT for precise positioning of some arm or something?

I tought of using MF module for driving srm motors (not directly) and feedback from pots mounted on the joints for position feedback. Is it so simple as it sounds?

What about PWM? Does anny MB app uses PWM, and what could you drive with it? Servos?

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personally i'd use feedback from pots on the joints to determine the position of the joint. precise movement could be created using stepper motors and an appropriate controller for those. then it would only need an 'up or 'down' bit sent to it to move the joint a little bit. for larrger movement, just keep sending up signals till the desired position has been reached.

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  • 1 month later...

I had a thought recently of using the MIOS to trigger a realy t ground/unground AIN's. It came from an idea of making modular add ons to a core module (discuused before), and overcoming the difficulty of having the AIN's throwing out an old crap when the module was not there.

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Edit: the following is an answer to a posting that has been removed ;)

sorry to deny that:

1st: MIDI is in fact a serial protocol, just another baud rate. There's nothing you can transmit by serial data that you couldn't also transmit by MIDI.

2nd: You are free to stuff your Core with an LTC Module that provides a COM interface!

3rd: If you're talking of better communications, I don't understand why you are referring to stoneage COM ports: Bluetooth would be interesting, but the thing is: it's also serial ;D

4th: MIDI != Music. Noone sais you must only produce sounds when a Note_ON signal is received. It's totally up to you what your robots does!

5th: You're not really wanting to say that Midi is too slow, aren't you? I mean where when not within music would that be a problem? ???

And: I think that the communication possibilities really don't matter for robotics that normally are built to function independently without any connection to a PC.

The only thing that counts are good I/O possibilities (and MBHP is superb in that!), good programming possibilities (MIOS is great and C is one of the best languages a robot programmer can get). And if you ever tried to program a robot by graphical UI based software or script based specialized firmwares (think of time-critical stuff!) you'll probably know what I mean.

So I cannot see any of your arguments. :-*



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Forgive me if I am wrong, but I thought the purpose was to directly control machanical parts with the midi 'protocol', as is already done with motor faders. Is it not the point that, lets say, a 5v pusle from an AOUT will 'kick' something off, then using AIN to determine position? ???

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I thought the purpose was to directly control machanical parts with the midi 'protocol', as is already done with motor faders. Is it not the point that, lets say, a 5v pusle from an AOUT will 'kick' something off, then using AIN to determine position?

I think an AOUT shouldn't be even be necessary, 'cause the PIC can output PWM signals that can be fed into a servo-motor control circuit; but I'm no pro in outputs (more focussed on inputs :) ) – that means I haven't generated a PWM yet, but if one got the right pins it shouldn't be too hard to find a C code snippet for that. Maybe something like this is already implemented in one of the available apps...

The AIN position detection should mainly be a question of the mechanical construction design: eg. with an LED and a photoresistor (like it's done in some pedals) or the motor itself can be used as an input, 'cause it actually generates electricity when being turned. Or a magnetic field detector or pressure measurement... depends on the construction

@MRE: you're talking about newbies and easy stuff and that's a totally different thing. If you're searching for quick and easy robotics, I can still recommend Mindstorms, that you can use for simple and quite advanced projects. There are lots of easy-to-assemble and click-and-drag-programs for beginners out there, but again: I was referring to question if it can be done with MIOS and my answer is: yes, definitely :D

best regards,


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If you're searching for quick and easy robotics, I can still recommend Mindstorms, that you can use for simple and quite advanced projects. There are lots of easy-to-assemble and click-and-drag-programs for beginners out there, but again: I was referring to question if it can be done with MIOS and my answer is: yes, definitely

Does this mean, for once and for all, that we will be able to control drummers!!! ;D

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In the interest of harmony (and a clean message board) I recant everything I said (courtesy of the Remove button) and agree totally with AudioCommander! (which, I did anyway)  :P

Yes, MIDIbox can control all sorts of fantastical things. It can be triggered by, and trigger many other magical wonders.

However, if you want to build a "ROBOT"..  get a Lego RCX.

I got longwinded and off topic.

I am still waiting for my Ones and Zeros Applejax.  :D

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I think it's time to use the correct terminology to avoid confusion - I think "serial" has been said here where sometimes what was really meant was RS232 :)

I know communications engineers (especially those from the stone ages) who are less concise with their terminology than you Stryd, but yes you are correct. Hats off.

I generally try to remember to use RS232 or at least COM to refer to the com port of a pc (and thus, RS232, unless its a 'faked' port ex: via USB). Sometimes I still toss 'serial' around when in fact I ment (read: should have said) RS232. I almost always differentiate 422 or 485 however. Bad habits die hard.

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