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AllNotesOff possible and how?


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I've tested the AllNotesOff and AllSoundsOff Midi Messages which i founded in MIDI documention on several sides:






but nothing happens sadly. Any idea?

e.g. in my tests, Midibox SID doesn't release the played notes.

It would be interessting, how TK handle a NoteOff for all played notes in SEQ-Application by pressing the STOP Button.

Greets Rio.

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Hello Rio !

You forget to set the midi channel !!

MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(176 + i);//Controller Chn i
MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(123);//ALL NOTE OFF // http://www.borg.com/~jglatt/tech/midispec/ctllist.htm
Here is a function that kill notes on every channels :
	unsigned char i=0;
		MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(176 + i);//Controller Chn i
		MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(123);//ALL NOTE OFF // http://www.borg.com/~jglatt/tech/midispec/ctllist.htm

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it didn't work with your code too...! i've tested it yesterday..  :-\

the osc's of sids are playing further the last tones...

i have tested also with a midi channel 1 command before command 120 or 123




but here the results are the same, nothing changed for instr. in channel 1.

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Bill's code is right.

Now you should look up in the MIDI-Implementation Chart if this is supported by the device: there's a file called "sid_cc_implementation_chart.txt" inside the sid directory that contains the entry:

[tt] 123 | 7Bh | Assign Wavetable Parameter #3 to Controller  |      0: off |    0[/tt]

so ALL NOTES OFF is not supported with the SID application.



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first, thxs for all fast replies...  :)

@moxi: yes same thought... maybe there will be used channels and last note numbers stored...

@audiocommander: do you mean this file?: mbseqv3_cc_implementation.txt

I don't know, but this tells me nothing about how seq stops all notes on channels to other devices..

and watching source, sadly i can't interpret ASM-Code .. ;)

Greets Rio.

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It's not available in mbseqv2.

And yes, I meant that file. But mbseqv3 isn't released yet, so you got to try. A midi-implementation chart is normally done with all the rest of the docs once a version has a first stable release.

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