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DOUT pins backwards?


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I'm a little confused, I was hoping someone could clear something up.

When I look at the DOUT pinout chart at http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=din_dout_pintable the pins on the registers are backwards from what I get in reality.

For example, I have an LED on register 4, pin D6.

The chart shows this should be pin 30 hex number 0x1e

But to turn this pin on, I need to use pin 25, hex number 0x19.

This is exactly backwards.

What could I be doing wrong?

Is it possible that I installed a component backwards, such as the crystal?



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Are you sure you are talking about the right pin?

According to the schematic diagram for the DOUT, the pins, running left to right, are:

[tt]Reg 1                              Reg 2     

D07,D06,D05,D04,D03,D02,D01,D00 || D07,D06,D05,D04,D03,D02,D01,D00

P07,P06,P05,P04,P03,P02,P01,P00 || P15,P14,P13,P12,P11,P10,P09,P08[/tt]

So yes, this is exactly backwards, you've done nothing wrong, except you've counted the pins left-to-right.

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Thanks tilted for taking care of typing it out in a more clear fashion :)

Yeh, Left-to-right order is otherwise known as "Big Endian" because you read starting from the end with the big numbers, and "little endian" is when you are reading from right to left; from the little end.

It's all explained in the wikipedia article I linked to in that tip :)

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two more questions:

- are you using a DOUT board from Mike's or SmashTV?

The reason I ask is, because SmashTV's boards have the pin numbers printed on and (IMHO) are therefore easier to handle

- do you know the debug-function of MIOSStudio? you can send DOUT_PinSet1(pin) from the debug window to test what pin has what number (actually)

Best regards,


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