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Traktorizer - a Midibox to control Traktor-DJ-Studio -


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Yeh I'm still looking for a perl programmer so I don't have to convert it manually next time... anyone?

Oh BTW, if you get the Nokia 5110 screen you can get a backlight attached :)

If anyone finds some 7110 screens to send to me I'll do the driver for those badboys too..

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Man, those LCDs are so great and informative. You already great controller will evolve so much when you add those dislays.

1 little bug I found out...when I photograph them with flash, the lcds goes clear, after poweron the screen is back

What a strange bug ??? What do you think what`s cosing it? Light or electrical discharge?

I hope you want need to have shade for your controller to block the strobe light when gigging.  ;D

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Yeh its very strange bug, i tested it some times again...its only if u put the camera-flash directly 10-15 cm in front of the display....a friend telled me maybe it works like a sensor or something....dont know.

2morrow my EL-Foil will arrive :)  *jumping :)  cant await to test

Stay tuned  8)

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Yeh I'm still looking for a perl programmer so I don't have to convert it manually next time... anyone?

Oh BTW, if you get the Nokia 5110 screen you can get a backlight attached :)

If anyone finds some 7110 screens to send to me I'll do the driver for those badboys too..

What do you need a perl programmer for stryd?  I can prolly do it.

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Wuuuuuooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D


What a great blue colour, its the same like the EL-Foil....NICE !!!

Thnx and 1000 thnx again & again :)

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Stupid question but i cant test still this.....

can I connect an encoder on a "dissimilar" pin ?

Example :

ENC_ENTRY  1,  1,  MIOS_ENC_MODE_NON_DETENTED    ;  // Jogwheelencoder Deck A
instead of
ENC_ENTRY  1,  0,  MIOS_ENC_MODE_NON_DETENTED    ;  // Jogwheelencoder Deck A


Sorry for asking this but I must know this before I change my pintables for the DIN-soldering

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Heh I've always wondered that.

I don't think it'll work across two SRs. Otherwise, as far as I can see, it should work fine... but I decided that instead of asking TK, I'd just use even numbers. Is there some compelling reason why you'd rather start from odd numbers?

Edit: Yeh it should work like in your picture.

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Is there some compelling reason why you'd rather start from odd numbers?

not really, just a thought, cause I forgot I have some Din-Pins left so I shift 1 pin to the right and its ok.

...but this question is still interesting (for me :) )

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