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RCA (Phono) PCB Moutn Plugs?


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I bought the MIDIBox CORE and SID kits from SmashTV and thus far have been amazingly satisfied. The thing had everything I needed except for a few things, most of which are minor.

One thing that was missing (no doubt because not everyone wants to use them) were RCA / Phono PCB mount plugs. There is a pinout for them of course, but I am having trouble finding a suitable vendor here in the USA. Anyone have any suggestions?

I am also looking for SIP and DIP plugs and cables in various sizes since I don't have tools to make them and want to avoid having to solder wire to the pins.


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I wouldn't worry too much about using PCB mount RCA jacks unless it's integral to your case design- otherwise (and this is usually way better in terms of headaches re: getting everything to fit together) use panel-mount RCAs with solder lugs/cups on the back- and wire it together using jumpers.  I'm not intimately familiar with the PCB for the SID module, but if the pin spacings for the RCA jacks will accommodate some sort of screw terminal- I'd suggest doing so..

If mouser and digikey don't have parts that meet your requirements, I'd suggest trying a more specialized distributor like Parts Express or Antique Radio Supply- since they more towards the DIY audio crowd.

Good luck,


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Well, eventually I wanted to build the whole Midibox SID in all of its full glory. For now, though, I wanted to start small and simple. The RCA PCB mounts seem like they would be the best bet to start with. I already soldered the SIP pin headers so I can always just switch when I need to start expanding.

I was able to find some from Allied Electronics. They are based close to where I live (same state at least) so we shall see how that goes. I'll keep in mind the panel mount PCB's though...that actually is a good idea :)

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In case anyone was curious. I did buy some PCB mount phono jacks but they did not seem to fit. The solution? I grabbed 2 panel mount 1/4" headphone style jacks from Radio shack. I then took an extra CD-ROM audio cable, cut the ends off, and used two of the pairs which I soldered to the jack.

It actually works surprisingly well for now although the solution is somewhat ugly at best, at least without a case to go around it (that's for the future :)

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If you're working on the road, or in a professional environment, it's best to avoid board mounted sockets of all types, if possible. Someone tripping over a lead can trash a board as opposed to just a socket.

There is a lot of wisdom on the subject herehttp://www.hinton-instruments.co.uk/reference/midi/promidi/index.htm

I put my MIDI in outs on chassis mounted sockets, and use the 3 pin 'molex' style connectors to hitch them to the core board. if a socket gets damaged, I can change it out with a screwdriver, because I've made a couple of spares.

Same with the phono's or whatever. If they are on flying leads you could easily change them for 1/4" jacks if the need arose.


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