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HELP please... Core going crazy !!!!


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I wired core 1:1 to gameport using an already programmed PIC 18f452.

I set up sound card ( midi port shows as MPU 401 ).

When I turn on the core very strange things are shown on MIOS studio;

00000000655621 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000655622 ms | [FD] Undefined

00000000655622 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000655622 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000655623 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000655631 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000655631 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000655632 ms | [EF 00 00] Channel 16: Pitch Bend value: 0

00000000655632 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000655633 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000655632 ms | [bD 7F 00] Channel 14: CC Poly Mode On value: 0

00000000655636 ms | [F2 01 01] Song Position: 129

00000000655638 ms | [bA 00 00] Channel 11: CC Bank Select value: 0

00000000655640 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000655641 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000655642 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000655642 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000655642 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000655643 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000655651 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000655651 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000655652 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000655652 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000655652 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000655653 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000655641 ms | [DF 00 00] Channel 16: Channel Pressure value: 0

00000000655653 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000655653 ms | [DF 7C 00] Channel 16: Channel Pressure value: 124

00000000655657 ms | [C0 00 00] Channel 1: Program Change no: 0

00000000655657 ms | [80 00 00] Channel 1: Note Off C-1 velocity: 0

00000000655657 ms | [bF 00 00] Channel 16: CC Bank Select value: 0

00000000655658 ms | [A0 00 00] Channel 1: Aftertouch C-1 pressure: 0

00000000655658 ms | [80 01 F7] Channel 1: Note Off C#-1 velocity: 247

00000000657550 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000657550 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000657551 ms | [FD] Undefined

00000000657551 ms | [FD] Undefined

00000000657552 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000657550 ms | [DF 01 00] Channel 16: Channel Pressure value: 1

00000000657555 ms | [DF 01 00] Channel 16: Channel Pressure value: 1

00000000657556 ms | [DF 05 00] Channel 16: Channel Pressure value: 5

00000000657556 ms | [FD] Undefined

00000000657560 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000657560 ms | [FD] Undefined

00000000657560 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000657561 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000657561 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000657569 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000657570 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000657570 ms | [EF 00 00] Channel 16: Pitch Bend value: 0

00000000657571 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000657571 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000657571 ms | [bD 7F 01] Channel 14: CC Poly Mode On value: 1

00000000657576 ms | [bD 01 39] Channel 14: CC Modulation Wheel value: 57

00000000657576 ms | [bD 7F 0A] Channel 14: CC Poly Mode On value: 10

00000000657577 ms | [bA 00 00] Channel 11: CC Bank Select value: 0

00000000658256 ms | [FF] System Reset

Once in a while I get Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7, but this is very rare.

I checked all voltages, installed another new PIC that I programmed myself but still nothing.

Also when I connect test led with midi pins it flickers every 2 seconds.

I tried uploading MIOS but still nothing is working.


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I just finished mine up 5 minutes ago and it did the same thing. I found out what it was: POWER

I was running it off a 9v battery with about 8.1v in it, it would go positively apesh*t on the MIDI out port just like that for about a minute then it would just sit there dead.  I stuck a brand new 9v on it and it booted right up.

Now i've got to get some apps on there to test it out.

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I tried on batt, AC psu, DC 12V, DC 18V... same probs.

I also tried shorter cable and thicker.

My prob is not power, I think it's either the midi cable or the PC!!!.

Cause I tried 2 soundcards Audigy and MPU 401. Exactly same probs.

I am wiring midi out directly through a 220R into midi in and vice versa.

I am ordered a new midi in - midi out cable hopefully receiving it by end of this week.

I will post results.

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dont you have a midicable in your audigy? theres another optocoupler inside, so youll need one. its the same circuit which is on the core so you can duplicate and diy it. Taking the SubD isnt possible when you want to use midi in AND out. perhaps try to unplug your midi-in of the core, just to check if a proper upload request will be send.


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No I don't have the cable for the audigy. I tried using midi out only of midi core but never received an upload request alone.

Only like this now;

00000000063074 ms | [FC] Stop

00000000063075 ms | [80 00 00] Channel 1: Note Off C-1 velocity: 0

00000000072091 ms | [FD] Undefined

00000000072098 ms | [A0 40 00] Channel 1: Aftertouch E4 pressure: 0

00000000074292 ms | [A0 0E 14] Channel 1: Aftertouch D0 pressure: 20

00000000074293 ms | [FC] Stop

00000000080339 ms | [FB] Continue

00000000074294 ms | [bF 01 00] Channel 16: CC Modulation Wheel value: 0

00000000080339 ms | [A0 00 40] Channel 1: Aftertouch C-1 pressure: 64

00000000102148 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000102153 ms | [A0 7F 40] Channel 1: Aftertouch G9 pressure: 64

00000000102154 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000104044 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000102153 ms | [A0 00 0A] Channel 1: Aftertouch C-1 pressure: 10

00000000104049 ms | [90 68 28] Channel 1: Note On G#7 velocity: 40

00000000104050 ms | [E8 00 00] Channel 9: Pitch Bend value: 0

00000000104052 ms | [A0 01 05] Channel 1: Aftertouch C#-1 pressure: 5

00000000105945 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000105947 ms | [87 78 40] Channel 8: Note Off C9 velocity: 64

00000000105965 ms | [87 68 28] Channel 8: Note Off G#7 velocity: 40

00000000105966 ms | [E8 00 00] Channel 9: Pitch Bend value: 0

00000000105967 ms | [bF 00 00] Channel 16: CC Bank Select value: 0

00000000105968 ms | [A0 0A 78] Channel 1: Aftertouch A#-1 pressure: 120

00000000107862 ms | [F8] Timing clock

00000000107861 ms | [E8 00 00] Channel 9: Pitch Bend value: 0

00000000107863 ms | [E8 7E 40] Channel 9: Pitch Bend value: 8318

00000000107863 ms | [E8 00 0F] Channel 9: Pitch Bend value: 1920

00000000107880 ms | [A0 00 00] Channel 1: Aftertouch C-1 pressure: 0

00000000107881 ms | [80 0E 14] Channel 1: Note Off D0 velocity: 20

00000000107882 ms | [FC] Stop

00000000107883 ms | [bF 00 00] Channel 16: CC Bank Select value: 0

00000000107884 ms | [A0 00 00] Channel 1: Aftertouch C-1 pressure: 0

00000000109776 ms | [A0 00 00] Channel 1: Aftertouch C-1 pressure: 0

00000000109777 ms | [A0 00 00] Channel 1: Aftertouch C-1 pressure: 0

00000000109779 ms | [87 01 00] Channel 8: Note Off C#-1 velocity: 0

00000000109797 ms | [80 0E 1C] Channel 1: Note Off D0 velocity: 28

00000000109799 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000111693 ms | [A0 1F 1F] Channel 1: Aftertouch G1 pressure: 31

00000000111694 ms | [A0 30 00] Channel 1: Aftertouch C3 pressure: 0

00000000111694 ms | [90 00 00] Channel 1: Note On C-1 velocity: 0

00000000111695 ms | [A0 00 00] Channel 1: Aftertouch C-1 pressure: 0

00000000111695 ms | [80 7E 40] Channel 1: Note Off F#9 velocity: 64

00000000111713 ms | [80 00 0F] Channel 1: Note Off C-1 velocity: 15

00000000111713 ms | [A1 00 00] Channel 2: Aftertouch C-1 pressure: 0

00000000111714 ms | [A0 00 00] Channel 1: Aftertouch C-1 pressure: 0

00000000111715 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000111715 ms | [80 3E 20] Channel 1: Note Off D4 velocity: 32

00000000111733 ms | [80 20 01] Channel 1: Note Off G#1 velocity: 1

00000000111734 ms | [80 00 00] Channel 1: Note Off C-1 velocity: 0

00000000113625 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000111734 ms | [A0 00 00] Channel 1: Aftertouch C-1 pressure: 0

00000000113628 ms | [A0 00 0F] Channel 1: Aftertouch C-1 pressure: 15

00000000113629 ms | [A0 0B 01] Channel 1: Aftertouch B-1 pressure: 1

It happens like this all the time; quite strange is that when I put an led on midi out of core it flashes every 2 sec.

I will test a midi cable soon as I said in my last post.

Any idea from where I can buy the AUD_EXT cable/adaptor for audigy?


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