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Some Debugging questions


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Okay a few problems, looks like my FM is a little schitzo, I get a lot of messages over midi after turning it on without actually touching anything. One particular problem seems to be a consistant system reset. Is there anything I should be looking at that might cause a system reset?

Also there's nothing but static coming from the outs.

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It says on the LCD "MIOS 1.9d" at least once, where sometimes it repeats it (goes blank and then says "MIOS..." again). Then usually it says some musical/midi value "blah 127".

The MIDI in monitor gives loads of settings changes as  well as an [ff] reset log. It appears as if (to me at least) the FM program is indeed loaded and is running to whatever extent. 

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Okay reflashed without any bankstick or presets (or even the bankstick plugged in). I actually says it's starting up Midibox FM, and appropriate (seemingly) lights ligt up on the console. But unfortunately the sound coming out of the FM is a horrible modem like thing. No more weird midi messages but there is always a creepy sounding hum ,and when I press the keyboard there's a really weird howl that emanates from the box. Anyhow had this as well?

Also I can't control the HUID at all for some reason, everthing is wired but not a single button gives a response from the LCD or any LED

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You might want to try one of the test apps for your buttons.

One thing at a time is good :) First, fix the core. Then the DIN/DOUTs. Then the FM. You're going about things in a very random manner right now, and I don't think it's helping you too much...

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I don't think it's too random. ;-)

As I said I guess I fixed the core by reflashing, no more weird midi signals. Now I loaded the sine wave app and it's acting really spasmodically. I was able to load just one amp at a time, in the one socket (the one with a different orientation). Each individual amp actually worked. Then after checking all 3 in this manner (same place alone), they turn out fine. But if I plug 2 into the module, it will then not work anymore at all

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i cant help you with specifics as i havent made an fm

but here are some things ive found to help

going away and doing something else for a while coming back to it refreshed

finding another pair of eyes someone who can understand whats going on but isnt  so emontionally involved with the project just to check for obvious mistakes that you cant see because youve been staring at it for the last two weeks

and as stryd said be very methodical and logical in your fault finding

regards and good luck kris

ps i dont believe youve made a brick but the question is do yu believe you have

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