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Reichelt DIT / DTL Buttons


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A quick question: Has anyone of you ever used these buttons:


I think they are really cool! They are the Reichelt DIT and DTL types: "Digi-taster". Euro 1,75 each.

What I was wondering, how can these be fitted to a front panel? Or should a circuit board be used to mount them? ???

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Guest opiumx

I swear I think i remember seeing these back in the day, must have been 99-00 when there was the midibox with 8 knobs. And it looks like yes you would have to mount them on a circuit board.

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Im using them, too. Theyre very cool. The click-feeling is very pregnant and nice. You can mount them next to each other on a circuit board. The measures are (about) 17,5mm to 12,5 mm. So for 16 pots in a row (MB64SEQ  ;D ) exactly 200mm. The leds are fitting in there perfectly.

I think theyre a very good (also a little more expensive) solution.

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For the pots:

I think the ones at Reichelt with 4mm diameter are better than the 6mm ones (theyre also lighter to move) . They dont use up to much room, so you can built the whole thing a little more compact.

The Aluknobs at Reichelt (for 4mm diameter) are very fine!

*Gotta make some pictures*

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Really? I thought the 6mm would be better as they seem stronger? Never thought of "turning-lightness"..  So the 4mm are lighter to turn than the 6mm ones uh?

I was looking at the KNOPF 14-6:


14 mm diameter is nice and compact, as I'm trying to fit the whole MIDIbox in a A4 panel 297x210 mm.

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make sure you leave enough room between the pots - you don't want to affect knobs beside the one actually turning cos ur fingers get in the way ;p also make sure you get the right one for ur type of pot - either d-shaped or spindle style...



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d2k is right with that. I built my pots in there with a space of 25x25mm.

The 4mm pots of Reichelt are nearly as robust as the 6mm ones.

All knobs at Reichelt are fitting on the pots at Reichelt. No shaped ones there.

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Good advise, and utilising it in my design!

I'm almost done now, but.. does anyone have the specs (size in mm) for the Reichelt DIT / DTL Buttons?

And.. maybe more photos (Thorsten?) of the various Digitaster buttons to show of the colors? I'm still dubbing about which colours to order :)

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I posted the specs earlier, but here again:

about (meaning a *little* less - so you can really mount each to next ) 17,5 mm x 12,5 mm

The photos in the Reichelt catalogue show the colors kinda good. (If you dont have it already - ORDER IT!!!). I´m using black and blue ones - both are very fine. I think the red ones are good to.

btw: If youre not sure about some pieces just make sample orders of them (meaning just ordering one).  You will have to order the stuff for your MB more than once. So just take all switches & pots, which you could-would-want to use into your first order and just look at them. I think nearly anybody does it like that.

Hope I helped you.

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