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SDCC 2.70 Release Candidate 1


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This just got announced to the mailing list, I thought I'd let you guys know in case you're not subscribed...

I'm checking it out now... If the latest 2.60 snapshots are anything to go by, this could be a nice release. I don't see any big changes though, to be honest...

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Stryd (and all),

Speaking of SDCC- Do you guys have a method of dumping (or finding) the full error listing after an unsuccessful make? I'm usually running in a dos box, where all I can ultimately see is that last stream of errors caused by the "real" one.

Sorry to change the subject. It just reminded me. ;)


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Man, thanks!

A lot easier than I thought. I remember that from Dos batch/junk, but reading the batch file that runs the compile scared the crap out of me. :o Thought I'd have to insert some switch way up in there somewhere.

I will gladly check out Codeblocks. These messes of curly braces I'm making and conditional crap inside other conditional crap are making me understand old people I used to read about, who preferred to work in assembler or didn't even know any higher level languages. I grabbed an editor (Crimson) which colorizes stuff a bit, but even the simplest functions I've built still look like a train wreck.

Take Care,


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Man, thanks!

Anytime :) I guess I'm starting to show my age with all this command line crap though hehehe

reading the batch file that runs the compile scared the crap out of me. :o Thought I'd have to insert some switch way up in there somewhere.

Hah true... Just for future hacking, quite a few options can be added to the makefile.spec too, so that you don't have to edit the makefile.bat that gets generated, every time you run make.bat.

I will gladly check out Codeblocks. These messes of curly braces I'm making and conditional crap inside other conditional crap are making me understand old people I used to read about, who preferred to work in assembler or didn't even know any higher level languages. I grabbed an editor (Crimson) which colorizes stuff a bit, but even the simplest functions I've built still look like a train wreck.

Oh man I still keep missing commas and shit. ASM can be ugly but the 'direct' nature of it can make it a lot easier to deal with sometimes huh.

I think you'll really like C::B... As a C newbie I found it really nice to have it doing things like highlighting bracket pairs and autocompleting stuff and indenting automatically and jumping directly to the erroneous line when a compile fails... Doesn't help me to remember to put that bloody semicolon at the end of the line though ;D

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Stryd (if you're here)-

Was there any special setup or config required for that CodeBlocks install to compile MIOS apps?

I'm running the regular 1.0rc2 install, and it detects SDCC, which I set as my default compiler. Were there any additional steps needed and does it automatically associate and link all the proper files for a MIOS app if you build/compile from within CB, or do you have to create a project and do a bunch of configuring as well?

I think I'm in way over my head on that one, but I'll keep trying off and on. ;D

BTW- That Crimson editor thing I found does a bunch of the same auto-highlighting and junk for the braces, so I'm probably OK with that for the time being anyway. I will admit that it totally F***s up things with long paths though. :-X


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You seen this? That's a 100% step-by-step click-this-click-that install, so don't be put off by the length of it, you'll find when you start to follow the guide that you probably only need like 10% of it... But the other 90 is there just in case  ;)

You DON'T wanna use the RC.. It's older than dirt... It's a long story, but in short, the release candidate was discarded and C::B is intentionally stuck in perpetual beta. You need the nightly build (link is on wiki). (I wish they'd say something about that on their front page!) Don't be put off, the nightly builds are far more stable and complete than the RC ever was... If there was a version, it'd be like 1.7 by now or something ;)

You do need to configure it to use make.bat to compile. From the wiki above:

MBHP Build Target

Perform the following sections to build the application for MBHP

      Returning to ‘Project... Properties’, ‘Targets’ tab, select the build target ‘Release’

      In the box labelled ‘Selected build target options’, select ‘Commands Only’ from the drop-down list labelled ‘Type’

      In the box labelled ‘Selected build target files’, Tick ONLY ‘main.c’

      Click ‘OK’ to close project properties

      Select ‘Project... Properties’, Select the ‘Targets’ tab (Yes, again. It is necessary to apply the previous settings first)

      Select target ‘Release’, click ‘Build Options’

      In the box labelled ‘Selected Compiler’ Select ‘SDCC Compiler’ from the dropdown list (until this point both targets will be using C::B’s default of GCC), Click ‘OK’ and return to the ‘Targets’ tab

      In the box labelled ‘Selected build target files’ (bottom right), select file ‘main.c’ and then click ‘Selected File Properties’

      Select the ‘Advanced’ tab, in the box labelled ‘Custom Build’, Select ‘SDCC Compiler’ from the dropdown list labelled ‘For this compiler’

      Tick ‘Use Custom Command to build this file’

      Type into the textbox “make.batâ€

      Click OK

      Click OK

It looks like a lot, but it's only because I've been very detailed. You'll find that the above procedure is like 5 seconds work :)

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Thanks again (and bravo on the writing)!

I'm taking this along with the downloads I need tonight (hope I got them all :o).


PS- It seems I did read a recommendation for the nightly build. I had that with me when I tried, but I just installed the RC thinking I was being "safe".

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:-X Shot down by MinGW :-X

I should've known from the filesize it wasn't a "real" installer. ;D

Got the downloaded half now, so I'll take that with me tonight (there's no internet where I go at night).


PS- Hate to be a beggar, but I was thinking during an install the other night that it would be cool to have a specific listing here for some of these development apps, as to which components could be unchecked during install, or even deleted afterward by those who have no intention of doing anything outside MIOS apps and PICs. Many seem to dump a whole slew of libraries and included files which I suspect most of us don't need, but are afraid to delete or deselect during install. I remember there was once a similar discussion here about a bare minimum MPASM folder to compile MIOS apps. Might be good for some of us using machines of more "limited" resources.

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I was thinking during an install the other night that it would be cool to have a specific listing here for some of these development apps, as to which components could be unchecked during install, or even deleted afterward by those who have no intention of doing anything outside MIOS apps and PICs.

That's a great idea! Perhaps you could give me a hand - If you can make the list of options, I will comment them according to their necessity for different setups and add it to the wiki.

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If you can make the list of options

That shouldn't be a problem (aside from the fact that they're all already installed on all my stuff ;D). If I'm not tied up tonight, I can try to start getting some together. As mentioned, a couple of the things I'm referring to wouldn't actually be install options (like that huge list of includes that MPASM has). There are also a few areas I've hit where the actual "installer" file might be a bit more specific (like the download links that drop you in a directory with 20 different builds, 10 versions, the sources, the "extras" bundles and docs, and a version or two you'll need if you're running <#@?>).  --Linux people are probably used to all that. ;)

I'm sure it would be against a bunch of license agreements, but wouldn't it be great if there was a "MIOS Development Kit" installer to put all that stuff in place with any path additions,etc., and the absolute minimal batch of files and apps? I remember with that MPASM issue, you would normally have to install the whole MPLAB package, but the actual MPASM junk you used could run from a self contained folder, in any location, and was less than a floppy in size. That Active Perl install was pretty hefty too IIRC.

Take Care,


PS- And thanks for the interest! :)

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Don't rush mate, as I won't be able to, unfortunately  :(

I thought about making an installer but it could be tricky to make it work for different setups...

There are also a few areas I've hit where the actual "installer" file might be a bit more specific (like the download links that drop you in a directory with 20 different builds, 10 versions, the sources, the "extras" bundles and docs, and a version or two you'll need if you're running <#@?>).  --Linux people are probably used to all that. ;)

You'll notice in my documentation that I've specified which package name you need, cause I hate that too :)

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  • 1 month later...

Is SDCC 2.70 functional for mios projects?

I've readen that the wrapper only works with 2.50 correct.

Small Device C Compiler (SDCC)


      Download SDCC. 2.50 is officially supported or you can get the latest snapshot if you’re more experienced. Some PIC compiler routines have been improved in 2.6.0+ so this may be beneficial.

..from your description in WIKI

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I haven't tested it thoroughly yet, but I have heard of bugs.

The last known-good version at the moment is 4732: sdcc-snapshot-i586-mingw32msvc-20070402-4732.zip

If you PM me your email address I'll send it over. I'm yet to find a bug in that build and I really pushed it.

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