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MBLC/Surround Control/LCD q's


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Hi Dan,

very good progress! :)

Yes, the smoke identifies a short circuit. Maybe (if you have luck!) the not well documented Vlc pin has to be used on a different way. Could you please disconnect the pot and check the voltage level between Vlc and ground? If you've luck, the DC converter is already integrated and you only have to connect a pot between Vlc and ground.

Another interesting point would be if the chip select lines are really inverted. Check this by using LCD type 1 with MIOS_PARAMETER = 0x00 (and not 0x01)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hey T...

Could you please disconnect the pot and check the voltage level between Vlc and ground?


I'm also still gettin smoking pots when it;s just connected to Vlc and Gnd :/

I'll try the CS select thing u mentioned aswell...



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whoops, smoking pot (ahem ;p) issue sorted...

forgot gnd and Vss were reversed. After assembling again in mplab with the changed code I still get the same result, infact mebbe worse again - cant make out any text :/

Does the display also work if nothing is connected to the Vlc pin?




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At image02.bmp I can see some letters of a well known name - does this already appear, do you see only black pixels around the characters or are the pixels erased. Do you see any difference by inverting the CS lines?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hey T...

The letters only appear breifly when i move the contrast pot back and forth, then they disappear - apart from 'Klose' which seems to stay...this is still surrounded by the mass of pixels...

I tried the new LC f/w with the code u suggested both times - changin lc_init.inc to suit and then reassemmbling the hex and then sysexing... each time it didnt make any diff...

Is there any way to chek the hex file to make sure it's compiled properly?


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one more thing, i've noticed that since burning that mios pre f/w, the core doesnt send out that sysex msg it used to with the previous MIOS when u first apply power - so perhaps the new main.syx i assemble and sysex to it isnt getting through...another reason is that the sysex:

F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0D 02 00 0B 12 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 F7 

doesnt return the LCD type as it did before...

However, when using the previous MIOS the sysex is transmited/received fine...


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okay, it seems if i adjust the contrast i get the ready msg and am able to send and receives syx again (with the new pre f/w):


however, after changing lc_int to:

      ;; use a KS0108 compatible graphical LCD with inverted chip selects
       movlw   0x01
      movwf   MIOS_PARAMETER1
      movlw   0x01
       call    MIOS_LCD_TypeSet
no joy :(...also tried:
      ;; use a KS0108 compatible graphical LCD with inverted chip selects
       movlw   0x00
      movwf   MIOS_PARAMETER1
      movlw   0x00
       call    MIOS_LCD_TypeSet

and still no joy...:(

still, at least we have another word now!! ;)



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Hi Dan,

in MIOS V1.2 beta some internal addresses have been changed (and they will be changed again in the final V1.2), nothing to be worried about.

But the CS lines are not connected correctly, they have to be swapped. But this error shouldn't lead to the black screen.

Maybe your pot has been destroyed during your tests (burnt down). Hope that you have some spare pots. :-/ Next time it's maybe better to use an additional resistor in serial to save the pot before damage. 1k to 10k should be ok. If the black lines don't vanish with a new pot, try an higher serial resistor value (or a pot with 100k)

Best Regards, Thorsten,.

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