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alps motorfader bulk order

the addict

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The official ordering-periode is over.

But because I'm still waiting for some people to send me

their Adresses, I decided to keep taking orders until Sunday.

!! PLEASE !!

Send your orders directly to: bulk-order@phinemedia.de

together with your real name and shipping-adress.

So I won't have to write thousands of emails to get

all information I need to make sure you are real and

to calculate the final costs with paypal and shipping.

!! PLEASE !!

On Monday I will have sent out all payment-mails.

Please check them and send me the money immediately.

So that we all get our parts as soon as possible ;)

Here again the url to this bulk order: http://bulk-order.phinemedia.de/

best regards,

paul aka snykehd

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It's time to give more information on the ALPS motorfader bulk order.

On Monday night I sent out all payment mails and set up paypal-links.

!! Those links were encrypted and some people hat problems with that !!

So I replaced them with not-encrypted ones.

Following a list of who ordered (and who paid ;) )

- snykehd - paid

- the_addict

- sebastian - paid

- SLP - paid

- /titled/ - paid

- TDB  - paid

- B.jamin da Bass - paid

- ptitjes - paid

I will edit this Post to keep you up with news about payments.

Also I will provide you with information about ordering and shipping.

Best regards,


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short update

By now I got most of the money, but it takes up to a week to transfer

it to my bank account (it's already on that way).

the_addict had to cancle his order because of financial complications.

So we have a total order of 117 Motorfaders and 115 Caps.

I'll order 120 of each.

TDB is gonna send me the money directly to my bank account.

As soon as al the money is there, I can order.

Good news is that albs seems to have more than 400 of these

exact motorfaders in stock, so there might be no extra waiting

time ;)

I guess that they will arrive in 2 weeks (worst case) and within

the following week you will get your part of them.


paul aka snykehd

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i have the ungood feeling, that this was just the beginning ^^

next there will be waiting, waiting and waiting, then I'll have

to pay the shipping from albs to me, the next will be the shipping

to you guys and the trouble with shipping to non-europe countries,

because it is 15eur shipping for up to 2kg.. the exact price depends

on the final weight.

But with you guys being that nice and helpful, it's not really what you might call "work" ;)

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I just sent an email to albs telling them to send me 120 MFs and 120 caps ;)

There is still some money missing, but as I saw that the

money from paypal arrived, I decided to order the stuff

right away, because I can't wait to have those lovely

MFs in my hands. And I'm sure, you feel the same way ;)

I'll keep posting every bigger step in this group order,

to keep the buyers up to date, and to show others

that everything goes well.

So maybe there will be more people taking part in the

next group order?

best regards,

paul aka snykehd

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news on the order status

Today I got the confirmation to my email with the bill, so I started the transfer for the

money a few minutes ago.

The E-mail said They would deliver this week (35/07), but I don't think that my money

will arrive by tomorrow. So the MFs should be here by the end of next week, so

hopefully they will get to you in two weeks.

best regards,


PS: The costs for packing and shipping to me are only 8.70eur, so I will pay it by myself ;)

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  • 1 month later...


a few months later  :o , and I've finally received my order. The shipping box had some damage, and a few of the metal pins on the faders were bent, but I think everything will still work. Not sure why this package took so long to get to me (I've received other packages from Hong Kong, Australia, and France while waiting), but I'd suggest a different shipping method to the USA for the next order  :-\

Me, I'm just happy that all of this waiting is finally over.  :)

Thank you again for putting together this bulk order, and I'll be sure to post some pictures once my controller is presentable (not until 2008, I'm sorry to say).


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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't think I will send out stuff to other than EU countries anytime soon again ;)

There might be another motorfaders bulk order next year when I will finally build

my MidiBox LC24 (or maybe 32? ;) there are too many other things to be paid (car, flat, etc.)

best regards,


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I would encourage anyone planning a bulk order to please also allow countries outside the EU.

Quite apart from the fact that you will be reducing your bulk order size (therefore increasing your per-unit price) by restricting your mailing radius, is the reduction (to me) of the hard-won sense of community on these pages.

I certainly speak for myself, but possibly also for others in far-flung countries when I say it is hard enough to get components here in Australia as is (especially the super-esoteric ones), without the sense of being excluded from these bulk orders.

Speaking of Australia, can you imagine the impact if Wilba stopped mailing 6582s overseas?

I can understand the frustration of the person running the order, when the order seems to take an eternity to be completed due to international postage delays, but to me on the other end, it is something I am (almost) used to, and can happily wait for, so long as the end result justifies the wait.

To never be given a chance to participate in an order just feels exclusionary.

This much said, I am also ALWAYS happy to pay extra for express and/or insured shipping.

OK, down from the Soap-box.

P.S. as at today, 20th Nov, my MFs have not yet arrived. I have not yet given up hope that they will arrive by christmas.

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