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Helpful links to the forum in the wiki

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We were talking in chat about how it's getting hard to find good info while searching the forums, because the same basic questions get asked again and again, and the good info has gotten burred.

How about, as we noobs are searching the forums and find really helpful info, we make a note of it, or post it here or something, so we can have a helpful links section for noobs in the wiki.  The experienced builders probably have a hard time figuring out what is actually helpful to the people who are new to this. 

I know for me, I consult for computers, and so often a client asks me a really basic question, and I can't come up w/ the answer, when really it's the most simple thing in the world.  I don't even think of it as an answer, because I figure everyone must know that!!

This probably isn't the best place for this post, because it probably takes the noobies a long time before they come out of their specific build topic in the forum and start reading topics like the documentation project.

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In my opinion this is a good idea. But I think this is a diy projectside, so everyone who would like to build such an controller should have an basic technical background.

If you have that background and you keep on reading the docus on this side it isn´t so hard to build your own controller. With helpful links and documentations espiacially for newbies you will not stop everyone askink the same basic questions. If a newbie doesn´t read this infos he will ask again.

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good shout wicked1 - I think it could definately help.

midiboxxer -

everyone who would like to build such an controller should have an basic technical background.

While I think that everyone should gain the basic tech experience they need to build the project I don't think beginners should be discouraged.

I'm sure this site has encoraged many many people to gain the experience they need once they realise how useful and cool that knowledge will be, it'd be a shame to discourage anyone.

And lets face it, there is no shortage of people round here willing to tell someone off for being lazy and not doing their homework, usually with some encoragement and a link or 2

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Symptomatic for the chaotic sorting of website/wiki/forum is, that we already have a wiki page which lists forum highlights, it only needs to be maintained :)

Whenever you find an useful/interesting article, just add it here:


And there is a special search marker, which helps to find questions&answers, which are not documented anywhere else: FAQMARKER

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I dont wanna say that there are lazy people here. But sometimes with a little more patience by reading and searching in the forum/wiki you´ll get it by your own.

I agree with your opinion, there are a lot of people wich are encourage and help every newbie.

I think thats a good thing and thanks for everyone who do this.

T don´t wanna discourage anyone here.

Sorry english isn´t my first language.


Markus  ;)

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You can also add -"search the forum" to your search query hehehe

I do think that you have hit upon a real problem, I'm sure a search for something like 'DIN problem would be useless today. 80% of hits are probably just "I have this problem" "Search the forum"

I think a little netiquette can also apply here - if a person asks a question and is told to search the forums, all they need to do is reply to their own post later, saying something like "I found the answer here: <URL>". Many newbies already do this. If someone else posts the answer for them, they will have already posted a link that will take future searches to an answer :) That kind of behaviour is not only good for conversation, it makes sense in a forum like this, where everybody is simultaneously student and teacher.

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