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SM Extended of Julien : La Boite à Boutons !


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Hi buddies

here is a special midibox, based on scan matrix appli.: the 8x8KBD Led

It has been thinking to remote Ableton Live (users will understand)

It can send Note, CC, and Program change event on 16 channels, that means 6144 control events for the mixer mode !!! and 3 layers like MPC padbanks design !

just one core, one DINX2, one DOUTX2, a scan matrix (expensive to buy), 4 additional buttons, 8 LEDS.

Firmware, Photos of the making off and PCB published in the wiki as soon i will understand how to include files.

It's my 1st coding experience alone (entirely made in C). It works very well, I am very proud of my learning and want to thank TK and all midiboxers for making ucapps website existing.

[edit] latest firmware available, several improvements, added encoder and footswitch and midi channel display



8x8 KBD LED v1.0.rar

8x8 KBD LED Enc v1.2.rar



8x8 KBD LED v1.0.rar

8x8 KBD LED Enc v1.2.rar

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It is not my first midibox of course !

It is my ... 3rd ! ( I made a Sid and a KB64 like Bill). Or Maybe 4th if you count the merger as a project.

But it is the first time I code alone (others were configuration or just upload!!), a thing that did not exist previously !

If you are looking good, the Application is very documented as comments. As a newbie I made a lot to understand and make understand others how it works. I have never learned coding before, I just copied the other C application blocks, or tried things.

Wiki is on the way. Just to understand : 4 additional buttons :

A : upgrade midichannel and mode Note (4 green small leds)

B : switch in Program change (red led)

C : switch in CC (yellow led)

D : multilayer, (dual color led)

1st layer Note/PC/CC from 0 to 63 (fluo red)

2nd layer from 64 to 127 (fluo green)

3nd layer from 32 to 95 (fluo yellow)


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I have published a post in the user projects section :


There are more explanations about the way it works and a better firmware. Additional encoder and a foot pedal !!!

It is obviuously copied from MPD16 and MPD24 from Akaï !! But I discovered that this company had developped the Control surface I wanted to do : MPK49. Finally, I am not so stupid  ;)

Have fun !

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