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SyncPatChg in 1->4 or 1->2 Mode


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After playing a while with MBSEQ application again and comparing with other sequencer hardware, there is something i mentioned, which could be better for an easy-arrangenment of chained tracks (1->4, 1->2 or 3->4) in pattern menu.

At time, while changing pattern (SyncPatChg = On), the sequencer changes to the next pattern after current track ended.

That works very well, but while working with chained tracks, it could be more useful to change only at the end of the current chained track:

Chain: 1->4 change after 4th track

Chain: 1->2 and 3->4 change after 2th track

Otherwise, i have always to look if a chained track passes the last track for changing to another one...

Maybe this feature could be added (?).

Best Regards, Rio.

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The Synched Pattern Change function doesn't check for the end of a track, but synchronizes a pattern change on the 4/4 measure. It isn't so easy to determine when all 16 tracks have reached the end, especially because of all the possible variations. For example, what if one of the tracks uses different progression parameters, or is clocked at a different speed? Should the synched pattern change really wait until (let's say) all 1024 steps have been processed? It would make the synch function useless!

The other sequencer hardware you mentioned, which one do you mean exactly? What is the usemodel, and what are the possible variations? E.g., a common groovebox doesn't allow you to control the track direction, to skip steps, to play them multiple times, to jump randomly and/or to play steps at different speed. For a simple sequencer determining the end of a track is very easy... but not for a more advanced sequencer like MIDIbox SEQ.

What I would find more useful (as usemodel), is the possibility to optionally synch pattern changes to two or four measures (=32 or 64 16th notes). I guess that this is the function for which you are asking, right?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 1 month later...

In addition to that thread, and maybe to have a better solution for that problem:

Is it possible to change the position of song, while a song/phrase is playing, but only if the loop count is ended?



A1 -> 4x
A2 -> 8x  

for comprehension: e.g. while SEQ is playing A2, i want to switch back to A1 in Realtime manually, but only if the 8 loops of A2 are finished.

Maybe that "switching between positions after loop ends" could be a feature of SONG MODE and in PHASE MODE (it would be necessary to add that loop count in PHRASE).

Any way to realize that?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I tried it (change in synch behaviour when song mode is active is already available under http://svnmios.midibox.org/trunk/apps/sequencers/midibox_seq_v3/src/seq_core.inc), but faced unexpected conceptional issues with the way how song and phrase mode is implemented.

E.g., phrase mode is just "not song" mode. It isn't possible to provide loops within phrases without redefining the user interface.  The purpose of phrase mode is to quickly select a set of patterns (and mixer map), but not to run the song sequencer...

More relevant is the way, how the sequencer handles song entries. On each transition, it either changes the pattern, or it disables the pattern. There is no possibility to tell the sequencer, that a newly selected pattern shouldn't be touched. This wasn't required in the past, and therefore hasn't been considered in the concept...

So, some extensive changes would be required to get your "quick idea" working, which could cost me one or two days - some effort I don't want to spend so long I don't need such a feature by myself.

Note that your idea wasn't straightforward, and a (german) "Bastelloesung" anyhow, this just assures my oppinion, that there should be better solutions - still waiting for the perfect idea which only requires two or three extra assembler instructions! ;)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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