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mbSID complete CS encoders behaviour


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Actually it could be more useful, that you could move encoder with shift button pressed, and in that way the menu doesn't change but the encoder change would happen in the background. This way you don't have to find your way back to the previous menu if just adjusting some parameter in some other menu with encoder.

(or perhaps shift2 (etc.) button, if shift controls the encoder speed by default)

In this way you could also not press the "shift" with encoder move, and you will get the correct menu with visible values.

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The current behaviour is important for first-time users to get an understanding, what an encoder is doing. Or why you don't hear a change - because you don't see the value. In distance to an analog pot, this is the only way to give "visual feedback".

However, I would find a special button function more useful, which jumps back to the previous page which was visible before you started to move encoders. This would give you the advantage, that you will always get visual feedback, but don't miss the page which was previously edited. Such a function could be integrated into the SHIFT menu page.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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