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SpeakJet Order (CHANGED FROM "SpeakJet for EU + Optrex LCD")


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a) i know this is not an hot requested chip but sice there is only one shop that ship at 6$ instead 25$ or 55$ :o like others, to EU (italy) obiviusly, i'm asking if there are anyone interested in this.

this is the shop: http://www.speechchips.com/shop/item.aspx?itemid=6 they have stock of 5

6$ it's cheap, so the money saved for a bulk are not so much.

b) i'm planning to buying some Optrex:

white char, black ground, FTN transmissive, etc. 20x4 20x2 40x2 and some others green i think on digikey or a cheapes shop  ???

€18,00 for italy + 8€ if the order it's less than 150€, otherwise it's gratis :)

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I would be interested in "a" since it is cheap, and I`d be very, very interested in "b" as I designed whole look of my Sequoia around those beautiful B/W Optrex.  :) I sacrifice alot, so other colors (LEDs mostly) match white character LCD. I want to use only 3 colours on it, and we`ll see will I manage to do it, especially because there is no duoLED with red/white combination so I have to improvise even there is not much space for improvisation  :-\.


KokiPsiho seams interested in B/G as well so I think you already have 4 pcs for Serbia.

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well. i'll post soon all the info about shipping from italy to the others countrys.

i've sent 2 DDR ram in an airball mail in USA for 1,80€, it arrived in 6 days, but there is no insurance and no track number. (this is for speakjet alone). i've many plastic box that come for microchip to package them, but i think they will arrive just packaged.

For the LCD tomorrow i will ask to the postal office, on the site there are not enought infos for the international shipping. (where in italy there will be a site with ALL the infos? i think never).

Sasha your seq. it's the perfect one that i dream you know, i hate pc seq, now i use ableton but i would leave 'personal computer' at home when i play.

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Hi Sasha.

If you need red/white leds, perhaps you could try using an RGB led and a diode 'OR'?

ie, with series diodes, like this:



Dout (Red)  ----->|--+--Red


                    ^ D2



Dout (White) --------+--Blue


does this make sense to anyone else?

Ie use a series diode (D1) between Dout(red) and LED red cell,

Join LED cells green and blue together,

add series diode (D2) between joined green/blue line and join between diode and red cell.

D1 protects your DOUT(red) line.

D2 prevents red line from driving green and blue cells.

If space is at a premium, you could do the diode work at a distance from the LEDs, and still need only 3 pins for your LEDs (RED, !red, common).

Just a thought... you might find the "white" made by an RGB LED is a bit icky.

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tilted, I think your solution make sense except 2 things that matters to me. First RGB LEDs are more expensive than Duo LEDs, especially when you need much of it. For good button illumination you need higher brightness, 120 deg. LEDs so they surely cannot be cheap. Another thing is the white light colour. I don`t know how to translate "icky" (icky * adj (mainly US) (=sentimental)) but white surely isn`t as white as we know from single white LEDs.  I have complex solution with additional PCB for SMD LEDs but if I do it I want have any project finished any time soon.

I found the red/white LED here: http://www.lsdiodes.com/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=5&products_id=60

Not cheap... 48$ just for matrix and the angle is just 30 Deg.

Ganchen, or as you prefer Ganchan, I`m looking forward for your info even I`m so not in hurry as I`m very much broke. :-\

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absolutely. icky = not nice. The "white" that an RGB LED makes is the combination of the red, green and blue cells at once. as these cells are individually quite peaky (ie, the red is very red, the green is very green, they have narrow bandwidth) this means the output of all three cells as "white" is only an approximation. Thewhite you get from a white LED is the result of a mixture of phosphoric chemicals bonded to the LED cell (I think...). These units have a much more pleasing white light output than the full mixed RGB option. The only reason I suggested the RGB was that I hadn't realised there even was a White/Red led available.

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Is this link for reference? It says on the top of the page

"ATTENTION: LSDiodes no longer sells LEDs. This part of the site remains only so that people can look up product specifications. You will not be able to purchase anything added to your cart."


I found the red/white LED here: http://www.lsdiodes.com/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=5&products_id=60

Not cheap... 48$ just for matrix and the angle is just 30 Deg.

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sasha no problem, i've see how much are shipping cost to Serbia for a packg + insurance etc... 50€ at italian post office.. but there are cheap solutions.

well, i will find something cheap and i will notice you, without commitment... (in italiano senza impegno) i don't know the idiomatic words in english.

sice i think my order on digikey will be over 100€ shipping will be free, than if anyone is interested, i can calculate the shipping cost for him country.

that's all!

sasha i will PM you something about datassette, if you can, don't know your situation now, i will be happy if you can help me in some little things/Suggestions, i know your experience it's heavy :)



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OK, just ask what you like. I`m glad if I can help somehow. About 50€ for shipping... well,that sounds pretty unreasonable especially for regular postage. My and your country was bordering countries not so long ago.  I`ll get those displays somehow but don`t wanna pay fortune just for shipping.

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well, from italy, shipping cost possibilitys for SpeakJet up to 50g, probably 1 chip + airbubble it's light:

here are the 3 Zone(s) of costs http://poste.it/postali/prioritaria/zone.shtml

a) Posta Prioritaria:

Zona 1 1,45€

Zona 2 1,50€

Zona 3 1,80€

b) Posta Raccomandata

Zona 1 4,25€

Zona 2 4,30€

Zona 3 4,60€

c) Posta Assicurata (with insurance up to 50€. LCDs can ship with this, but who want recieve an LCD in an airbubble letter?)

Zona 1 6,75€

Zona 2 6,80€

Zona 3 7,10

Airbble are 1€ + or -

here the link in ENG http://www.poste.it/en/postali/letters/

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Well I'm not in EU, but FWIW...

I already have a speakjet but - I thought your 6 Euro was for shipping only, not for the chip as well! That's insanely cheap, I'll take one at that price for sure - but if someone else wants it I will happily give it up because I don't really need it.

As for the LCD's, well I have been meaning to do a bulk order of these LCDs myself for a long time now. I will be interested and I will get a few so it should be good for the price breaks... but I am not super-rich right now so timing will be tricky... if it's too soon I won't have the money yet  :-\


i think on digikey or a cheapes shop 
With the numbers we cet it might be best to go direct to optrex. I've had a few suppliers lined up, but we'll see which would be best when we have the desired numbers of each part..
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Well I'm not in EU, but FWIW...

I already have a speakjet but - I thought your 6 Euro was for shipping only, not for the chip as well! That's insanely cheap, I'll take one at that price for sure - but if someone else wants it I will happily give it up because I don't really need it.

yes, the chips are 24.99$ each + 6$ shipping for all! You are in Zona 3 in my postal office info.

As for the LCD's, well I have been meaning to do a bulk order of these LCDs myself for a long time now. I will be interested and I will get a few so it should be good for the price breaks... but I am not super-rich right now so timing will be tricky... if it's too soon I won't have the money yet  :-\

no, it's not too soon, imust build many things first, than i will buy them. there is a lot of time no prob. i'm not the one that go fast, i can wait!

With the numbers we cet it might be best to go direct to optrex. I've had a few suppliers lined up, but we'll see which would be best when we have the desired numbers of each part..

shure! i'll mail opterx directly now.

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this will be ONLY for SpeakJet. 24.99$ for each chip, i will pay 6$ for the shipping of all chips.

I'm sorry, don't want to spoil anything and appreciate the effort of setting up bulk orders - and most probably I missed something in this topic that would explain -

the Magnevation SpeakJet is available from http://www.speechchips.com for 24,99$ + 3$ shipping* if one orders directly there.

I ordered three times, it's been fast and relyable; you can pay by Credit Card, Paypal. They also offer some other chips that might be of interest, such as the TTL (Text-To-Language, basically just a word-to-phoneme-lookup dictionary) companion chip or the SoundGin.

I don't know about Serbia but I really doubt, it's going to be cheaper and/or more securely to ship the items from the US to the EU and then to Australia.




Edit: I payed 28 US$ total (incl. shipping) when I ordered one SpeakJet in April 2007. Delivery was about one week IIRC.

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In April 2007 1€ was about 1.30 US$, now it's 1.48 €, maybe it's got sth to do with that  :-\

So aside from possible benefits for private over commercial mail to serbia or some islands with high taxes, I really think it's easier (and cheaper) if everyone orders directly at speechchips.com - at least as long as you don't get a special discount or have some homemade SpeakJet-PCBs to add or so...

Nevertheless, really do appreciate your effort ;)



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