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Modifying SID board for external PSU


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I hope I'm not covering old ground with this post but after two days reading and note taking I'm left with one more thing (i hope) I need to get straight.

I'm looking to use a PSU salvaged from a DVD player. The PSU has regulated outputs at +5v and +12v. The 5v supply is straightforward and following the documentation for the optomised PSU I can see quite clearly how to feed it into the various modules. My confusion arises from the power feed into the SID moduless.

I suspected I would be able to make a similar arrangement to the core module and bypass the rectifier and C9. However, reading the info suggests I would be better off ignoring that section and just feed the DC input into the rectifier, but to do that it seems to be suggested that I would need to supply 14v. Is this to compensate for any voltage loss through the rectifier (which as I'm typing this I'm beginning to think would be 1.4v which starts to make sense) but given I'm using an 8580 which only requires 9v would that mean I can carry on and supply the module with 12v.

Please excuse the rambling, due in no small part to me still trying to organise all the information I've been taking in in the last couple of days and my own limited knowledge of electronics.

Thanks in advance

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The 14V aren't suggested because of the rectifier. The regulator on the SID board takes the 14V and regulates it to 12/9 (7812/7809) depending on the SID you are using.  For a 7809 (-> 9V for 6582 and 8580) supplying them with 12V will be fine.

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You know what, you're right. I didn't even think about it, I was aware of the problems of a switching supply, but one glance and it's pretty obvious. Not to worry, the original query still stands, it just means I'll have to put together a different supply. Not a problem I've got a few lumps of iron knocking around

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