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Modular mania

Finally mounted all the PCBs on one of the 2 more or less identical modulars we're building over at the labs. I made some 2cm (0.787 inches if you prefer mongoloid units of measurement) thick strips of brass. Those were perforated with a 10mm hole so that they can sit between the pots and the front panel, then I added a small hole for the M3 screw that fixes it all in place. 2 strips per card ends up in too much metal shop for my liking but the end result is surprisingly sturdy. We opted for



And now for something completely different: the aluminum acid experience...

Lately I've been working on the proper control surface of the 6582 having run the mighty 6582 in a somewhat completed state with a perfboard control surface just for lulz. I followed Hawkeye's excellent tutorial on the CS construction but mixed and matched with the older methods from Wilba's construction hints where applicable just to be non-conformist fat rebel. :bug: Now I'm at teh "waiting for the glue to cure" stage. :sleep: I wish one could just use superglue or Goop and be done with



My struggles...

This morning saw the panel components fitted to the paper copy of the panel in order to check the clearance around the knobs, switches and jacks. It looked promising and photos reside in a Canon somewhere. I hope to put those up later, plus a quick how-to for people using Front Panel Designer - there are some interesting tricks to discover. Then came the time to fit the paper to the rack just below the MB-SEQ. Interesting! Somehow I figured the SEQ was 4U high, but it's only 3U! Guess the 4U



Marrying an MB-SEQ v4 with a modular synth

Been at it for some time now. I'm building a mystery. :whistle: I figured that it would be nice to combine the awesomeness in a cute little box that is the MB SEQ with my ongoing modular. I snatched a couple of sequencer front panels from Julian F and finished two sequencers, one for me, one for my partner in crime - mr F. After assembling a whole host of modules, both of our own design and PCBs sourced from various people on the electro-music forum it all came together thanks to the Aou



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