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Alright, another update is due. While waiting on some other things to arrive (PICs and CS pcb) i thought it was a good idea to finish some other projects. So i removed some detents from encoders and I received 25 lego pegs, dremeled them in two, glued them on tactswitches, some more dremeling and put on my custom rubber caps. And today i visited a good friend with a lasercutter. And cut out the frontpanel out of triplex wood. Sanded it down and put on somespray laquer, this is



Mouser order

YEEH! Most of my Mouser order just came in. Tact switches, which i will modify. Dual potmeters for the feedback. Some bolts, nuts and spacers. And a lot of diodes. now its only waiting on the PACTEC PT-10 case. as for progress: The rubber buttons i want to use on top of the tactswitched are too big. so i needed to find a solution. and i think i found one. on top of the tactswitches fits, exactly fits, a lego connector peg. and the rubber buttons fit e



Decisions have been made!

alright, i've thought about it some more. I'm going for a wilba design, with some minor alterations. which are mostly frontpanel related. His design is very good, and combined with the ease of construction it makes it the better choice. I've ordered the following from mouser: 4x 100K AUDIO POTMETERS (for the feeding the out back into the in of the SID) Some screws, washers, and spacers. 100x 7.0 mm high 100gf buttons. which i will use with custom caps. (ordering a 100 is cheaper




Alright, i'm stuck within choices. When i started about 8 years ago (i had to look that up, see here for my old blog.. has it really been that long?) there was only a sidV1 and no mb6582 from wilba. I collected parts to be used in a compete CS, all diy wiring, as that was the only option. Then came the V2 and wilbas awesome mb6582 project with it. I got his base pcb, as i still had my own CS in my head. Fast forward to now. I'm finally at a point in my life where i can finish this proj



Baseboard nearly complete, and some thoughts.

And the IC headers. i've found my SID chip collection as well, i've got 2x6582, 3x6581, 3x8580 and one 8580 that has a defective filter. i want to have 1 6581 pair, 1 6582 pair and 2 8580 pairs, which means i need to find one 8580 from somewhere. If you got one for a good price, contact me :smile: I'm also thinking design choices, the mb6582 base is prepared for stereo outs, probably to save on space. but i'd rather have mono out, that's how my studio is set up. otherwise i need spec



It's Time To Start!

Hi all, I am wisefire. I was kind of active on here a long time ago, and I promised that one day i'll be back to complete (and document) my Midibox SID. Well, the time has come to build it. I have the version of wilbas MB6582 core board directly from wilba. The idea back when I bought it was to build my own control surface around it, to be honest if I could make that choice right now I wouldn't be so sure, but i've got all the buttons and stuff for it already so let's start this adventu



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