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Everything posted by jsm

  1. Ohh, of course, now that you've explained makes all sense... I don't need turning off the emulation then, i need it on at all times! Just to clear this sampling subject, technically it's impossible to play samples with MBSID, right? Will it ever be, though? I just love to listen samples in very low res, occasionally!
  2. Hello My Sammich isn't playing samples. Muting channels in the mixer via Cmd+i has no effect, it seems to only work when sound is emulated. Everything works fine as long as there are no samples in the song! Also, is there a way to turn off emulation when SIDPLAY is in use with the MIDI Patchbay? Thanks :)
  3. jsm

    Cheetah Annihilator HID

    This device was assembled with the guts off a Trust Sight Fighter USB gamepad to which were soldered the keys from an old ps/2 keyboard. stuffed into the base box of a Cheetah Annihilator joystick. The top where the keys are mounted is from a vinyl plank used for kitchen flooring. For the lack of high precision tools for cutting the key holes, some of the keys are slightly misaligned. I like to think one day I will re-do it properly. With Pure Data, then all controls are converted to MIDI and forwarded to Logic. As the buttons are not velocity sensitive, the Pure Data patch as the option to randomize velocity in a specific range to give it a little bit of a human feel when recording.
  4. Hello That's how the Sammich works, 1***, SID2 already on. I had the same question with mine but found the answer here on an older thread. Regards.
  5. Hello, I would like to share my first bassline with everyone. Nothing extraordinary, just getting myself involved :) 1st Bass.syx.zip
  6. It works after all! My USB Audio interface was crashing something...
  7. I should add that if: I start Midi Patchbay, then start the altered version of Sidplay. Go back to Midi Patchbay and change its input to ASID OUT. Go back to Sidplay and start playing a sid song. The sammichSID enters in "SIDplayer Mode" and i can hear a very fast clicky sound, like if the song was going to start playing but then stops. /end of report Like I said in my previous post my computer operating system is Mac OS 10.8.3 It would be super to have this working :)
  8. Hello again, I don't want to pass by too invasive, but I have a little issue and was wondering if anyone could give me a hand. There's always sound in the background, even if there's no midi being deployed... When the Sammich was turned on the first time everything was alright, if there was no midi in there would be no sound, but as soon as i started playing and trying the presets I started to notice this problem. Since the the background sound varies once in a while, I am assuming, it must be some SID register that gets stuck to an eventual particular change. I remember this to be an issue with an old Hardsid PCI, as well. Do I have a broken SID or Is this a characteristic? In case it's a characteristic, is there a midi message I can trigger to reset all registers? Or is there anything i can do at all, so I can get complete silence when no midi is playing into the Sammich? Thanks in advance.
  9. Would it be asking too much for a Mountain Lion compatible version? I'd be up to get hands dirty with the source but my coding skillz are next to none :) Thanks.
  10. Oh... yes, the LCD window! doh me.
  11. They were the links in the first post, but they are indeed working now. Thanks for sharing this panel, it's great :)
  12. Hello I was looking to try the latest version of the editor, but the links posted in aren't working. Would anyone be so kind to supply a working one please. Thanks in advance. All the best
  13. Hello, I'm new to the forum so I would like to say hi to everyone :smile: I have acquired a kit from Wilba a few years ago and finally managed to assemble it, here it is my new sammichSID! See you around :smile:
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