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Posts posted by jaytee

  1. I've had this idea of creating a monster Casio SK sampler/ synth/modular circuit bent monstrosity for a few years now and I am finally moving it out of the concept stage to begin work on it.

    One of the most important features is the addition of a filter/filter bank to the Casios. Graham Meredith created a filter bank for his SK-8 and produced instructions on building one, but after two separate attempts, I can't get the durn thing to work, so I'm here looking at other options.

    My first thought was to build a different filter than the one Graham was using; I found some decent designs that run off 9v and should work nicely, but my lack of experience troubleshooting circuits and my failure on the previous builds has me worried.

    My second thought was to grab some SSM2044 chips and use them as ready-made filter modules. This is a bit more appealing, but the thought of designing a circuit around an existing chip is also a bit daunting. Still, at least these chips are well-documented, as opposed to the free schematics for filter circuits that are floating around.

    My third thought (and what brings me to this forum) was that maybe there are other chips around that can natively filter external audio and hey doesn't the SID chip do that and HEY A SID SYNTH AND AN SK-1 IN THE SAME CASE SOUNDS INCREDIBLE.

    So basically, I'm hoping that someone can let me know if what I want to do is impossible before I start buying up SIDs and PCBs and go nuts.

    I have two possible concepts in mind, one is truly polyphonic and the other is paraphonic.

    The first would be to build an MBSID around 4 SID chips (one filter per voice of the Casio SK). I am thinking I could hook up the envelope CVs inside the SK to the MBSID's analog inputs to modulate filter cutoff per note. How does this sound? Do the analog inputs respond quickly enough for this use?

    The other, simpler and cheaper idea, would be a paraphonic SID filter, whereby MIDI signals from the SK would trigger filter envelopes programmed into the MBSID patch. This should definitely be possible, right?

    I am possibly not explaining myself as well as I hope, so feel free to ask clarifying questions. Right now this is all sort of floating around in my brain, so I'm just as confused as you are, in all likelihood.

    Edit: Just to give an idea where I am... Like I said, I am not great at troubleshooting circuits, though I can follow a signal path through one alright. I built my own sammichSID a couple years ago, so while that was a no-fuss intro to MIDIbox, I'm familiar with the platform and have read the MBSID manual probably a dozen times. I don't foresee much of an issue building a modular MBSID (as opposed to possible problems that might arise building standalone filters), but I'm more concerned with integrating external hardware (Casio SK) into the concept.

    Basically, the end result will hopefully be an SK-1, an SK-8 and an MBSID, all housed in the same case, with the ability to freely patch the audio path as seen fit; ie, one could play any of the three individually, one could sample the MBSID into an SK, one could filter one SK through the MBSID to be sampled by the second SK.... Something along those lines.

  2. Does such a thing exist? Could it be created without too much trouble? I understand the utility of keeping it online, such that it can be updated along with the software, but at the same time, having seen my fair share of websites disappear from the web without notice or reason, it'd be nice to have a local copy for my own records. Doubt that MIDIbox is going anywhere soon, but all the same...

  3. Ok found the issue. sammichSID is not at fault, thank goodness. For some reason a bunch of garbage CC data got recorded into my sequence somehow. Thanks for the help; even if it was just helping me rule out my hardware as the issue! The CC causing my issue was 22, which controls waveforms. Turns out there's a bunch of CC garbage on a lot of others too, just none that affecting the sound in this sequence on this patch. At least I got to open up my sammich again!

  4. Can't seem to duplicate the results noodling on a midi controller, which I suppose is comforting. I have no idea what's going on in this midi sequence that's causing the sammichSID to bug out though. I tried deleting the notes and adding them back; I tried changing the note value, I tried changing velocity. I hit the same notes elsewhere in the sequence with no problem. Grumble,

  5. All filter caps remain in place; I gave them a good little shove for good measure (and terrifyingly bent one over; seems fine though). Hmmmm... Now I seem to be getting the same clipping and distortion without the filter engaged. Always seems to be at the same two points in my MIDI sequence, although I can't understand why; there's nothing special about those notes that I can see. More investigation is necessary.

  6. I was running my sammichSID through some midi today and noticed that patches involving the filter seemed to introduce significant clipping/distortion.

    I haven't done extensive testing, but it seems to happen at least with the LP filter, especially when the cutoff is turned down. Changing the patch to something else and then back seems to help for like five seconds. I am not even sure how to begin more extensive testing, any advice regarding that is appreciated.

    I just underwent a move that involved shipping the sammichSID; I could believe that some damage was done. It just seems odd that both SID chips would undergo the exact same damage at the same time. As far as I know, the filters were fine before the move. Both chips are 8580 btw.

    Am I missing something?

  7. ctrlr doesn't seem to run on OSX 10.5.8, which is what my current computer is running. No other options for controlling an MB SID, short of putting together one myself, I'm guessing? Maybe I'll have to just bite the bullet and update the OS on this thing, although what I really want is a new laptop.

  8. It doesn't seem like SmashTV has a 2-SID-socket board, so I'm planning to order the 6582 boards, which I already know how to put together. The top board won't fit a C64-case front panel (i suppose), but we're thinking of actually cutting out the top board and place them where they need to be to fit the front panel.

    We'll order the boards only - not the parts list since these can be found here in Scandinavia.

    Would it be enough to order one preburned PIC since we're only going to use 2 SIDs?

    Each SID module holds a single SID. You just need two SID modules for a stereo setup.
  9. I do not understand what this fuss is about - here are the links to a previous fleamarket offerers asking 400 euros for theirs sammichSID's:   http://midibox.org/forums/topic/18138-soldsammichSID-for-sale-with-2-6582/'>http://midibox.org/forums/topic/18138-soldsammichSID-for-sale-with-2-6582/ http://midibox.org/forums/topic/17650-sold-sammichSID/'>http://midibox.org/forums/topic/17650-sold-sammichSID/ http://midibox.org/forums/topic/17628-sold-sammichSID-for-sale/'>http://midibox.org/forums/topic/17628-sold-sammichSID-for-sale/ http://midibox.org/forums/topic/17961-for-sale-sammichSID/'>http://midibox.org/forums/topic/17961-for-sale-sammichSID/     I don't want to earn anything here - I just want to regain invested cash, I've payed a lot of money to a professional soldering company and SID modules.
    No fuss, just curious about TK's take on sammichSID prices.
  10. Isn't there something in the MIDIbox license about profiting from the sale of MIDIbox hardware? It's hard to quantify how much value the physical construction of a sammichSID adds to the total cost, but I think increasing the price based on rarity would be pretty clearly out of bounds. That said, I've definitely seen sammichSIDs sell for considerable amounts in other places.... Interested to hear TK's take on this. Looked it up: "Products may only be made for your personal use or for distribution on a non-profit basis (e.g., sold for no more than the actual cost of components, assembly, and shipping)"

  11. I attempted this little MIDI Thru tweak. Got the new sammichSID .hex file compiled alright and uploaded the new firmware to my sammich without apparent problem. The sammich works fine and passes MIDI as I had hoped.


    There is one thing I wanted to check. After installing the new firmware, MIOS Studio gives the following error message:


    Detected MIOS8 and MIOS32 response - selection not supported yet!

    Check MIDI IN/OUT connections

    and Device ID!


    I'm guessing it's because when MIOS Studio sends out a query, it doesn't expect to receive that query back (seeing as how it's actually hooked up to a MIDI Thru). If so, I suspect the error message is the expected behavior here, no? If so, is it going to cause me problems if I ever try to upload another .hex file; could I simply unplug the MIDI Thru cable?

  12. ^the sammichSID takes a 12v power supply no matter what chip is in it, and there's no need to change voltage regulators. Everything is changed on the inside with jumpers: either the 6581s take power directly from the supply, or the 8580s take it from the regulator. Other than that. It's just a matter of switching the capacitors for the filter.

  13. It'll be really tough to fit the modular boards into a sammich-sized case, but I'm sure you could get something pretty tiny if you don't mind doing the work for a custom case.

    The build guide on the wiki is pretty straightforward. The advantage to doing a modular is that you can always expand the number of SID chips or fill out the control surface as needed.

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