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Posts posted by Zam

  1. yes you use 2 core... KB+NG

    what about KB remote from NG for those particular function ?

    I mean a button at NG that send CC, nrpn or sysex to KB core that flip/change those functions (with dummy led or button receiver that handle the status, used as conditional like I explain before)

    Right now I don't see how to format note transpose at NG without a keyboard directly hooked to it (with functions named below)



  2. Hello Frank

    NG offer midi router, but it seem it's not enough for your need

    You should then use event sender/receiver to format/forward midi event, in addition with conditional definition you can flip or select different midi mapping depending of some buttons status

    e.g for all notes from ch1 to ch4 if button 1 is pressed (simplified definitions)

    event_receiver id=1 fwd_id=sender:1 type=noteon key=all chn=1 if_equal=button:1:127
    event_sender   id=1                 type=noteon key=all chn=4
    event_button   id=1 range=0:127     button_mode=toggle



  3. Hello

    6 hours ago, latigid on said:

    It's not clear if this is a typical defect in the chip or whether certain channels are damaged during hand soldering. The other channels are fine :).

    You'll never know as i guess you don't test the chip before soldering

    I tend to think it's an overheat soldering issue

    My first TLV soldering 3 years ago had a dead channel (AOUT_NG pcb), I know my soldering was not good then with no flux available and I take to long time to solder pin per pin... overheat

    Now I have about 6 TLV soldered in my dedicated pcb, I use lot of flux, low solder quantities and tip slip technique, soldering one side in one path, less than 2 second move for 10 pin

    No issue with this component since

    TLV don't like heat...



  4. Hi Andre

    Without looking right now at TLV spec your observations seem out of DAC spec, are you sure you don't have gain error somewhere else or load issue which sink the buffer/amp ?

    Do you observe the same at TLV output, unloaded ?

    However the interpolation maps at NG are absolutely great !!! (especially the 16bit one) and having an on the fly point value "set and save" will be more than great :rolleyes:



  5. Hi

    I also think there is a something possible with NG

    -individual event receiver definition for each notes forwarded to two sender, one for note one for PB

    -or a global receiver (note=all) forwarded to two sender (note and PB) with conditional according to receiver note value





  6. 5 hours ago, beautyofdecay_ said:

    My reference was to the line drivers.
    When I added them, power consumption went up with about 300mA. The TPD and BLM16x4 were connected to the receiver side of the line drivers. I didn't expect them to be so power hungry... :confused:

    How many LEDs !?! ... don't know the limiting resistor value at these built but 300mA is 30 LEDs @ 10mA, easy to get !



  7. 19 hours ago, macsaif said:



    here is the complete .NGC file for layer configuration:


    SRIO num_sr=4

    KEYBOARD n=1   rows=8  dout_sr1=1  dout_sr2=2  din_sr1=1  din_sr2=2 \
                   din_inverted=0  break_inverted=0  din_key_offset=32 \
                   scan_velocity=1  scan_optimized=1  make_debounced=1  break_is_make=0  note_offset=36 \
                   delay_fastest=0  delay_fastest_black_keys=0  delay_slowest=100

    KEYBOARD n=2   rows=12  dout_sr1=3  dout_sr2=4  din_sr1=3  din_sr2=4 \
                   din_inverted=1  break_inverted=0  din_key_offset=32 \
                   scan_velocity=1  scan_optimized=1  make_debounced=1  break_is_make=0  note_offset=28 \
                   delay_fastest=1  delay_fastest_black_keys=0  delay_slowest=140
    MAP1/BYTEI  0:0  1:20 20:60 60:90 90:110 118:127

    EVENT_KB id=1 hw_id=1 type=NoteOn chn=1 key=any use_key_number=1 range=0:127  kb_velocity_map=map1  kb_transpose=0 ports=1000110000000000

    EVENT_KB id=2 hw_id=1 type=NoteOn chn=4 key=any use_key_number=1 range=0:127  kb_velocity_map=map1  kb_transpose=0 ports=1000110000000000


    Your code look ok so far :confused:... I'm not used to KB so I can't say for sure...

    can you try something like this instead?

    SRIO num_sr=4
    KEYBOARD n=1   rows=8  dout_sr1=1  dout_sr2=2  din_sr1=1  din_sr2=2 \
                   din_inverted=0  break_inverted=0  din_key_offset=32 \
                   scan_velocity=1  scan_optimized=1  make_debounced=1  break_is_make=0  note_offset=36 \
                   delay_fastest=0  delay_fastest_black_keys=0  delay_slowest=100
    KEYBOARD n=2   rows=12  dout_sr1=3  dout_sr2=4  din_sr1=3  din_sr2=4 \
                   din_inverted=1  break_inverted=0  din_key_offset=32 \
                   scan_velocity=1  scan_optimized=1  make_debounced=1  break_is_make=0  note_offset=28 \
                   delay_fastest=1  delay_fastest_black_keys=0  delay_slowest=140
    MAP1/BYTEI  0:0 1:20 20:60 60:90 90:110 118:127
    EVENT_KB id=1 hw_id=1 fwd_id=sender:1 type=NoteOn chn=1 key=any use_key_number=1 range=0:127  kb_velocity_map=map1  kb_transpose=0 ports=0000000000000000
    EVENT_SENDER id=10 hw_id=1 type=NoteOn chn=1 key=any range=0:127 ports=1000110000000000
    EVENT_SENDER id=11 hw_id=1 type=NoteOn chn=4 key=any range=0:127 ports=1000110000000000


  8. Just now, macsaif said:

    I am using the 16 digital inputs mapped to shift register 5 and 6. The transpose and BiM function is working.

    DIO 000, 001, 010 ...111 represents 3 bits from the 16 inputs.

    Is that 3 bits definition at .NGC ??

    DIO define emulated SR, you have direct access with the hooked button and corresponding hw_id

    I guess your first DIO button is hw_id=33 and last is hw_id=48 (if SR 5 and 6)


    But if I get it  right you want to use 3 button to define 8 keyboard states ?

    000 is all button off

    001 is button n°3 on

    011 is button 2 and 3 on


    111 is all button on


    can you confirm that is the logic you want to implement ?




  9. Hello

    You can change config with LOAD command at .NGR

    You should be able to select a keyboard event definition with conditional.

    EVENT_KB hw_id=1 id=11  type=NoteOn chn=1 key=any use_key_number=1 range=0:127  if_equal=button:1:1
    EVENT_KB hw_id=1 id=12  type=NoteOn chn=2 key=any use_key_number=1 range=0:127  if_equal=button:1:2
    EVENT_KB hw_id=1 id=13  type=NoteOn chn=3 key=any use_key_number=1 range=0:127  if_equal=button:1:3
    map1 1 2 3
    EVENT_BUTTON hw_id=1 id=1 value=1 range=map1 button_mode=toggle

    Banking or radiogroup should work too, it depend how you want to select the channel




  10. Hi

    At mios32_timestamp.c

    does this can be used ?

    //! Use this function to get the delay which has passed between a given and
    //! and current timestamp.
    //! Usage Example:
    //! \code
    //!   u32 captured_timestamp = MIOS32_TIMESTAMP_GetDelay();
    //!   // ...
    //!   // ... do something ...
    //!   // ...
    //!   u32 delay_in_ms = MIOS32_TIMESTAMP_GetDelay(captured_timestamp);
    //!   MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("Delay: %d mS\n", delay_in_ms);
    //! \endcode
    //! \return the delay between the given and the current timestamp
    s32 MIOS32_TIMESTAMP_GetDelay(u32 captured_timestamp)
      // will automatically roll over:
      // e.g. 0x00000010 - 0xfffffff0 = 0x00000020
      return timestamp - captured_timestamp;


  11. Hello Fantom

    No I don't try with optocoupler, but I try at 31.25kb standard speed, I'm able to reach the slave core as loading .NGC in the file browser (very slowwwwwwww) but unable to update without trouble.

    I don't think it's the issue, as my cores share same PSU and stand side by side so UART direct interconnection is less than 10 cm

    Also if I have to choose I prefer to have the actual 10x speed 312.5kb than abilities to reach the core...

    I have no pull up resistor neither current limiting, maybe I can try that.

    But as usual midi data is fine, maybe it's something with the long sysex for MIOS command, I'll will investigate more around buffer or if there is a special handler for those sysex when using UART in/out ...

    Anyway thanks for your idea



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