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Everything posted by oozitron

  1. Woo Hoo :rofl: Even if it was just the "Intensity" parameter, that would be enough. What I've been doing is setting all my tracks to "Shuffle" and Intensity=0. Then while playing I increase the Intensity (for All Tracks). But of course then I change a Pattern and things get messy. Sometimes I hear tracks (probably all sampled loops by lazy "DJ-Producer" types) where some parts are Shuffled and other aren't and it makes my head hurt... almost as bad as guitar players who can't tune their strings... I LOVE LOVE LOVE my Seq4 Thanks Thorston :smile:
  2. I've been using my sequencer (V4) since I got it running in March 2015, and I LOVE IT :smile: I'm of course still learning the features, and finding how to best adjust my ways of working to fit with it. Most of the time I'm operating in Pattern mode, generally using each Group to control a separate "instrument", such as percussion, or basslines, etc. Would it be possible to have a "Groove" setting that would affect all Tracks all the time, regardless of their Track Groove setting? I like the ability to change the Intensity of the Groove for all 16 tracks that are running, but as soon as I change one pattern Group (I normally use Pattern mode) it doesn't have the same setting as the others. If there was a "Global Groove" (along with the ability to turn Global Groove ON or OFF), you could change patterns and never worry that you'd get a non-Shuffled pattern running with Shuffled patterns. I like to mix & match patterns when I play, basically treating my four Groups like four X0X boxes. Having one "Shuffle" setting to control everything would be really handy! Does that make sense? Drew
  3. EDIT - found my error... my computer's "Q" key is flakey and my config file was named 'MBSE_HW.V4' :rolleyes: Things are working good now :smile: ---------------------------------------------- My SEQ4 is almost alive :-) I hooked up the (Wilba) control panel and the controls seem to be mixed: Encoder 1 --> STEP mode Encoder 3 --> turns SCRUB on/off Encoder 4 --> moves cursor across screen Encoders 13/14/15/16 --> change notes in positions 4, 3, 2 & 1 respectively Data Wheel --> changes note in position 6 The buttons do not do the expected things; many seem to do nothing. I do *not* have the LEDs in place yet (does that matter?) Do I maybe have my connector cable wired backwards? I do not get an SD card read error. Any suggestions? thanks, Drew
  4. Two questions regarding Seq4 CV: 1) Can the AOUT_NG be powered with +/- 15 volts (instead of +/- 12) ? 2) I want to use an AOUT_NG and a DOUT in the breakout box within my modular cabinet. From there I should be able to patch the CV and the trigger outs to various modules with patch cables up to 2m long, correct ? thanks! Drew
  5. oozitron


    Maybe I'm an idiot, but all I can find (on SmashTV store) is that they are sold out... any clues as to where I should be looking are greatly appreciated :-) Drew
  6. oozitron


    Any news on when the SEQ CS board might become available? Thanks :-) Drew
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