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Status Updates posted by mongrol

  1. Life is saving into your init project with a completely changed configuration.

  2. #5 is alive! I'm getting quite good at this. No failures so far.

  3. 1st SMR voice card done. I now have drool.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. gerald.wert


      I ordered a white on blue lcd. The oled look amazing I have a  20x2  but the best price I could find currently with shipping on the 40x2 is $75. They are $120 on ebay right now. That is just crazy for a display. The Blue lcd was $9.... The 20x2 oleds were $16. I have been keeping an eye out for a good price on the 40s but have not found it yet.

    3. mongrol


      Here's the one I ordered from Mouser. Note that once you solder on your display you're committed.



    4. gerald.wert


      Thanks for the tip!  Those are out of stock with a 18 week lead time. They did have a few in Green or Yellow.  Hard decision there, the boards I have are white in clear acrylic case with all blue 1% components. I get paid tomorrow mouser might just get some of my money still! Would be an easy decision if they had white or blue.   I have a hot air rework station. You definitely still have to be careful but it is not quite so committed of a situation..

  4. /me breaks it again...

  5. 4p voice one done. Sounds awesome! Beats my Micromonsta as best synth.

  6. Ambika mobo done and working. White Vishay oled for teh w1n.

  7. Super excited to start my ambika build.


    1. Shuriken


      Nice! I have the pcb laying around. But promised myself i would finish other projects :)

    2. jojjelito


      Good choice, it's a versatile synth!

  8. Yay! Mongbox back in action. Jam hot!

  9. RS, RS, why art thou so crap? Sent me yellow oled's instead of Green. AArgh! Another week with no SEQ!

  10. Jaycar, jaycar, why art thou so crap.

    1. Duggle


      Share your pain. What did they do this time?

    2. mongrol


      The didn't have 16way angled pin headers for my new OLEDs even though I got them there last time. Really, I don't understand that shop. Look at Core Electronics, Littlebird, Tronixlabs. They all pump through Adafruit and Sparkfun stuff. Stuff people want. In Jaycar the smallest Pot you can buy is some mechanical panel mount monstrosity my gran would use to crank start her car. Utterly archaic.

    3. Duggle


      It seems like over the years they're ever so slowly morphing into what Dick Smith became:-(

  11. The next one is yellow.

  12. Why can't I bring myself to order a different colour from frostied black acrylic?

  13. Must stop making music long enough to finish my SEQ.

  14. It's easier to get $1000 worth of gear into the house when it turns up in $10 packets.

  15. Rah! Aliveness overboard!!!

  16. Hmm, kerf = risk

  17. Ponoko prototypes ordered with varying kerf's.

  18. Building building building,
    Lay a little egg on me.

  19. It...is...here!

    It's now on like donkey kong!

  20. Argh. Customs has my SmashTV goods. Installing rootkits on my PICS! Making my Seq4 play subliminal messages! Argh!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shuriken


      ghehe, i usually have smash send me stuff in small packages which are ignored by customs. The MCU i order straight from the NSA ;-)


    3. Hawkeye


      Hehehe! To get rid of the PIC rootkits, give 'em a short grill in the microwave oven! (just kidding! :-))

    4. mongrol


      I believe if I try to replicate Drukqs on the SEQ in neutralises any malware on board.

  21. Waiting waiting waiting....

  22. SHIPPED!

    Feb 10

    Queensland Australia (SH)

    Bring the thunder!!

  23. Raystar OLED's arrive. Didn't realise this Midibox is going to be so big. :)

  24. In Process

    Jan 26

    Queensland Australia (SH)


    Here they come!

  25. While waiting on Midibox parts I've decided to design an Axoloti synth with nice enclosure.

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