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totoRaymond last won the day on February 12 2024

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  1. Hi, Actually no, the command should be something like: LCD "@(1:1:1)LFO Freq %3d" but i think it would then display the value sent when script session is called, there might be a way to display another value, but i dont' know how. Alternatively you could use the TRIGGER EVENT function. It should update the display according to your EVENT label settings but also send the associated MIDI message. Bests, Thomas
  2. Hi ssp, I don't remember if labels can be called from a map, but i don't think so. However, i think it is possible to change the display using a .ngr script. Bests Thomas
  3. Hi Therezin, I mounted the monitor upside-down because of the viewing angle. This specific monitor has been designed to be looked at from above. It's actually pretty good from around 10° to 90°, but from 95° to 180°, the visibility is very bad. Therefore i had to reverse it so when i seat behind my desk, i'm in the good range. Let me know if this explanation is not clear enough, it's pretty hard to describe in a foreign language. Thomas
  4. Hi ssp, I can't really help you with these problems, I might probably tinker with the code someday, but I don't have time to dig into this right now.
  5. Hi ssp! Yes, this means that if you want more than 2 AINSER, you need to modify the code. and that you might use some unused IO pins on the J5A and J5B connectors. Cheers, Thomas
  6. So 16 banks in total, right? I'll will try something... After a bit of head scratching and a few glasses of rhums, here you go: first the .ngc : EVENT_BUTTON id= 1 type= Meta meta= DecBank meta= RunSection:1 button_mode= OnOnly #Bank decrease EVENT_BUTTON id= 2 type= Meta meta= IncBank meta= RunSection:1 button_mode= OnOnly #Bank increase EVENT_LED id= 1 range= 1:1 radio_group= 1 #bank1 EVENT_LED id= 2 range= 2:2 radio_group= 1 #bank2 EVENT_LED id= 3 range= 3:3 radio_group= 1 #bank3 EVENT_LED id= 4 range= 4:4 radio_group= 4 #bank4 now for the .ngr : ####### Section 0 ####### if ^section == 0 log "running section0" #initialize all banks to 1 log "call bank 1 for all parameters" set ^bank 1 exit endif ######################### ########## Section 1 ########### #tests for the current bank and lights the corresponding LED if ^section == 1 if ^bank == 1 log "bank 1 selected" set LED:1 1 elseif ^bank == 2 log "bank 2 selected" set LED:2 2 elseif ^bank == 3 log "bank 3 selected" set LED:3 3 elseif ^bank == 4 log "bank 4 selected" set LED:4 4 endif exit endif ################################ I hope it works for you, at least, it behaves as wanted here.
  7. yes, as many as you need, until you reach the 1000 maximum character for a single line. then you can use .ngr script, EVENT_SENDER or EVENT_anything really to trigger even more things.
  8. Hi ssp, Two things: First, you need to change the id of the second controller: # Bank 1 EVENT_AINSER id=1 hw_id =1 bank=1 fwd_to_lcd=1 type=CC chn=1 cc=16 range=0:127 offset=0 lcd_pos=2:1:1 label="FDR1 #%3i %3d@(2:1:2)%B" #Bank 2 EVENT_AINSER id=1001 hw_id =1 bank=2 fwd_to_lcd=1 type=CC chn=1 cc=17 range=0:127 offset=0 lcd_pos=2:1:1 label="FDR2 #%3i %3d@(2:1:2)%B" Otherwise, Midibox might get confused, all EVENT_xxx must have a unique id. Unless they are of different types. for example you can have EVENT_LED id=1 and EVENT_AINSER id=1 Second: To light an led for each bank you need the button that sets the bank to forward info to the respective LED. for example: # select Bank1 directly EVENT_BUTTON id=1 fwd_id= LED:1 type=Meta meta=SetBank button_mode=OnOnly range=1:1 # select Bank2 directly EVENT_BUTTON id=2 fwd_id= LED:2 type=Meta meta=SetBank button_mode=OnOnly range=2:2 #LEDS EVENTS EVENT_LED id= 1 range= 1:1 radio_group= 1 EVENT_LED id= 2 range= 2:2 radio_group=1 The radio group makes sure only one LED turns on I also put the switches in the same radio_group on my config, but i'm not certain it's mandatory. now, i didn't use cycle_bank, inc_bank or dec_bank but you can take a look at those examples config to see if you find something interesting: https://github.com/midibox/mios32/tree/master/apps/controllers/midibox_ng_v1/cfg/tests And also, i found usefull to add #initialize all banks to 1 log "call bank 1 for all parameters" set ^bank 1 to the section 0 of my .ngr script. this ensure that all parameters are set to bank 1 at startup.
  9. Hi everyone! Quick update here. I finally finished my controller and installed it in my small control-room. Here it is. I really like the way it turned out, i'm working with it since 2 weeks now, and it's a real bonus to the ergonomics. It still have room for improvements but that was expected and i will continue to work on it in the next future. I'd like to thank everyone on this forum who helped me build this and a BIG thanks to TK and all the midibox team. Without this place I would have never been able to even start this project. Cheers, Thomas
  10. Lemur does listen to port 8000 and only port 8000. 8001 is used for Lemur to communicate with offline editor. Making network connections work reliably can sometimes be quite quircky. My instance of Lemur is hosted on a Odroid XU4 running Lineage OS, therefore no wifi but ethernet. The ethernet driver must have problems since whenever i try to configure a static Ip address, my odroid lose its network connection after a couple reboots. I ended up setting a permanent DHCP, but i need to remember that every time my ISP annoys me enough for me to change. Well, glad you got your config back together and working. Cheers, Thomas
  11. Hi, I'm currently adding some OSC to my custom DAW remote, which is a Midibox and a lemur instance and it works. Have you checked your network connections? With OSC, it's preferable to set everything to static IP address. Thomas
  12. Well it seems to work as expected so far. You might be able to lower the jitter by using shielded cable (microphone cable should be fine). Thomas
  13. that's strange. can you send your complete .ngc file? and have you turned debug_mode on? also what is the status of your router? I had weird behavior related to these in the past.
  14. I feel what you say. Documentation on the midibox NG is sometimes wonky (some description are wrong case wise, I've lost nights chasing case sensitive statements) but the software is so good.... I'd like to be able to correct things on the documentation sometimes.... or just add comments so people after resolve same problems faster. still, MidiBox is an awesome project. It deserves to be supported by a lot more people. I'd like to become part of the team though i don't feel worthy of it. Cheers, Thomas
  15. Hi ssp, I never used it but yes, it seems that if you connect a fader or pot to J5A, you need to use AIN statement first to describe the physical thing. then use EVENT_AIN to describe the behavior of said event. If you'll use bank on that parameter, you need to use different "id" for each bank but they should all refer to the same "hw_id" I hope it's clear enough, sometimes i find it difficult to explain such things in human language. (plus english is not my mother tongue) Cheers, Thomas
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