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Posts posted by TK.

  1. Interesting! You are totally right, and it seems that nobody complained about this before, resp. if so it didn't raise my attention ;-)

    It's fixed now, please try: http://www.ucapps.de/mios/midibox_sid_v2_046.zip

    I think that I should also release this version, the official one is v2_044, but some minor changes have been done in the last years so that it's worth to make it available for everybody who uses the pre-built version.

    Please let me know if it works with your hardware.

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  2. Ok, I've to admit that I haven't checked the current state of the driver before my reply

    Unfortunately it isn't available - last posting about this activity was more than 10 years ago: 


    I fear that nobody can help you to get it running :-(

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  3. Yes, this one should work

    Here the interconnections: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=neonking:ssd1322-pinout.jpg

    In order to select the display in MIOS32, upload the Bootloader Update Application and enter:

    set lcd_type GLCD_SSD1322
    set lcd_num_x 1
    set lcd_num_y 1
    set lcd_width 256
    set lcd_height 64

    Thereafter upload the MIDIbox NG application again -> display should show some meaningful messages

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  4. Hi,

    in the last days I troubleshooted the MIDIbox SID panel with the latest CTRLR sources which are available on Github.

    This resulted into:

    I will do some testing in the next days to ensure that all parameters are working, and I have to find a way to build AUs

    However, I will only be able to provide a MacOS version. PC users might be interested on the "fixed version" as well.
    Therefore the question: has anybody the knowledge to build CTRLR with my source code changes on a PC?

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  5. There is hope! Two days ago a new JUCE version has been released with an interesting message:

      #if ((defined (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED)                                \
            && MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED < MAC_OS_VERSION_13_0)                \
           || (defined (__IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED)                          \
               && __IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED < __IPHONE_15_0))
       // This is an error because the linker _will_ produce a binary that is
       // broken on older platforms
       static_assert (std::string_view (__clang_version__)
                          != std::string_view ("15.0.0 (clang-1500.0.40.1)"),
                      "The new linker introduced in Xcode 15.0 will produce "
                      "broken binaries when targeting older platforms.\n"
                      "To work around this issue, bump your deployment target to "
                      "macOS 13 or iOS 15, re-enable the old linker by adding "
                      "'-Wl,-ld_classic' to your link flags, or update to Xcode "
                      "Once you've selected a workaround, you can add "
                      "JUCE_SILENCE_XCODE_15_LINKER_WARNING to your preprocessor "
                      "definitions to silence this warning.");

    So, here a new binary build with latest JUCE and -Wl,-ld_classic flags, let me know if this works:

    -> http://www.ucapps.de/mios_studio/MIOS_Studio_2_4_9_r3.app.zip

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  6. Hi Zam,

    thanks for the feedback - although it worries me ;)

    The crash report indicates that something is going wrong before the actual application code has been started.
    I haven't seen this before, and therefore don't have a solution (yet).

    What would be interesting: what happens if you start MIOS Studio from a terminal:

    MIOS_Studio.app/Contents/MacOS/MIOS_Studio --batch

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  7. In the past I requested to use gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_7-2013q3-20130916 for compiling MIOS32 applications to ensure that there are no unexpected incompatibility issues. This version is still recommended (although it's already 10 years old) and can be downloaded from: http://www.midibox.org/mios32_toolchain/

    However, newer machines might not run with these binaries anymore, such as Apple Silicon based Macs. Therefore I tried the latest arm-gnu-toolchain-12.3 which can be downloaded from: https://developer.arm.com/downloads/-/arm-gnu-toolchain-downloads and can confirm, that this version is working fine without adaptions :)

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  8. Under http://ucapps.de/mios_studio.html we can now find a re-released version for MacOS which natively supports Intel and Apple Silicon (M1, M2, ...) based HW without the need to run Rosetta2

    This change required to switch to the latest JUCE 7.0.7 version

    However, there are no functional differences, and especially no new MIOS Studio features (currently nothing new planned for this tool)

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  9. I remember that I added STM32F1 support on a "good will basis" without continuous testing, therefore it's not officially available (means: you've to try it, and if it doesn't work anymore, roll back to a working version)


    • only 24k instead of 64k configuration memory (.NGC file)
    • .NGR files are directly processed from SD Card and not from RAM, which means that such scripts are much slower - however, as long as NGR files are not processed by your use case, or only sporadically used, no real impact on the overall performance
    • only 1 DIO port:
      // STM32F1: J5A+J5B
      // STM32F4: J5A+J5B, J10A, J10B
      // LPC17: J5A+J5B, J10, J28
    • only 6 (instead of 8) direct AIN inputs
    • only 3 UART based MIDI IN/OUT (instead of 4)

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  10. It looks correct when I compare with the code, and actually it seems that the comment is wrong:

          // BLM_X DOUT -> GP LED mapping
          // left/right half offsets; green,red
          // 0 = 8,9        1 = 11,10       2 = 13,12       3 = 15,14
          // 4 = 40,41      2 = 43,42       3 = 45,44       4 = 47,46

    should be:

          // BLM_X DOUT -> GP LED mapping
          // left/right half offsets; green,red
          // 0 = 9,8        1 = 11,10       2 = 13,12       3 = 15,14
          // 4 = 41,40      2 = 43,42       3 = 45,44       4 = 47,46

    So, 0 and 4 follow the same "swapped order" like other Duo-coloured LEDs.

    do you agree?

    Some additional hints:

    • the relation between row M1..M8/column 0..7 and the 74HC595 output pins can be confusing - many people connected the pins in mirrored order in the past - be careful about that, otherwise the GP pin assignments have to be changed in the source code (-> you will need a local build).
      Wilbas schematic is a good reference in which order data lines have to be connected
    • 1st and 2nd color (typically "red" and "green") can be swapped during runtime in the Options page
    • for all other LEDs the assignment doesn't matter because they are free configurable in the MBSEQ_V4.HW file - you can try out once the front panel is working

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  11. Hi,

    GP LEDs are (unfortunately) not free assignable, therefore BLM8X8_DOUT_GP_MAPPING has been introduced to consider different hardcoded options:

    So, from documentation point of view, Option #1 is probably the most save solution because you can compare Wilba's schematic with yours.

    The mapping is implemented in https://github.com/midibox/mios32/blob/master/apps/sequencers/midibox_seq_v4/core/seq_ui.c line #3579 (search for "seq_hwcfg_blm8x8.dout_gp_mapping == 1")

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  12. Hi,

    yes, meanwhile up to 4 AOUT or AOUT_NG modules can be chained. Module 2..4 can be accessed via MIDI Port 2..4, and each MIDI channel gives you control over 8 CV outputs and 8 gates (-> makes up to 32 CV channels and gates)

    Only the first AOUT_NG module should be connected to a line driver.

    Best Regards, Thorsten.


  13. Alright, now I see the problem - the notation for the "Connections to Pins on STM32F4 DiscBoard" has been added by yourself, and I agree, that the data input of the SD Card has to be connected to the serial data output of STM32F4, and vice versa.

    Compare with the MBHP_CORE_STM32F4 schematic: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_core_stm32f4.pdf

    SDCard J1 DI -> MBHP_CORE_STM32F4 J16 SO (-> PA7)
    SDCard J1 DO -> MBHP_CORE_STM32F4 J16 SI (-> PA6)

    Problem solved :)

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  14. I wouldn't say it's a bug, it's more like an imperfection. The guide track mechanism only works for a track which plays 16th notes; it just matches the length of this track with the song position, and once reached, it increments the song step.

    There is currently no way to change this without rework at some places where hardcoded dividers are used for the song "ref_step"

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  15. Hi,



    ong time no see :happy: After a long break I unpacked my midiboxes and started making music again with my Seq.

    same at my side :wink:


    I want to trigger a guitar instrument and setup the track so that the first 6 note layers represent the six guitar strings. That way it´s relatively easy to translate guitar tabs. Now I´ve noticed that, whenever I enter a note on note layer 2-6, one is also entered on the 1. note layer automatically. I am able to deactivate those afterwards by pulling the note down to --- with the encoder, but this behaviour is quite irritating and the solution is not very comfortable. I´ve never noticed this behaviour in the past because I never used multiple note layers before.

    The default note (C-3) at Layer A is already there, we will hear it once the gate is enabled, which happens automatically by entering a note in any layer.


    Is there some way to work around this? It would be ok to make changes to the source code, I can recompile.

    A quick solution would be a hack in seq_par.c, line 579: https://github.com/midibox/mios32/blob/master/apps/sequencers/midibox_seq_v4/core/seq_par.c

    Following condition:

      if( par_layer > 0 && (par_type == SEQ_PAR_Type_Note || par_type == SEQ_PAR_Type_Chord1 || par_type == SEQ_PAR_Type_Chord2 || par_type == SEQ_PAR_Type_Chord3) )
        return 0x00; // Note/Chords are 0 by default if not in Layer A

    could be enhanced, so that it also sets the Note to 0x00 in Layer A

    But there is a big drawback: unfortunately it won't be so easy to introduce an individual default value, e.g. per track, because the SEQ_PAR_InitValueGet() function doesn't get the information, which track should be initialized. And I guess that you would still like to get C-3 per default for other tracks.

    Therefore I recommend, that you configure a track so that all notes in layer A are disabled, and store it as a Preset in the Event menu page, so that this preparation only has to be done once, and the setup can be restored on demand.
    Reminder: in conjunction with the ALL button you could set all 256 steps with a single encoder.

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  16. You may have noticed, that in the last months I haven’t visited the forum so often anymore.

    Please don’t worry about that, everything fine at my side. :happy:

    Sometimes I need a certain distance to my legacy projects to enjoy other parts of my life, and to explore new fields. Only this way I can stay creative, and I’m sure that with inspirations and motivations that I collect during such a break I will come back sooner or later with some fresh ideas. Last time I did this, I switched from MIOS8 to the MIOS32 platform thereafter :)

    I won’t completely disappear, and from time to time I might sporadically release updates for MIDIbox SEQ and NG - but I won’t spend so much time for user support & development of new feature requests in the next months until I feel that the right time has come to focus on MIDIbox again.

    Until then I’m asking the community to help each other. :happy:

    MIDIbox is definitely not dead, many people still build the projects and get support from experienced forum members, although it became more difficult to get PCBs and parts.

    Last but not least with Peter and Andy we have strong contributors who founded midiphy in 2018 as a sustaining function for „Premium DIY“ products derived from MIDIbox.

    I gave them the right to use the MIDIbox platform commercially outside of the normal MIDIbox license, since they have my full trust that they deliver the best quality and ensure, that their customers won’t be disappointed.

    Recently we came together and talked about how to proceed in the future. Peter and Andy pointed out, that they have to spend a significant amount of their time to provide the service, so I agreed that some contributions can’t be provided as open source anymore, such as the implementation of new major features in existing projects, new MIDIbox based products, documentation updates, customer focused support, etc.

    In other words: to protect midiphy contributions and ensure, that Peter and Andy will be compensated for their efforts, I hereby permit that they can provide MIDIbox derived products as closed source.

    The MIDIbox license otherwise stays unaltered: by default, no commercial use is allowed. Thus, commercial use of MIDIbox software or hardware has to be approved by me on a case-by-case basis. In general, it will only be granted to entities who have worked in the forums for years, have a proven track-record of established projects based on MIDIbox and have shown their ongoing support efforts to users of these projects.

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

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