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Posts posted by TK.

  1. Just set the ABW (ADSR Bug Workaround) flag on your sammichSID.

    Search on this page to get more information about the consequences: 

    • ABW (ADSR Bug Workaround): an option which provides a less usual method to overcome the ADSR bug. Whenever the envelope is retriggered, the ADSR registers will be zeroed for at least 30 mS (time can be increased with the delay parameter). Thereafter the original ADSR values will be written back, and the gate will be activated. This results into a more deterministic envelope, but the latency makes it unsuitable for live playing. So, this feature can only be used in conjunction with a sequencer, which allows to compensate the delay (which allows to play the notes earlier by a given time).

    Another way to avoid it: set A, D, R to 0 and let the SW based Filter ADSR control the volume - this will also work live - and is used by most sammichSID patches.

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  2. Analog pins are permanently polled by the AIN driver, this is done via DMA in background (so that the CPU isn't loaded)

    If you've to set pins before the next scan, then just use a AIN ServicePrepare callback.

    See also following tutorial which shows how to scan a touchscreen - actually a similar handling like described for your use case: https://github.com/midibox/mios32/tree/master/apps/tutorials/022_glcd_touchpanel

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  3. Hi Dhayv,

    unfortunately there is no way to change these parameters via SysEx independent from each over. In the Ctrlr Panel I solved this with some LUA scripting, but with generic MIDI controllers this will be difficult (resp. impossible).

    However, you could control it via NRPN instead, see: https://github.com/midibox/mios8/blob/master/apps/synthesizers/midibox_sid_v2/doc/mbsidv2_parameter_chart.txt

    To the hex numbers:

    $06 stands for "Direct Write of Parameter into Patch Buffer"

    $01 is the WOPT, explanation in the sysex doc

    $00 is the upper part of the parameter address

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  4. Das kann ich Dir reinkonfigurieren :)

            db      "CH    ",  4,  7,   1,    0     ; Track 8 // shared with OH, Switch via 4.6 (see DEFAULT_909LIKE_HH_CONTROL_ENABLED)
            db      "OH    ",  4,  7,   1,    0     ; Track 9 // shared with CH, Switch via 4.6 (see DEFAULT_909LIKE_HH_CONTROL_ENABLED)
    ;; Optional 909-like OH/CH selection pin.
    ;; In order to use this feature, set DEFAULT_909LIKE_HH_CONTROL_ENABLED to 1, and
    ;; select the tracks to which the OH and CH are assigned in DEFAULT_909LIKE_HH_TRACK_OH/CH.
    ;; Change the DEFAULT_TRKINFO table in the header of this file, so that both track triggers share the same pin!
    ;; Then define the DOUT pin which should select OH/CH in DEFAULT_909LIKE_HH_SWITCH_SR/PIN below
    #define DEFAULT_909LIKE_HH_CONTROL_ENABLED  1  ; 0 to disable, 1 to enable
    #define DEFAULT_909LIKE_HH_TRACK_OH         9  ; OH track number - this track will set the SWITCH pin to 0
    #define DEFAULT_909LIKE_HH_TRACK_CH         8  ; CH track number - will set the SWITCH pin to 1
    #define DEFAULT_909LIKE_HH_SWITCH_SR        4  ; DOUT shift register of the SWITCH (1..16, 0 disables the assignment)
    #define DEFAULT_909LIKE_HH_SWITCH_PIN       6  ; switch pin (0..7 for D0..D7)

    Somit: Trigger auf 4.7, Switch auf 4.6

    .hex File an bekannter Stelle.

    Gruss, Thorsten.

  5. Strange!

    Is it really time or note dependent?
    MBFM cycles the 6 voices whenever a new note it played, could it be that only a certain voices cause this sound (e.g. each 5th and 6th voice)?

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  6. On 2.2.2020 at 11:03 PM, imaginarion said:

    Another question, please: when i switch off SID, he dont memorized last preset. Is it amenable to adjustment?

    This isn't possible (and firmware changes in this direction are not recommended): the only permanent storage is an EEPROM, and it 1) has limited write cycles and 2) causes some delay during write operations.

    On 6.2.2020 at 11:06 AM, imaginarion said:

        SET_BSR    SID_BASE
        movwf    SID_KNOB_NUM, BANKED    ; will be needed again later
        rcall    SID_KNOB_GetPtr

    Are you using a 2x20 or 4x20 display?

    Parameter names are only displayed on a 4x20 LCD

    If this is the case, add:

    #if DEFAULT_LCD_LINES >= 3
            ;; request printing label
            call    CS_MENU_UpdateLabel

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  7. On 28.1.2020 at 10:48 PM, lukas412 said:

    Hello @TK. I was wondering if it would be possible to add additional clock dividers to the analog clock out. Having PPQN is nice, but being able to divide it down further would be really useful for me. In a modular a lot of time I will take 1 PPQN out and send to a clock divider module to create longer intervals. This can be worked around using the trigger out or a gate out but then you loose a track.

    Hi @lukas412 should be possible, I added this to the wishlist

    On 30.1.2020 at 7:44 AM, k2z3k0 said:

    Idea for option in LIVE REC MODE or maybe any REC MODE ,

    that listen to incoming data from recording port and checks channel number changes

    and immediately is selecting track accordingly on MbSeq

    So if during recording i move encoder of midi channel #1 it will select Track #1 on MbSeq

    Also after channel number change he waits (some number of steps for example)
    and then if channel number is changed then change it,this is to protect from short switches

    between channels which can cause undesired effects.

    Hi @k2z3k0 I added this to the wishlist as well. Could be available if Channel "Auto" is selected in Jam Mode MIDI Routing Config
    The mentioned wait time will be important (e.g. switch only if within the last second no event from another MIDI channel has been received).

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  8. Hi,

    CCs have to be explicitly enabled in the setup_*.asm file - by doing so, you also define the MIDI channels:

    ; Optional channels for configuration via CC (1-16, select 0 to disable)
    #define DEFAULT_MIDI_CHANNEL_CFG        0

    Best Regards, Thorsten.


  9. Hi Pavel,

    to 1 and 2: add


    under SID_KNOB_SetValue in sid_knob.inc

    To 3: MBSID has a pretty stable timing.
    I guess that you notice up to 30 mS lags due to the "well known" SID ADSR bug?
    See also http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_sid_manual_l.html and search for "ABW"

    There are two solutions: either set Attack/Decay/Release to 0, or enable the ADSR Bug Workaround (which will add a constant delay which has to be compensated in your DAW

    Best Regards, Thorsten. 

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