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Posts posted by TK.

  1. Hi,

    problem is understood, but it requires a firmware enhancement.

    I added following to the wish list:

    Song Mode: when a new pattern is selected, it would be helpful to sync the appr. tracks to the measures, e.g. to reset the LFO
    Add option for this behaviour.

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  2. It would be inexpensive if we could define a rule which simplifies the algorithm.

    E.g. let's say:

    • each instrument can be assigned to a group number x (x=0 for no assignment, 1..16)
    • on each step, the sequencer will only play the last instrument which has been assigned to the group, all other instruments assigned to the same group won't be played

    Due to the additional RAM consumption within the pattern storage space, such a feature could only be provided by the MBSEQ V4 Plus firmware, which requires a MBHP_CORE_STM32F4

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  3. Quote

    Looking at the diagram for non velocity keyboards it wasn't clear which end was the bass end I also assume that that loop can extend to 128 notes  or you can make a second clone and scan seperately?

    yes, up to 2 keyboards can be scanned separately.

    Alternatively - since no velocity is involved - you could also scan the keyboards as a DOUT_MATRIX. Up to 16 matrices are supported.

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  4. Yes, by telling the MBNG that a 8x8 DIN matrix is connected, it will scan the inputs and provide them for further event processing.

    In the cfg/tests directory you will find a lot of additional programming examples which might help: http://svnmios.midibox.org/listing.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Fcontrollers%2Fmidibox_ng_v1%2Fcfg%2Ftests%2F

    E.g. this example shows the most simple way to send Note Events from a DIN matrix: http://svnmios.midibox.org/filedetails.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Fcontrollers%2Fmidibox_ng_v1%2Fcfg%2Ftests%2Fblm8x8.ngc

    And when you compare this configuration with the detailed description under http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_ng_manual_ngc.html you will notice that there are much more possibilities - the example only gives you a starting point. 

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  5. The BLM_X is the right choice (and not the KEYBOARD driver)

    Programming Example: http://svnmios.midibox.org/listing.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Fexamples%2Fblm_x%2F

    Following configuration is required in mios32_config.h:

    // configure BLM_X driver
    #define BLM_X_NUM_ROWS            8
    #define BLM_X_BTN_NUM_COLS        8
    #define BLM_X_LED_NUM_COLS        8
    #define BLM_X_LED_NUM_COLORS      1
    #define BLM_X_ROWSEL_DOUT_SR      1
    #define BLM_X_LED_FIRST_DOUT_SR   2
    #define BLM_X_BTN_FIRST_DIN_SR    2
    #define BLM_X_ROWSEL_INV_MASK     0x00
    #define BLM_X_DEBOUNCE_MODE       1

    Schematic which shows the DIN/DOUT mapping: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_seq/mbseq_v4_dio_wilba_layout.pdf

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  6. On 21. März 2016 at 3:42 PM, jjonas said:

    However, I also tested Edit Recording mode a bit more, and found (and this is identical to pre5) that while Edit Recording mode does work in Mono/Poly with both SELECT and GP buttons (like I reported back earlier), this happens only when Fwd is 'on'. If Fwd is 'off' and you try to use Edit Recording mode with Poly, only one note gets recorded.

    should work now (link to pre8 below(

    On 21. März 2016 at 3:42 PM, jjonas said:

    If divider is doubled (speed halved) for the Guide Track, it will proceed only half-way before forcing pattern change. (See this comment and the next one.)

    issue is understood, but change isn't so easy, and will lead to incompatibilities.

    The background: the guide track defines the measure length in 16th notes unrelated to the track divider settings
    Maybe a proper documentation of this imperfection would help instead of an implementation change?

    • Muting a track cuts off all playing notes on that track, but muting an individual note layer doesn't do the same for the note that's currently playing in that layer -> hanging notes.

    Noticed in the wish list, but a change won't be so easy...

    2 hours ago, phillwilson said:

    Request 1 - F button functions for live record.

    did you already try the new BUTTON_RECORD behaviour which has been introduced in pre7?

    For me it sounds that it's doing what you've requested

    2 hours ago, phillwilson said:

    2. Request 2 – Transpose tracks being more musically related to the current scale.

    Could you please try following pre-release?

    -> http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_seq_v4_091_pre8.zip

    The transpose page got a new function >SCALE< which is active when you enter the page.
    Octave is controlled with GP2..8, and the semitone (based on the scale) is selected with GP9..16

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  7. Hallo,

    Du koenntest die LED zwischen zwei DOUT Pins anschliessen. Ein DOUT Pin sollte auf 1, der andere auf 0 stehen. So kontrollierst Du die Farbe.

    Es waere jedoch besser, wenn Du eine 3-Pin LED nimmst. So koenntest Du die LED auch noch in einer dritten Farbe (Rot+Gruen = Gelb) aufleuchten lassen

    Gruss, Thorsten. 

  8. 1 hour ago, jjonas said:

    Random gate trigger layer: is the chance 50/50 or something else

    yes, the probability is 50:50

    • Random value trigger layer: does this randomise all the values in all parameter layers of the step, or just some? Is the random value anything between 0-127, or is the intensity guided somehow?

    it will only randomize the note value between -12/12 semitones


    MODE page option 'Sort' for arpeggiator mode: how does it sort the notes? Into an ascending order..?

    Yes, in ascending order


    And is the unsorted note order the reverseof the play order, i.e. last played note is "number one" in the arpeggiator track notation?


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  9. 19 minutes ago, Lamster said:

    The 1.019 is metioned here in the NG first steps document http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_ng_manual_fs.html

    This page refers to a feature which was introduced with the MIDIbox NG version V1.019 (I added this detail to make it clear)

    20 minutes ago, Lamster said:

    I think more reading and revision is needed on my part while I get my head round the MIOS system. I realised that I can't type anything in the box so forcing single use USB is a problem

    commands have to be entered into the special text box under the terminal window

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  10. Hi,

    Bootloader V1.018 is fine, where did you find the hint that V1.019 should be used?


    I'm "guessing of course" that the NG project replaces the bootloader and is then not being loaded and causing some kind of lock up ?

    No, a MIOS32 application doesn't replace the bootloader, this part resists in a protected range.
    You could upload the application .hex file directly with ST Link, in this case the flash gets the bootloader + application binary
    In both cases MIDI upload should work


    Is that 1 ignorable error a factor in this?

    No, the ignorable error really can be ignored, no reason to be worried about that


    Questions to you:

    - which Windows version are you using?
    - some Windows versions require the "single_usb" option, see also: http://www.ucapps.de/mios32_bootstrap_newbies.html
    - note that the single_usb option will be overwritten to the default (0) whenever you are overwriting the flash contents with the ST link programmer.

    Proposal for further troubleshooting:

    - flash the MIOS32 bootloader update application again with ST Link
    - activate the single_usb option via MIOS Studio terminal as described in the "newbies" page (search for "single_usb")
    - after "store", reconnect the USB cable
    - wait until Windows found the device
    - re-open MIOS Studio
    - upload the application

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  11. On 11. März 2016 at 6:49 PM, jjonas said:

    MODE page 'Restart' option: there seems to be some false triggering going on with restart (one key press results in one or more triggerings), as well as short delays in re-starting the track sometimes

    I checked this at my side, the restart option works as expected.

    False Restart triggering might occur if multiple sources control the arpeggiator.
    It's important, that either your external keyboard, or a loopback track controls the T&A bus. They shouldn't control the bus at the same time

    The delay is due to the step synchronisation.

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

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