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Posts posted by TK.

  1. Alright, the problem with the chord display was, that it actually always displayed a label based on the first layer (and not the selected layer). This is fixed now.
    -> http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_seq_v4_092_pre3.zip

    I also added the support for 4 parameter layers in drum tracks.

    The implementation wasn't so difficult.
    Would be nice if you could help testing (also the other layer modes to ensure that I haven't corrupted something)

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  2. Hat wohl noch gefehlt - hier eine neue version: :happy:
    -> http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_ng_v1_036_pre2.zip

    Die digits lassen sich mit %L darstellen

    Hier ein Konfigurationsbeispiel - die bereits vorhandenen EVENT_LED_MATRIX konfigurationen muessen um fwd_to_lcd, lcd_pos und label erweitert werden:

    # Following example shows how LC digits could be displayed on a LCD with the events above
    # notes:
    # - replace the EVENT_LED_MATRIX configurations above by the new ones with lcd definitions
    # - change lcd positions by locations which are not used by other text messages yet!
    # EVENT_LED_MATRIX id=33 led_matrix_pattern=LcDigit  type=CC chn= 1 cc= 64  syxdump_pos=10:0  fwd_to_lcd=1  lcd_pos=1:14:1 label="%L"
    # EVENT_LED_MATRIX id=34 led_matrix_pattern=LcDigit  type=CC chn= 1 cc= 65  syxdump_pos=10:1  fwd_to_lcd=1  lcd_pos=1:13:1 label="%L"
    # EVENT_LED_MATRIX id=17 led_matrix_pattern=LcDigit  type=CC chn= 1 cc= 66  syxdump_pos=10:2  fwd_to_lcd=1  lcd_pos=1:11:1 label=".%L"
    # EVENT_LED_MATRIX id=18 led_matrix_pattern=LcDigit  type=CC chn= 1 cc= 67  syxdump_pos=10:3  fwd_to_lcd=1  lcd_pos=1:10:1 label="%L"
    # EVENT_LED_MATRIX id=19 led_matrix_pattern=LcDigit  type=CC chn= 1 cc= 68  syxdump_pos=10:4  fwd_to_lcd=1  lcd_pos=1:8:1  label=":%L"
    # EVENT_LED_MATRIX id=20 led_matrix_pattern=LcDigit  type=CC chn= 1 cc= 69  syxdump_pos=10:5  fwd_to_lcd=1  lcd_pos=1:7:1  label="%L"
    # EVENT_LED_MATRIX id=21 led_matrix_pattern=LcDigit  type=CC chn= 1 cc= 70  syxdump_pos=10:6  fwd_to_lcd=1  lcd_pos=1:5:1  label=":%L"
    # EVENT_LED_MATRIX id=22 led_matrix_pattern=LcDigit  type=CC chn= 1 cc= 71  syxdump_pos=10:7  fwd_to_lcd=1  lcd_pos=1:4:1  label="%L"
    # EVENT_LED_MATRIX id=23 led_matrix_pattern=LcDigit  type=CC chn= 1 cc= 72  syxdump_pos=10:8  fwd_to_lcd=1  lcd_pos=1:2:1  label=":%L"
    # EVENT_LED_MATRIX id=24 led_matrix_pattern=LcDigit  type=CC chn= 1 cc= 73  syxdump_pos=10:9  fwd_to_lcd=1  lcd_pos=1:1:1  label="%L"
    # # status digits
    # EVENT_LED_MATRIX id=39 led_matrix_pattern=LcDigit  type=CC chn= 1 cc= 75  syxdump_pos=11:1  fwd_to_lcd=1  lcd_pos=1:2:2  label="%L"
    # EVENT_LED_MATRIX id=40 led_matrix_pattern=LcDigit  type=CC chn= 1 cc= 74  syxdump_pos=11:0  fwd_to_lcd=1  lcd_pos=1:1:2  label="%L"

    Mit lcd_pos legst Du das display und die X/Y Koordinaten fest, und mit %L wird ein Logic Digit ausgegeben.

    Gruss, Thorsten.


  3. Great idea to use such a track to transpose/arpeggiate other tracks :)

    I'm surprised that a note layer is required to play a chord. I also can't reproduce the chord display issue at my side.
    Could you please send me an example pattern where you notice this?

    You can store the pattern into a file from the EVENT->Pattern page

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  4. This was related to a stupid mistake that I introduced during the last changes before pushing the release button :-/

    Here a new version:
    -> http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_seq_v4_092_pre2.zip

    Meanwhile I also added a more detailed description to the ChangeLog:

       o new parameter layers for track specific root note and scale
         Root selection strategy: if Root is assigned to any parameter 
         layer of a track, the layer can either select the global root 
         selection ("Glb") or set the root note for each step explicitely.
         The global root selection is configured in the FX->Scale page,
         it's either "Keyb" (for MIDI keyboard entry) or C, C#, ... B
         The local root selection is C, C#, ... B
         Notes and Chords will be transposed accordingly if the track is in
         Normal mode (and not in Transpose or Arpeggiator mode)
         Similar for Scale: it can override the globally configured scale
         of the FX->Scale page for each step.

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  5. No, it can't be related to a soldering issue

    I guess that you did all the required tests.
    With loopback you mean that you can send text messages in the MIOS Studio terminal and they are sent back?

    This is a mandatory test, because it ensures that SysEx messages can be sent correctly.
    If this doesn't work, the issue is related to your MIDI interface

    Best Regards, Thorsten.


  6. On 26.9.2016 at 0:41 PM, u-link said:

    I'd have a feature suggestion involving the LFO (to me one of the most useful features!):

    -independent bipolar LFO amount to all the destinations

    -a Trigger layer that can be configured as a Sample&Hold for the LFO values. When you program that trigger, the LFO value at that moment is being sent out. Alternatively, the different waveforms could just get the option "triggered" (like "SINEtrg") so the value is only sent when there is a note / trigger event. 

    added to wish list for MBSEQV4+

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  7. Quote

    This is a bit disruptive to workflow but may be mitigated a bit by using ALL to set an initial value for all steps in the track.

    yes, this is the intended way to setup a default value


    However, it also does this with PrgCh's which isn't what you want at all if you have a slow changing synth. If these tracks had a default position of Null meaning don't send data unless specifically set to a value, instead of the current situation it would help a lot.

    It's a general problem that each step only stores 7bit data, and program change is 7bit - means: no free value to turn off a step

    But I've to doublecheck if the 7bit limitation is still valid. Actually MBSEQ V4 has 8bit data per step, so that the 129th value could be used to turn of the step.

    I added this to the wish list

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  8. Well, actually this was on my agenda, because with the introduction of RAM based .NGR scripts the execution of MIDI clock events is fast enough.

    So, you simply have to tell MBNG what should be done on a MIDI clock event:

    • you could send one or more MIDI events immediately
    • or schedule the event(s) in the integrated sequencer (which was not directly accessible in previous MBNG versions)
    • you could also set/clear LEDs to display the step
    • you could control the note length from an additional encoder
    • you could also do that weird algorithmic stuff or whatever you want :)
    • also transposer, arpeggiator and similar gimmicks should be possible, just requires some clever .NGR programming


    When you look into the .NGC file you will note, that I prepared 4 banks.
    Which means, that you can switch between 4 different patterns with the SCS Softbuttons: http://svnmios.midibox.org/filedetails.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Fcontrollers%2Fmidibox_ng_v1%2Fcfg%2Ftests%2Fseq1.ngc

    The 5th Soft button can be used to start/stop the sequencer in master mode.

    If MIDI clock is received, the sequencer automatically switches into slave mode

    The example setup is prepared for the LRE8x2 with LED Rings - but it should be easy to customize it to any hardware.
    Also with pots, or buttons (for drum sequencing)

    Here a pre-release which enables the new features:


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  9. Hallo,

    ich vermute, dass es aufgrund der langen Schieberegister-Ketten zu den Unstabilitaeten kommt.
    Urspruenglich wurden nur bis zu 16 Schieberegister hintereinander unterstuetzt (= 4 DINX4 und 4 DOUTX4 Module), sobald die Kette laenger wird, koennen die beschriebenen Probleme auftreten.

    Abhilfe verschafft die hier beschriebene Line Transmitter/Receiver Schaltung: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_line_driver.html

    Sie sollte spaetestens nach dem 16. Schieberegister eingefuegt werden, bzw. sobald zwischen zwei Schieberegistern ein laengeres Kabel verwendet wird (in ihrem Fall also bereits nach dem 1. DIN)

    Gruss, Thorsten.

  10. V4.091 is now available under http://www.ucapps.de/mios32_download.html

    From the ChangeLog:

    MIDIboxSEQ V4.091
       o new parameter type "Chord2" provides an alternative set of 32 chords
       o new parameter type "Aftertouch" allows to send and record channel pressure events
       o CPU load display has been re-adjusted for LPC17 and STM32F4
       o hwcfg/wilba*/MBSEQ_HW.V4: default F1-F4 assignments changed to:
         F1: Track Select, F2: Live Forwarding, F3: Recording, F4: Save All
       o MBSEQ_HW.V4: added new button/LED functions: FX, MOVE, SCROLL
       o MBSEQ_HW.V4: added new LED_MEASURE function which will activate a LED
         when the first step of the measure is played.
       o CC Parameter layer label now prints "#<number>" instead of "CC"
       o Jam page: AStart now starts to record into first step in 
         live recording mode (as intended), it starts on the selected step
         in step recording mode
       o Purpose of Record and Live Button & LED change:
         they switch between record (and live) mode w/o changing to the Jam page
       o new button/LED combo: JAM_LIVE and JAM_STEP: they switch to the JAM
         page and select Live resp. Step recording mode
       o BLM16x16+X keyboard can now record into any track
       o Transpose page now allows selection based on Scale
       o New option page item #10 "Initial Gate Trigger Layer" 
         (empty or trigger on each 4th step)
       o Event configuration page: new drum track configuration 2*64/2*128
       o AOUT: added suskey function (AKA fingered portamento: slew rate only
         enabled if more than 2 keys are played)
         This function can be enabled in the CV Configuration page
       o removed obsolete (non-working) pattern based scale control
       o fixed LED behaviour in Step View page (corrected display if page is deselected)
       o various minor bugfixes & improvements

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  11. @Rowan: unfortunately merging MBSEQ and MBCV isn't possible - too many conflicts, too much work to solve the conflicts, and at the end it would also influence the performance of both apps (running in parallel)

    @Andrew: I just hacked this into the firmware without testing.

    Could you please try this version?

    -> http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_seq_v4_091_pre9.zip

    SusKey is always enabled, currently it can only be disabled by editing the MBSEQ_GC.V4 file in the root directory

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  12. Hi Michael,

    caps should be ok, but I can't say if the pk2cmd will program the PIC correctly.

    Very important hint: don't forget to add the 10 uF cap between 5V and ground, otherwise the PIC won't boot.

    Only additional debugging help: the green power LED should turn on, otherwise the firmware isn't running...

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  13. I'm aware of your intentions, but it doesn't work for me.

    Putting labels at the wrong place leaves a very bad user impression.
    It's a no-go for a good frontpanel layout.
    It's clear that you intent to add them as a reminder for GP button assignment, but not there!

    For learning purposes somebody could just print out a template and place it over or under the device, but later he won't need it anymore (or only if he didn't use the device for a long time).

    Btw.: the labels will also reduce flexibility for future improvements.

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  14. Hi,

    relative changes can be sent with the various relative value modes, example:

    EVENT_ENC    id=  1  type=NRPN  chn= 1  nrpn=1  enc_mode=40Speed
    EVENT_ENC    id=  2  type=NRPN  chn= 1  nrpn=2  enc_mode=40Speed
    EVENT_ENC    id=  3  type=NRPN  chn= 1  nrpn=3  enc_mode=40Speed
    EVENT_ENC    id=  4  type=NRPN  chn= 1  nrpn=4  enc_mode=40Speed

    Aside from 40Speed, there is also 00Speed, Inc00Speed_Dec40Speed, Inc41_Dec3F, Inc01_Dec7F, Inc01_Dec41

    These are all "relative values" (I guess that this is for what you asked for)

    Sending different NRPN numbers would be possible with conditional events.

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  15. I mean all helper labels.

    ARM selection labels at the top: don't belong to the top LEDs, they belong to the GP leds when ARM page is selected

    SEQ1/SEQ2 lines at the top: don't belong to the top LEDs as well

    Scale selection labels below above position LEDs: don't belong to these LEDs, they belong to the GP LEDs when the Scale page is selected.

    Remaining helper label line under GP buttons: under these circumstances doesn't make sense anymore... either all GP functions will be labeled at the right place, or they won#t be labeled at all, and users have to find a different way to memo the assignments - I would remove this line as well

    Summary: remove "helper" labels and SEQ1/SEQ2 helper lines

    Best Regards, Thorsten.


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