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Everything posted by TK.

  1. Hi Dan, the initialization is exactly the same - the display will be turned on with the "0x3f" command, thereafter you should see the pixels. Also the bus interface is exactly the same. Are you able to control the contrast? Do you see gray pixels? If not, the Vee->V0 connection via the pot has not been setuped correctly. You could also measure Vee against ground, should be ca. -10V. The level at V0 should be between -8V and -10V Another possible reason could be the reset line (remember the HD64240 problem?). The reset input should be tied to +5V. If this doesn't work, try ground (the datasheet doesn't make clear if the reset is inverted or not) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  2. yes, the application registers all incoming LED status messages so that they are also saved during the alternative layer is active :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  3. Hi Dan, in this case the best solution is to set the BPM to "MIDI slave", so that the box synchronizes to the MIDI clock and starts/stops with the appr. controll messages which are sent by Logic. If the box doesn't receive the clock, you possibly have to enable this under Options->Settings->Synchronisation Settings Best Regards, Thorsten.
  4. TK.


    Hallo Johannes, ja, Du bist kurz davor :) Nun hilft es nur noch, die 5V Versorgungsleitung nachzuverfolgen. Irgendwo ist die Verbindung zum 7805 unterbrochen. Gruss, Thorsten.
  5. Yes, the power supply doesn't deliver enough current. If possible just fade down the backlight Best Regards, Thorsten.
  6. Hi Dan, not this isn't correct. The shift registers have to be defined in the main.asm file: ;; used by lc_ledrings.inc LEDRINGS_SR_CATHODES EQU 8 ; shift register with cathodes of the 8 LED rings LEDRINGS_SR_ANODES_1 EQU 10 ; first shift register with anodes of the 8 LED rings LEDRINGS_SR_ANODES_2 EQU 11 ; second shift register with anodes of the 8 LED rings note that here the shift registers are counted from 0. This means: number 8 is the 9th shift register in the chain Best Regards, Thorsten.
  7. I didn't create my schematics with eagle, so they will not help :-/ However, the modules are so compact that you can just join them together - it will save a lot of effort! Best Regards, Thorsten.
  8. In some menues the snapshot button is also used for other functions. But it's ok, you can use the "snapshot" function for restore and another for store, or you can hold the snapshot button 3 seconds in order to store the bank - the function itself is defined via "Special Function Button" event (some kind of meta event, see the appr. list for available functions) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  9. I would prefer the EC24E, it costs the same but sends 24 pulses/rotation. In the catalouge it isn't clear if this is really a detented or non-detent type - however, if it is detented it will only work with MIOS Best Regards, Thorsten.
  10. It will also work well with PIC16F877 :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  11. A very impressive layout :) Just a note: the touch sensors require an additional DIN shift register which can be connected at the end of the last DINX4 To the box layout: I would add at least one dedicated button for MIDIbox LC specific functions. Currently following functions are supported (see lc_io_table.inc): #define ID_MBLC_DISPLAY_PAGE0 0x80 ; switch to page 0 #define ID_MBLC_DISPLAY_PAGE1 0x81 ; switch to page 1 #define ID_MBLC_DISPLAY_PAGE2 0x82 ; switch to page 2 #define ID_MBLC_DISPLAY_PAGE3 0x83 ; switch to page 3 #define ID_MBLC_DISPLAY_NEXT 0x84 ; switch to next page #define ID_MBLC_SWITCH_LAYER0 0x90 ; switch to layer 0 (like radiobutton) #define ID_MBLC_SWITCH_LAYER1 0x91 ; switch to layer 1 (like radiobutton) #define ID_MBLC_TOGGLE_LAYER 0x92 ; like a "caps lock" key #define ID_MBLC_HOLD_LAYER 0x93 ; like a common "shift" key #define ID_MBLC_SWITCH_LEDMETER0 0x98 ; ledrings are working as normal #define ID_MBLC_SWITCH_LEDMETER1 0x99 ; ledrings are working as meters #define ID_MBLC_TOGGLE_LEDMETER 0x9a ; like a "caps lock" key #define ID_MBLC_HOLD_LEDMETER 0x9b ; like a common "shift" key just pick your favourite behaviour. I think at least a shift button with "hold" function should be used, this enables you to switch the LEDs and all other buttons (in later versions also the encoders and motorfaders) to an alternative layer. Best Regards, Thorsten,.
  12. Hi Dan, this is one of the good ones - as you can see in the datasheet: it stores the pixels vertically. The command set is compatible, so it should work with GLCD mode 1 w/o problems. Would be great if you could ensure this :) 2) yes, this has to be programmed. No problem with MIOS so far, but requires some skills 3) if you want to use it as second GLCD: yes, a second core. For MIDIbox Link just connect the grounds together and MO of the "master core" to the MI of the "slave core". Thereafter the "master core" (your MIDIbox LC) can send special SysEx strings or similar to control the second GLCD via remote (but here again: implementation is easy - routine has to be inserted into the MIDI processor handler - but requires programming skills) 4) no, you would have to program an additional layer Best Regards, Thorsten.
  13. TK.

    Mios LCD?

    not really, but for myself it's some kind of sport to get it running ;-) It's still usefull for applications which are more relaxed on timings. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  14. TK.


    Ok, der Optokoppler wird mit Spannung versorgt, aber liefert kein Signal. Nun mal die andere Seite testen: Die LED sollte nun nur dann leuchten, wenn MIDI-Daten empfangen werden. Je hoeher die Datendichte, desto heller. Falls sie nicht leuchtet, solltest Du nochmal die Polung der Diode vor dem Optokoppler ueberpruefen. Falls sich dann immer noch nichts tut, hilft vielleicht noch folgender Trick um die Funktion des MIDI-Interfaces am PC sicherzustellen: schliesse einfach den MIDI-Out an den MIDI-In (Feedback-Schleife) und sende mit MIDI-Ox ein beliebiges MIDI-Event (bspw. das virtuelle Keyboard aktivieren). MIDI-Ox sollte das Event anschliessend sowohl im Output, als auch im Input-Fenster anzeigen. Gruss, Thorsten.
  15. TK.


    Hallo Johannes, hast Du zufaellig eine LED zur Hand? Damit koenntest Du das MIDI-In Signal direkt am PIC testen: Fuer diesen Test loetest Du am besten zwei Kabel an die Unterseite des Core Moduls. Die LED sollte immer aufleuchten (Polung beachten: das kurze Beinchen ist die Kathode und muss ueber den Vorwiderstand an Vss angeschlossen werden). Solange nur vereinzelte MIDI-Events empfangen werden, tut sich nicht viel, bei einem laengeren SysEx Stream sollte die LED jedoch merkbar flackern. Solange die LED direkt am Rx Pin angeschlossen ist, wird der PIC uebrigens keine MIDI-Daten erkennen (die LED verbraucht zuviel Strom), aber Du kannst auf diese Weise feststellen, ob die Verbindungen zwischen dem MIDI-In Port und dem Rx Pin ok sind. Falls die LED nicht aufleuchtet, koenntest Du das Signal auch mal am Optokoppler ueberpruefen (Pin IC2:6). Falls da nichts rauskommt, ueberpruefe Pin IC2:8 (den +5V Eingang des Optokopplers - vielleicht kommt die Versorgungsspannung nicht an) Gruss, Thorsten.
  16. The reason why I haven't started with a public PayPal account yet is that I want to prevent that people transfer much money to my account in the hope that I would do some individual extra work for them (developing a customized hardware or something similar). Sometimes it's really difficult to explain them that I only want to realize things which are interesting for myself, which brings the running projects forward and which helps me to improve my knowledge about electronic and software development. I guess that most of the people who are working on free stuff are thinking the same. The MIDIbox projects are just my personal contribution to the public domain, my "thank you" for the free stuff which I'm using for my own work. However, donations... hmmmm.... maybe somebody of you know the good old days before internet when public domain names requested to send them postcards. It would be nice to see some pictures of the country/state/city/township from where you are coming from. I'm also very happy with CDs from your own music or from your favourite artist (I remember: Steven started with it some months ago, and in the meantime I own a nice collection of special CDs, donated by MIDIbox users, which I mostly hear during my tinkering sessions :)) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  17. TK.


    Hallo Johannes, wie sieht denn Dein Powerswitch aus? Hast Du dafuer eine Bestellnummer? Mich wuerde es auch mal interessieren, wie man mit einem Schalter ein Netzteil ueberfordern kann. Zum MIOS upload: bei einem jungfraeulichen Chip ist es normal, dass der "Request for Upload" String alle 2 Sekunden gesendet wird. Waehrend des Uploads sollten jedoch Acknowledges erscheinen. Vermutlich ist der MIDI-In nicht richtig angeschlossen (polung pruefen) Gruss, Thorsten.
  18. danach habe ich bisher leider auch vergeblich gesucht :-/ Gruss, Thorsten.
  19. TK.

    shift register

    Hallo Sebastian, die Zuordnung ergibt sich aus der Reihenfolge in der die Shiftregister "verkettet" wurden. Das erste SR, das direkt am Core angeschlossen ist, ist also Nummer 1, das naechste Nummer 2, etc. Gruss, Thorsten.
  20. Hi Steve, yes, should work. By default both CLCDs are enabled in main.asm: #define LCD_USE_SECOND 1 ; the emulation handles with two character LCDs if 1 Best Regards, Thorsten.
  21. Fine :) But what was the reason for the failure? Best Regards, Thorsten.
  22. Hi Gilles, the program change event is the right one to change to another patch. Are you sure that the BankStick has been connected properly? (You will hear a short tune when it is regognized by the MBSID). If the BankStick is not available, every patch number will point to the internal EEPROM (-> to a single patch) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  23. Yes, it is :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  24. Hi Ian, I'm not sure about the max. PPR rate, it's hard to create an equation that estimates this value, as it depends on different parameters: rotation speed, axis size, pulse width... the only spec that I can give you is that MIOS is able to sample for transitions every microsecond (-> specified with MIOS_SRIO_UpdateFrqSet). However, from my experience rotary encoders which are specified with up to 36 PPR are working w/o problems. I haven't tested "faster" encoders yet. (Note the the resolution will be doubled by the driver to 72 PPR) to the encoder order: at least the prices would be interesting. :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  25. TK.

    Mios LCD?

    Yes, KS0108 based GLCDs are already supported, the T6963C controller will be available with MIOS V1.2 --- but the performance of this driver will be very poor. The reason for this is the fact that the T6963C stores the graphical data in horizontal lines and not in vertical lines. This makes it necessary to rotate the fonts by 90° via bitmapping. E.g., for 4x8 chars which are used by the LC emulation, 32 bits have to be copied before the final character can be copied into the LCD memory via Read-Modify-Write. For a KS0108 based display the driver just only have to transfer 4 bytes to the display. So: T6963C controllers are cheap, but not really usefull. I haven't tested yet if the complete LC emulation can already run with only one core module when this GLCD is used. Maybe two cores are required for this configuration. Best Regards, Thorsten.
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